Gothic literature critics quotes

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David Punter-desires

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David Punter-desires

“the gothic deals in illicit desires”

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Fox about women

“females are either passive or pernicious”

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Fred Botting landscapes

“gothic landscapes are desolate, alienating and full of menace”

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Nick Groom past

“The past is inescapable, and indissolubly linked to the present”

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domestic fiction-Clive Bloom

“The gothic speaks to the dark side of domestic fiction”

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monsters- A. Mellor

“the gothic deals with the circumstances in which ‘monsters get made’”

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motifs-R. Kidd

“temptation and transgression are central motifs of the Gothic”

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women -A. Green

“Gothic texts repeatedly produce powerful and sexually aggressive females as alien or monstrous”

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free woman- Angela Carter

“a free woman in an unfree society will be a monster”

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obscurity-Ann Radcliffe

“obscurity leaves something for the imagination to exaggerate”

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laws breaking down

Fin de siècle: “all the laws that governed sexual identity and behaviour seemed to be breaking down” 

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caution-Fred Botting

Gothic novels “adopt a cautionary strategy, warning of dangers of social and moral transgression”

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blurring-Nick Groom

“The gothic blurs the boundaries of the victim and perpetrator”

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psychological-David Punter

The gothic “deals in psychological matters” 

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ambiguous-Julia Kristeva

“anything ‘ambiguous’ creates a human reaction of horror”-Julia Kristeva 

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