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urbane (adj.)
polished, suave, sophisticated, cultured
urbanity (n.)
polish, suavity, sophistication
under or outside
suburbanite (n.)
one who lives just outside of the city (in the suburbs)
exurbanite (n.)
one who lives way outside the city
intra-, intro-
specio, spectus, specto
(to) look
introspect (v.)
look inside oneself
with or together
consensus (n.)
a "feeling together"; general agreement
away or apart
(to) feel
dissension (n.)
a "feeling apart"; friction, disagreement
sensation (n.)
a feeling, usually physical
intramural (adj.)
within the walls of an institution
mural (n.)
a painting on a wall
insensible (adj.)
without feeling or awareness; indifferent
insensibility (n.)
noun form of "insensible"
introspection (n.)
noun form of "introspect"
introspective (adj.)
adjective form of "introspect"
sensational (adj.)
causing interest or excitement
sensual (adj.)
pursuing or causing erotic sensations
sensuality (n.)
noun form of "sensual"
extramural (adj.)
outside the walls of an institution
extrasensory (adj.)
beyond the ordinary channels of perception
muralist (n.)
one whose specialty is painting on walls
intravenous (adj.)
directly into the veins
urban (adj.)
referring to a city/cities
immure (v.)
to imprison, seclude as if behind walls
intraurban (adj.)
within a city
suburb (n.)
area just outside the city
exurb (n.)
area way outside the city
spectator (n.)
one who looks or watches
inspect (v.)
to look into
spectacle (n.)
something to look at
spectacles (n.)
eyeglasses (for looking)
expect (v.)
to look out; anticipate
introvert (n.)
one turned inside
extrovert (n.)
one turned outside