AP gov/po

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pocket veto

If the president does not sign a bill within 10 days of when he gets it, it automatically kills the bill

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line-item veto

the power to veto specific items in a bill without vetoing the entire bill

  • deemed as unconstitutional so no one uses it now

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presidential honeymoon

first 100 days the president is in the office

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the executive office of the president

president and vice president

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office of management and budget

works with the president to decide the budget

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rally point

an event where people care less about parties, and just want to come together to support the USA.

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if a federal official commits a crime or wrongly acts the HOR can impeach him and then send him to an impeachment trial, which then may remove him from office.

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state of the union address

a yearly address delivered each January by the president to Congress

it gives the plans for legislation

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executive privilege

the president is allowed to keep secrets only in a matter of national security

  • nixon**

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executive agreement

An international agreement between the heads of government between 2 or more nations

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joint resolution

resolution passed by both the senate and the house of representatives

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war powers resolution

Requires the president to notify congress within 48 hours of sending troops overseas

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signing statement

signing and deciding how much of a bill to put into law. It's like vetoing a bill, but only specific parts of it.

(presidents prefer this because they can pass parts of a bill into law that benefit him, and his party!)

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divided government

when the president and congress/senate have different parties

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federalist 70

summary: there should be one president, having multiple presidents has a clash of opinions and delays response to issues.

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pardon & reprieves

the use of formal power that exempts the individual who is punished for a crime


  • can increase the president's approval rating

  • can serve justice for those who are deemed to be falsely accused

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bully pulpit

The way the president pushes his agenda onto the people. (who then pushes it onto congress)

  • has become more present today because of social media

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stewardship theory

the president can and should do everything in the constitution for the betterment of the country

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executive order

an order that carries the force of law but isn't a law — from the president.

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commander in chief

head of military

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chief administrator bureaucracy

tells the bureaucracy how to enforce laws

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chief legislator

tells congress which issues to focus on/make laws about

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chief diplomat

drafts treaties, meets with leaders of foreign countries

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chief economists

overseeing economic problems

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chief of party

acts as party leader and creates policies

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chief of state

symbol of nation (president)

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chief executive

appoints the heads of the bureaucracy

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chief citizen

the president should represent all of the people of the US

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3 qualifications for vice president

be a natural-born U.S. citizen, be at least 35 years old, be a resident in the U.S. for at least 14 years

  • same as president!

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how to political parties balance the ticket?

when a presidential candidate chooses a vp who can strengthen his chance of being elected by virtue of certain ideological, geographic, racial, ethnic, gender, or other characteristics.

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how can someone get less than 50% of population's vote and still become president?

electoral college system, more than 270 votes make you the president

  • the same number of votes as representatives in congress, plus 100 senate members plus 3 electoral votes

  • presidents try to hardest to get states like California because if they win the state they get 55 votes

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9H3gvnN468

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who can the president pardon? why did the framers give the president this power?

he can't pardon impeachment, treason, or any state crimes.

the framers gave him this because it acts as a check on the judicial branch!

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how has the power of the president evolved?

implied powers

( executive orders, foreign policy, executive privilege)

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when is the presidential approval rating the highest? why?

in the honeymoon period because people are thinking that the president will complete every promise he made, and this is before we see how they really work with congress

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