Rural- Urban migration- the movement of people from the countryside into towns and cities.
Natural increase- where the birth rate is higher than the death rate
Farming is hard and poorly paid
Desertification and soil erosion making farming difficult
Drought and other climate hazards reduce crop yields
Farming is often at subsistence level, producing only enough food for the family, leaving nothing to sell.
poor harvests may lead to malnutrition or famine
few doctors or hospitals
schools provide only a very basic education
rural areas are isolated due to poor roads
Well paid jobs
Higher standard of living is possible
friends and family living there
better chance of getting an education
Public transport is better
a range of entertainment are available
better medical facilities
Four urban hearth areas arose from:
Mesopotamia - between Tigris and Euphrates River is modern day Iraq.
Northern Egypt - adjacent to the Nile River
Indus River Valley - modern day Pakistan
Huang Yellow RIver Valley - modern day China