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Catacomb of Priscilla/Greek Chapel/200 CE/Rome/Tufa and fresco
Orant fresco/from the Catacombs of Priscilla
Good shepherd fresco/Catacomb of Priscilla
Santa Sabina/432 CE/Rome/brick stone wood roof
Santa Sabina floor plan
Vienna Genesis/Rachel and Eliezer at the well/early 500s CE/illuminated manuscript/pigment on vellum
Jacob wrestling the angel
San Vitale/526 CE/Ravenna, Italy/brick, marble, stone
San Vitale floor plan
San Vitale: Justinian and Attendants
San Vitale: Theodora and Attendants
Hagia Sophia/Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus/532 CE/Istanbul/brick, ceramic, stone, mosaic/commissioned by Justinian and Theodora
Virgin and child between saints Theodore and George/500 CE/Sinal (early byzantine)/encaustic on wood