Government Unit 6

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Supreme Court

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Supreme Court

created by the U.S. Constitution; highest court in the United States; highest court in the United States and is the ultimate appellate court; has both original and appellate jurisdiction.

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lower federal courts

created by Congress

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written by the justices in order to announce their decision in a case

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legal brief

written legal argument outlining each party's point of law that is submitted to the Supreme Court prior to the oral argument

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original jurisdiction

the Supreme Court of the United States will be the first to hear the case

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judicial review

how the Judicial Branch controls the other two branches of government; Supreme Court has the power to declare laws of Congress and actions taken by the executive branch unconstitutional

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Marbury v. Madison

granted the power of the court to interpret a law; power of judicial review was interpreted through this court case

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Senate Judiciary Committee

holds hearings in which the legislative branch investigates potential nominees to the Supreme Court

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confirms judges after they are appointed to the federal bench; has the power to confirm the President's appointees to the Supreme Court

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appoints judges to the federal bench

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judicial branch

branch of government that has the fewest controls on its powers

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district court

main trial court in the federal system; court in which most cases originate; there are 94 of these federal courts including at least one in each state; have original jurisdiction and can hear civil and criminal cases

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circuit courts

only have appellate jurisdiction; there are 12 of these courts; known as higher courts in the federal system

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appellate court

primary role is to review a decision made by a lower court.

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Tinker vs. Des Moines

a student's right to free speech does not end at the school house door.

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Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

struck down the Communications Decency Act. as unconstitutional

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United States vs. Nixon

limited the President's use of executive privilege

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Wyatt v. Stickney

significant in establishing the rights of the mentally ill

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Roe vs. Wade

recognized a woman's right to an abortion

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Miranda vs. Arizona

court ruled that persons arrested must be informed of his or her right to remain silent.

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Wallace v. Jaffree

interpreted the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment when it ruled a law to allow prayer in class violated the establishment of religion since the school system is a branch of the government

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Powell v. Alabama

the court ruled that in a capital trial the defendant must be given access to counsel upon his or her own request.

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Gideon v. Wainwright

right for an attorney to be provided for anyone accused in a criminal trial in the United States

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McCulloch v. Maryland

court ruled that the power of federal government is supreme to that of the states.

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Texas v. Johnson

court ruled that burning of the American flag is protected symbolic speech.

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confirmation hearing.

An announced nominee for the United States Supreme Court sits before the Senate Judiciary Committee giving answers to questions being asked by the Senators on the committee.

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the provisions of the United States Constitution.

what the Supreme Court holds as its most important consideration in deciding a case

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deeply held beliefs that a candidate has

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what justices attempt to be once they are appointed to the court; judges are expected to act this way and not announce a party affiliation.

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loose constructionists

Justices who believe powers are implied for the federal government by the Necessary and Proper Clause

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strict constructionists

justice makes decisions that are based on the specific powers granted in the United States Constitution; will make decisions based on what the Framers are believed to have intended when they wrote the United States Constitution.

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