"Attack on the man/ messenger;" very common; speaker is attacked rather than the argument
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Straw Man
Ignores the opponent's actual position by creating a misrepresented version (often distorted or exaggerated) of the opposing position in order to easily discredit it
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Poisoning the Well
Adverse information about someone or something is preemptively presented to an audience with the intention of discrediting everything that person is about to say
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Appeal to False Authority
Occurs when someone who has no expertise to speak on an issue is cited as an authority
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Appeal to Fear
Creates fear rather than supplies evidence for claim; scare tactics
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Appeal to Flattery
Flattering the audience is used to convince, rather than evidence
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Observation that people often do things because many others do the same; "peer pressure,"
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Appeal to Pity
One feels sorry for a cause and that is the motivator, rather than evidence
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Begging the Question or Circular Argument
Premises of the conclusion are presumed; circular argument
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Burden of Proof
Burden of proof is placed on the wrong side; lack of evidence for side A fallaciously = evidence for side B
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Slippery Slope
One action will lead to several other undesirable actions; not necessarily a link between events
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Hasty Generalization
Conclusion drawn from a source that is too small; inadequate amount of evidence
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post hoc ergo propter hoc
→ just because two events are linked does not mean that one is the cause or effect of the other, correlation does not = causation!
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Red Herring
Distracter that draws attention away from the real issue
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False Dilemma or Either/ Or
Two alternative points of view are presented as the only options; there really exists one or more than one additional possibilities
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Faulty Analogy
Considered a vulnerable type of evidence as it is susceptible to the charge that two things are not comparable