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Process of rebuilding Southern state governments post-Civil War.
Southern Economy Post-War
Severely damaged; plantation economy in shambles.
Lincoln's Plan
Lenient approach requiring 10% loyalty re-pledge.
Wade-Davis Bill
Proposed 50% loyalty re-pledge; harsher than Lincoln's plan.
Andrew Johnson
Lincoln's VP; complex leader with poor Southern background.
Johnson's Reconstruction Policy
10% plan with added restrictions on Confederate leaders.
Black Codes
Laws restricting rights of former slaves in the South.
Veto Power Usage
Johnson vetoed legislation against Black Codes frequently.
Radical Republicans
Group advocating for increased rights for Black Americans.
Johnson's Pardons
Granted to former Confederate leaders to gain support.
Reconstruction Goals
Reintegrate Southern states while addressing social issues.
Federal Support
Essential for Southern recovery after the Civil War.
Political Rights Loss
Former Confederate leaders lost political rights under Johnson.
Civil War Aftermath
New social problems emerged in the South post-war.
Sherman's Impact
Crippled Georgia, contributing to Southern economic collapse.
Richmond's Destruction
City burned down, symbolizing Southern devastation.
Moderate Republicans
Alienated by Johnson's policies, leading to Radical rise.
Voting Rights Advocacy
Radical Republicans pushed for Black voting rights.
Legislative Pushback
Republican Congress aimed to counteract Black Codes.
Southern State Constitutions
Required to exclude slavery for re-acceptance into Union.
Political Tension
Wade-Davis Bill aimed to prolong North-South conflict.
14th Amendment
Established citizenship and rights for all Americans.
Reconstruction Acts of 1867
Divided South into military districts for control.
Impeachment of Johnson
Congress attempted to remove Johnson over dismissals.
System resembling slavery, limiting Black Americans' freedom.
Freedmen's Bureau
Welfare agency aiding freed Black Americans post-Civil War.
Black Communities
Formed around churches and Black-led organizations.
Southern Republicans supporting Northern political power.
Northerners moving South for political and economic opportunities.
White Supremacy
Prevalent ideology causing discrimination against Black Americans.
Military Districts
Regions controlled by Union army during Reconstruction.
Radical Republicans
Political group pushing for strong Reconstruction measures.
Civil Rights
Legal protections for all citizens, especially Black Americans.
Southern States
Faced restrictions on denying rights to Black citizens.
Job Discrimination
Black Americans faced barriers in Northern job markets.
Education Access
Freedmen's Bureau helped increase educational opportunities.
Migrant Movements
Black Americans relocating to frontier states for better opportunities.
Black Ministers
Leaders in Black communities, fostering social cohesion.
Political Power
Republicans sought to maintain control over Southern states.
Result of job discrimination faced by Black Americans.
Social Problems
Issues arising from economic hardships in Black communities.
Union Army
Enforced Reconstruction policies in Southern military districts.
Southern Sympathizers
Individuals opposing Radical Reconstruction, favoring traditional values.
Northerners exploiting South's economy post-Civil War.
Universal Male Suffrage
Political reform granting voting rights to all men.
Property Rights for Women
Legal rights allowing women to own property.
Welfare Systems
Programs established to support disadvantaged individuals.
Infrastructure Development
Improvements in transportation and public facilities.
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Hate group formed by Southern Civil War veterans.
Waving the Bloody Shirt
Republican tactic reminding voters of Civil War.
15th Amendment
Constitutional guarantee of voting rights for all citizens.
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Attempted to ensure equal rights in public spaces.
Election of 1876
Contested election leading to compromise and end of Reconstruction.
Compromise of 1877
Agreement ending Reconstruction in exchange for presidency.
Grandfather Clause
Voting eligibility based on grandfather's voting status.
Poll Tax
Fee required to vote, disproportionately affecting poor.
Literacy Test
Assessment to qualify for voting, often unfairly applied.
Laissez-faire Economics
Economic system with minimal government intervention.
Social Darwinism
Application of survival of the fittest to society.
Growth of factories and mass production systems.
Raw Materials
Natural resources used for manufacturing goods.
Expendable Workforce
Labor force that can be easily replaced.
Capital Investment
Funds provided for business development and growth.
Corporation-Friendly Government
Policies favoring business interests over regulation.
Andrew Johnson
17th U.S. President, faced impeachment post-Civil War.
Ulysses S. Grant
18th U.S. President and Civil War general.
Robber Barons
Wealthy industrialists exploiting labor and resources.
Transcontinental Railroad
Railroad connecting east and west, enhancing settlement.
Vertical Integration
Owning all production stages to increase profits.
Horizontal Integration
Acquiring competitors to dominate a market.
Gospel of Wealth
Philosophy advocating rich to help the poor.
Class System
Hierarchy from richest to poorest in society.
White Collar Workers
Professionals in non-manual skilled jobs.
Blue Collar Workers
Manual laborers in skilled jobs.
Wage Laborers
Low-paid workers facing dangerous conditions.
Assembly Line
Manufacturing process with repetitive tasks.
American Federation of Labor
Union for skilled workers advocating labor rights.
Knights of Labor
Inclusive labor union for all workers.
Workers' protests for better conditions and pay.
Collective Bargaining
Negotiation between employers and employees.
Haymarket Bombing
Violent protest linked to labor movement.
Closed Shop
Union-only workplace ensuring job security.
Group of businesses coordinating to fix prices.
Sherman Antitrust Act
Law aimed at curbing monopolies and trusts.
John D. Rockefeller
Oil magnate known for horizontal integration.
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Railroad and shipping tycoon of the era.
J.P. Morgan
Financier who influenced steel and railroads.
Civil Service Act
Reformed government hiring to reduce corruption.
Interstate Commerce Act
Regulated railroad rates and practices.