John C Calhoun
________, Jacksons VP, creates Doctrine of Nullification- idea that if a state found a federal law unconstitutional, they could nullify it (refuse to follow it)
William Lloyd Garrison
________ argues that white people need to go against slavery.
Noah Webster
________- creates a standard American dictionary, used by expanding networks of schools and academies.
Henry Clay
________ makes the Compromise of 1820.
Merriweather Louis
________ and William Clark begin exploration of the Louisiana Territory in 1804, travel thousands of miles until they end up on the Coast of the Pacific.
Tallmadge Amendment
________- Prohibits slavery in Missouri.
________ were loose constructionists- implicit powers provided in Constitution.
Force Bill
________- allows president to use federal troops to enforce federal law, South Carolina nullifies this as well.
Monroe Doctrine
________ says that Western Hemisphere is a US sphere of influence that should be free of European influence Market Revolution & Its Effect on Society.
Tariff of 1828- raises tariffs up to 50 %, Southerners hated it (Tariff of Abominations), Northerners and ________ loved it.
________- cheap, quickly built housing in Urban areas generally occuppied by Immigrants.
Judiciary Act
________- 16 new spots for federal judges in the US.
Hudson River School
________- Artists here paint romanticized landscapes in American territories.
________- cause was mainly supported by free black people and Quakers.
American Anti
________- Slavery Society- spread rapidly across the Northern states.
Seneca Falls Convention
________- First womens rights conference in America, draft Declaration of Sentiments, which calls for equality in education, legal rights, and voting South & African Americans in Early Republic.
Better transportation
________ makes American industry more interconnected, especially helps Western Agriculture.
National Republicans
________- Expansive view of federal power, loose constructionists.
Great Awakening
2nd ________ creates Mormons- believed in the idea that Christianity had strayed from its original teachings.
Oneida Community
________- Believe that the second coming of Christ already happened, live communally, participate in polygamy with birth control Second Great Awakening.
Henry David Thoreau
________- follower of Emerson, moves to cabin near Waldon Pond, experiments on idea of moral perfection.
American politics
________ has a lot more voters, results in a split of the Democratic Republican party.
Market Revolution
________- The linking of northern industries with Western and Southern farms which was created by advances in agriculture, industry, communication, and transportation.
Erie Canal
________- inspiration for many canals being built.
American recession
Panic of 1819- first ________, caused by irresponsible banking practices and decreased demand for exports- results in working men demanding the right to vote (franchise)
American Temperance Society
________- addressed toward the working class men who abused alcohol, goal was the complete abstinence of alcohol.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
________- believes in moral perfection.
Role of Women
________- forced to adhere to new social norm known as the Cult of Domesticity.
Interchangeable Parts
________- machines used to make parts of a good, divison of labor for small and repeatable tasks that are done by unskilled laborers.
John Quincy Adams
________ goes to Britain, establishes American- Canadian border at 49th parallel, and establishes joint British- American occupation of Oregon territory.
Cherokee Nation
________ in Georgia- declared itself a nation within Georgia- Georgians dont see it this way.
Quincy Adams
________ goes to Spain, establishes Southern Boundary with Adam- Onis Treaty- also sells Florida to the US.