i am insane
Critical Thinking
not having the answers before you ask the question
ideas that human beings had different ideas of how the world worked in the past
assumption that human beings were essentially the same in the ancient world as in the present
Charter Myth
a myth that presents society as something inevitable and natural without drawing attention to its origin
What people write and say about the past
- Son of Peleus and the sea Nymph Thetis
- Invulnerable except for his heel
- Best of the Achaeans, according to the Ilaid
- son of Laetres, Husband of Penelope, Father of Telemachus
- King of Ithaca
- Greek hero who took 10 years to return after the end of the Trojan war
- son of Poseidon and Thoosa
- blinded by Odysseus
- lover of the nymph Galatea
- King of Argos
- fought in the Trojan War
- killed the sons Xanthos and Thoon
Greek poem by Homer about the Trojan War
Greek hero in the Odyssey by Homer
10 year journey after the Trojan war
devised the Trojan horse
King of Ithaca
- archaeological site in modern Turkey
- Location of Roman Ilium
- Excavated by Heinrich Schliemann, claims it was the city of Troy
Aci Trezza
town in southern Sicily
location of "cyclopean rocks"
Heinrich Schliemann
- Excavated Hissarlik (lied and said it was Troy)
- Excavated Mycenae (made discoveries in tombs)
Milman Parry
studied under Antoine Meillet at the Sorbonne
- Put forth the thesis that Homeric poetry is part of an older oral tradition
attributes: helmet, owl
areas of concern: crafts and war
Patron goddess of Athens
Virgin goddess born from the head of Zeus
concern: war
attributes: Sword, shield
Roman name is Mars
son of Hera
- Attributes: hammer, tongs, donkey
- Areas of Concern: metal working, fire
- Associated with Roman "Vulcan"
areas of concern: the sky, kingship
- attributes: beard, eagle, thunderbolt
- Roman name "Jupiter"
-A large island south of the Italian Peninsula
-Heavily colonized by Greeks and Carthaginians from ca 800 BCE
-Thought to be the location of the Cyclops episode in the Odyssey