1 Samuel Presentation (copy)

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When was 1 Samuel written?

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When was 1 Samuel written?

The Exile.

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What was the problem with Israel?

Each tribe was going itā€™s own way because there was no king to centralize them.

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What are the pros of being a nation (with a king)?

Unity of purpose, Strength in numbers, Israel would be like the other nations, and they would grow in strength and power.

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What are the cons of being a nation (with a king)?

Obscures that fact that God is the King, Israel unlike other nations (chosen people), and bad kings can ruin Israel.

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Who was Samuelā€™s (prophet) mother?

Hannah, a barren woman.

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What happened when Samuel was born?

Samuel became a Nazorite (same as Samson) and also she sang a song super similar to magnificat.

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Where was Samuel raised?

He was raised at the shrine in Shiloh by priest Eli (Ark of Covenant at shrine).

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God calls Samuel at night, 3 times, what happens third?

Eli figures out it must be God so he has Samuel say ā€œSpeak Lord, for your servant is listening

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Who did Elijah and Elisha prophecize against?

Ahab and Jebezel.

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Why was Eli punished by God?

He didnā€™t discipline his sons.

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Who is the next king after David


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Who declares himself King as David gets closer to death


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How does Solomon become king

Bathsheba goes to David and tells him of what Adonijah is doing. Nathan comes and confirms the story. David then anoint Solomon.

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What is Solomon mounted on when he becomes king

A mule

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What city is Solomon anointed king


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Where does Adonijah seek asylum

The altar

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What does David instructions Solomon to do

  1. Remain faithful to the lord

  2. Take vengeance where David had not

  3. Keep others close because they were loyal in David's time

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Who does Solomon kill due to David's last words


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How long did David rule

40 years, lived to 70 years old

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Who does adonijah ask to be his wife

Abishag the Shunamite

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What does adonijah asking abishag to be his wife represent.

It represented trying to claim the throne

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Who was abishag

David's nurse in his old age

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What does Solomon begin to worship

Other idols/ gods

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What does solomon ask for from God when he appears to him in a dream

An understanding heart

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What does God give to solomon

The gift of wisdom, which makes him the wisest person

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What happens after he gets this gift

2 whore argue about whose child a baby is. 1 woman claims that the other killed her own baby and then stole her baby, while they were sleeping. Solomon proposes the solution of killing the baby. 1 agrees, while the other is willing to give it to the other instead of this. Solomon gives it to the one that is not willing.

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Traditionally, who wrote the wisdom books of the bible

Solomon, but this may not be the case

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Who asks Solomon questions, is breathless when she sees that it is real, and gives a lot of gold and spices as payment.

Queen of Sheba. Maybe from Africa or Arabia, which means she is probably of the darker skin tone. šŸ’

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What does Solomon introduce to his people (bad thing)

Forced labor

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How many districts does Solomon divide Israel into

12 districts in disregard for tribal claims, while also imposing work and heavy taxes onto them.

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Which tribe does Solomon favor

The tribe of Judah

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What does Solomon build

A temple around the ark of the covenant made out of gold

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What was godā€™s warning and promise to solomon

Promise: if Solomon remains faithful, observing the law and carrying it out, then Israel will not be forsaken

Warning: If Solomon and his descendants forsake the covenant, then the temple will become a heap of ruins

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How was Israel economy at this time

Extremely wealthy

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How many wives and concubines did Solomon have

700 wives and 300 concubines

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What did Solomon do with his pagan wives

He tolerates and even participated in the worship of their gods

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What can Solomon no longer distinguish between.

The Lord and the pagan gods

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What do people begin to do under Solomon's rule

They begin to revolt

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Who is anointed king of 10 of the tribes of israel

Jeroboam, happens after Solomon dies

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What does Solomon try to do to jeroboam

He tries to kill him

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How long did Solomon reign as king

40 years

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Who succeds Solomon


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What happens when Saul goes to pee in a cave while hunting for David

David and his soldiers are in the cave. He sneaks up and cuts the fabric of his cloak, which shows that he could kill him. The soldiers want Solomon dead, but David will not kill the lords anointed. Saul leaves the cave and David follows him to tell him what happened. Saul asks for forgiveness and cries like a little wuss.

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What happens after this

Samuel dies of old age and David goes to his funeral

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Who does David ask for food when his men need it

Nabal, a Shepard who David had helped before

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What does Nabal do in response

Says that he does not know David. David thinks about attacking him

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Who is Nabal's wife


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What does Abigail do for David to appease him

She gives David a gift of food, apologizing and asking for mercy. He accepts

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What happens to nabal after he hears of this

He dies

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What does David do after Nabal's death

He asks for Abigail's hand in marriage, which represents his gratitude for stopping a battle.

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What does Saul do in attempt to lessen David's claim on the throne

He gives Mical to someone else in marriage

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As Saul continues to pursue David, what does he do

David and his soldier, Abishai, go into Solomon's camp and steals his spear and water jug that are by his head. Abishai wants to kill him, but David refuses. They get a safe distance away and taunts Abner. Saul asks for forgiveness again and goes back home.

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Who does David for protection

The Philistines

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What happens after David stays with the Philistibes

Saul stop his pursuit of them

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Who is the philistine king


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How does David trick achish

He claims that he is attacking Israelite towns, but is instead attacking Caananite towns for their livestock

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How long did David stay with the philistines

Over a year

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What happens when the philisyines decide to attack Israel

Achish asks David to help him; David agrees

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What do the gberals think of David

They don't trust him, which lead to Achish being convinced to not allow David into battle. David didn't plan on attacking his own people, but planned on attacking the philistines.

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