the ability to become aware of something through the senses.
Information obtained through the senses.
A statement that can be proved.
A belief or view about something
a person who sees an occurrence with his own eyes and is able to give a firsthand account of it
deductive reasoning
reasoning in which a conclusion is reached by stating a general principle and then applying that principle to a specific case (The sun rises every morning; therefore, the sun will rise on Tuesday morning.)
using science to solve crimes/legal matters
Father of Anthropometry, Used body measurements to identify criminals before fingerprinting was established
Principle that states "with contact between two items, there will be an exchange"
analytical skills
the ability to identify relevant issues, recognize their importance, understand the relationships between them, and perceive the underlying causes of a situation
science of distinguishing truth from false reasoning
frontal lobe
associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving
temporal lobe
responsible for hearing and language, memory
parietal lobe
associated with movement, orientation, recognition,
perception of stimuli
occipital lobe
processes visual information
police interview techniques
separate witnesses
help witnesses reconstruct events
provide minimal guidance
avoid interjecting bias
ask questions to draw out details
document everything
How to tell truth vs lie
ask interviewee to repeat story multiple times.
tell events in reverse order
interrupt their train of thought with questions
CSI effect
the influence that crime shows such as CSI have on the public's perception of forensic science. Audiences expect unrealistic amounts of evidence to be present for every case.
First step of a forensic investigation
Innocence Project
a non-profit legal organization that is committed to exonerating wrongly convicted people through the use of DNA testing and to reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.
Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER)
make observations, determine the question, make a claim, provide evidence, and provide reasoning
Claim- statement or conclusion that answers the original question or problem
Evidence- scientific data that supports the claim
Reasoning- explanation of how the evidence supports the claim
estimator variables
Variables that are present at the time of the crime and that cannot be changed
system variables
Factors that can be controlled by the legal system. Most commonly used in eyewitness identification research (e.g., lineup procedures).
Perception of Memory
Most people perceive their memories like a video
Role of Forensic Scientist
-Help determine if a crime has been committed
-Supply reports of evidence findings to authorities
-Act as an expert witness
~Evaluate evidence
~Offer opinion of significance
-Can act for either prosecution or defense
Civil Law
Law that deals with relationships between people regarding property, marriage, wills, etc
Criminal Law
Deals with regulating and enforcing rights of someone, usually the state vs. someone • Misdemeanor: minor crime (ex. Small possession, minor assault) • Felony: major crime (ex. Rape, murder, armed robbery)
double jeopardy
Trial or punishment for the same crime by the same government; forbidden by the Constitution.
What does 'quantitative' mean?
Relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality.
What type of report is a toxicology report?
What type of report is a DNA report?
descriptive data, cal also show the presence or absence of something
determine type of fiber
if red substance at the crime scene is blood or not
This author popularized detective novels using reason, logic, and deductive reasoning, to solve crimes years before science was actually proven to be accurate.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The _____ were one of the first civilizations to embalm the dead, remove and
examine human internal organs, and perform autopsies.
The first recorded autopsy was performed on:
Julius Cesar
Forensics starts
at the crime scene
What is a possible solution for the problems of bias that are associated with blind administration in line ups?
make sure the officer administering the lineup is unaware who the suspect is
What finally occurred that convinced courts to use fingerprints instead of
Will West Incident