No thought of food or rest was able to drag him away from there ,but sprawled on the shady grass he stared at the deceitful shape with a gaze that was never satisfied - and it was by his own eyes that he perished. Then raising himself a little and holding out his arms to the encircling woods, he said, 'O woods, who has ever loved more cruelly? You should know, for you have been a lucky meeting-place for many. Do you, who have lived for so many centuries, recall anyone in that long time who has wasted away like this? What I see pleases me, but what pleases me to see I cannot reach: I am in love, but all I feel is confusion! I grieve all the more, since no great ocean separates us, nor a highway nor mountains nor city walls with closed gates: we are kept apart by the tiniest stretch of water. He himself desires to be embraced, for as often as I reach out to kiss him through the clear water, he, with upturned face, strives to reach me. You would think he could be touched. It is such a small thing that stands in the way of our love.