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The process of learning one’s culture and how to function with it
When is socialization taught?
- Before you remember it
- Subtly throughout your whole life
- Paired with an interest to learn
What are the 3 main goals?
To teach impulse control and develop a conscience
To teach how to prepare for and perform different social roles
To cultivate shared meaning and values - a culture
Nature vs. Nurture
The debate of either innate qualities or personal experiences having more influence over who we are
Ethics of studying socialization
- Often impossible to create studies to explore ethically
- Must examine existing cases that unfortunately occur
Child development
Cognitive stages in understanding the world birth through adulthood
Jean Piaget
Focuses on child development
What are the 4 stages of child development
Concrete Operational
Formal Operational
Object permanence and mental schemas
Symbolism, language, play pretend
Concrete Operational
Other viewpoints, logic
Formal Operational
Abstract, ethics, hypothesis
Agents of socialization
Hidden Curriculum
- Primary socialization
- Most significant influence
- First “teachers” we have for navigating society
- Diet & nutrition, gender norms, religious beliefs, etc.
- Secondary socialization
- First meaningful experience outside the home
- How to function in society
John Dewey
Father of modern education
Hidden Curriculum
- Cultural norms & values
- Interpersonal skills
- Crowd management
- Same age & interests
- Conflict competition & cooperation
- Most important during adolescence
- Only one not controlled by adults
- Tertiary socialization
- Movies, books, music, sports, social, ads
- Anticipatory gender, racial, class messages
Bechdel Test
Has 2 named female characters who talk to each other about something besides a man
Charles Cooley
Challenged the belief that human nature is biologically determined, one’s identity is socially created, developed symbolic interactionism perspective.
Ideas about socialization
Self concept and looking - glass self
Self Concept
The image you have of yourself based on various assessments you’ve made - 3 aspects: self image, ideal self, and self worth
Looking - glass self
We imagine how we appear to others, we imagine their reactions to us, we evaluate ourselves based on those imagined judgments
George Mead
The people we know personally are our significant others. Over time we develop a sense of generalize others - types of people. Has a 3 stage process.
3 Stage Process
Imitation stage, play stage, game stage
Imitation Stage: 1 - 3
- Recite memorized words in a book
- Repeat words and phrases
- Mimic motions and behavior
Play Stage: 3 - 6
- Playing school, restaurant, going to space, caring for a doll
- Imagining story lines and taking on different roles
Game Stage: 6+
- Organized games - soccer, baseball
- Play one role while interpreting other roles happening simultaneously
- Behavior is shaped towards the group
I & Me Theory: I
Impulsive, raw desires and emotions
I & Me Theory: Me
How we learn to act and think from socialization
Dramaturgical (theatre) Model
- Front stage: performing for society, general others
- Back stage: real self, around significant others
Anticipatory socialization
Preparation and practice to enter a role one expects you to take in the future.
Stages of adult development
Young adulthood
Middle adulthood
Identity vs. Role confusion
Young adulthood
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Middle adulthood
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Ego integrity vs. Despair
Total Institution
- An extreme setting where all aspects of life are controlled
- Resocialization is required
- Prison, military, etc.
2 Step Resocialization
Strip self - identity
Build new identity
Stripping of identity
- Uniforms, similar look
- New names
- Degradation ceremony
- Strict rules, harsh punishments
- New (loaded) lingo
- Pushed to brink physically and emotionally
- Reward and punishment