AP World History

Unit 1 (1250-1400)

Contextualization -


Song Dynasty (960-1279) - leading example fo diversity and innovation in Afro-Eurasia and Americas during 13th century

  • Under rule China enjoyed wealth and political stabability
  • Tang Dynasty = previous dynasty, after defeat against Manchria song dynnasty created
  • Manchurica created Jin Dynasty with gained land


  • Goverment = imperial bureaucracy (Officalls carray empires policies
  • Emperor Song Taizu (emporrer of song dynasty) created Civil Service exam
  • Buecratic system = meritocracy - based on merit
  • Buereacracy led to loss of wealth as result of paying officials handsomely(Emperor loses power)


  • Song dynasty encouraged foreign trade by opening the grand canal (effiecent water way system that spanned over 30,000 miles) which became the most popular place of trade during time period. Could have inspired innovations in transportation
  • Gunpowder - Song Dynasty made first guns
  • Champa rice - given to China by Vietnam, led to innovations in chinease agricutle and drastically increased population in China
  • Proto-Industrialization - Rural areas made more goods to sell, exp. Artisans, craftworkers
  • Chang’an, Hangzhou, Guangzhou - cities near grand canal, centers of trade (result of protp Industrialization)


  • Scholar gentry - educated in cofucionsim, most influential class
  • Food Binding - women had foot bound so they feet dont grow making them unable to walk, showed social status and wealth of a family (banned 1912)

Questions: Foot binding banned during 1912 so is it a valid kbat term to use until 1912?

  • Wood Block printing - allowed for news to spread faster and text to be printed, made rich richer as only they could read.


  • China had lots of religious diversity
  • Buddhism - originated in India (traveled through silk road)
  • Daoism - living in harmony
  • Thervada Buddisum - Spiritual growth through mediation and decpline (most popular in South asia)
  • Mahyana Buddisum - spiritual growth for all beings (Strongest in China and Korea)
  • Tibetan Buddisum - Focus on chanting (Strongest in Tibet)
  • Chan Buddisum - mix between buddhist beliefs and chinease beliefs (Syncretic - buddisum,daoism)
  • Falilpiety - Confuciast belief to always respect elders
  • Neo Confuciasm - combined confucius, daoisn, and buddhist beliefts, combined abstract ideas with rational thought.


  • Heian Period(794-1185) - copied china’s traditions in politics, art, literature
  • Fuedalism - no centralized government, land owning aristocrats (Diamyo) fought for land while lower classes such as peasants(Surfs) lived and tended land.


  • Paid tribute to China, heavily influenced by china’s political systems
  • Aristorcracy more powerfull in korea than china because korean civil service exam was not open to peasants( no meritocracy)


  • Women had more indpendence
  • Vietnam had merit base system however instead of loyalty to empire scholars pledged loyalty to village leading to revolts against government


Developments in Dar-Al Islam

  • Mamluks- slaves to arabs, served as soldirs or later bureaucratics
  • Mumulk Sultanate 1250-1517) - mamulks seized control of government, prospered by facilitating cotton + sugar trade between islamic world and europe
  • When portuguese and Europens made new sea routes to trade mamulks decreased in power (happaned as a result of innovations such as compass)

Abssaid caliphate(800) - old center of islam

  • Seljuk turks(Turks) - muslims who conqered parts of middle east (extened power to Western China) (control of part of abbasaid caliphate) , leader called himsulf sultan, reduced power of places they took control of.
  • Established seljuk empire
  • Crusaders - abbasaid allowed christians to travel to theri holy sites in jueralism however turks did not. Resulted in Chritains organizing soldiers to reopen access.
  • Bagdad - during abbasaid, was a center of trade, as trade shifted north could not keep up and make profit


  • Muhammed (600) - prophet of islam, told people to explore the world in pursuit of knowledge, led to transfer and beliefts of religion and knowldege between regions
  • Nasir Al-Din Al Tusi - islamic scholar (1201-1274), contrbuted to mathemtics, law, ethics, philosophy, and medicine (invented trigonometry)
  • A’ishah al-Ba’uniyyah - Female Sufi Poet (1460-1507)
  • Poems contrasted muslima and sufism, muslim foccused on itlectual pursuits like studying the quaran, sufisum on mystical experience
  • Available to anyone regardless of class or gender
  • House of Wisdom - library where scholars all over the world traveld to spread knowldege


Developments in Sout and SouthEast Asia

  • Hinduism - Polythesitc religion (more than 1 god), belief in reincarnation
  • Caste System - ranking and jobs of citizens given by birth, if you do good in current life time in future life time you will be a higher class, highest class = brahmin
  • Buddisum differs from Hinduism as it beleieved equality for all instead of Caste System

South Asia


  • Turkic muslim invaders came to india and established the Dheli Sultanate (1206 rulled till 1500)
  • Wanted to convert hindus to muslim by implementing Jizya tax - tax non-muslims had to pay to remain in the empire(led to resentment)
  • South Asia and Middle East share intellectual and cultural achievements exp, qutab Minar in mosque build on top of a hindu temple that shows muslim dominance and is built using geometric patterns
  • Sultan had to defend against mongol onslaught, prevented mongols from conquering South Asia but in 1526 lost power to a new mughal empire

Rajput kindoms - boarders Dheli Sultante, collection of rivaling hindu kingdoms that existed before muslim rule in North india

Vijayanagara Empire(1336- 1646) - hindu empire in south india, dheli sultanate send hindu converted muslim emisionaries to spread islamic, however, emissiaries gave up islamic and went back to hinduism once they escaped and established hindu empire

Bhakti Movement - focus worship on one of hindu gods, rejected hierachy and wanted to provide mystical expereince to all like sufism . influnced by buddhism

SouthEast Asia

Bhakti Movement - focus worship on one of hindu gods, rejected hierachy and wanted to provide mystical expereince to all like sufism . influnced by buddhism

Srivijaya empire(670-1025) - buddist empire, became prosperous because of straight of Malacca (Only way for travelers to reach indian ocean) by putting taxes to cross waterway.

Majupat empire(1293-1520) - prosperous by making a tributary system, strongest military power in southeast asia led to them making near by states pay taxes

Sinhala Dynsaties - center of buddhist study, budduist priests often war advisers to monarchs

Khmer Empire - hindu empire, made ankor watt (huge hindu temple) but later added buddhist statues once khmer became an buddist empire


Developments in Americas

Mayan Civilization (250-900 ce)

  • Built urban centers, sophisticated writing system, and well renowned in math
  • Structure : Decentralized city states, frequently at war with each other
  • Expanded power by having tributary states in region (states required to send tributes to mayans
  • Human Sacrafice ^ (beleieved sun god needed life force/blood)

Aztec empire

  • aztecs(mexicas) orginally hunters-gathers who migrated from central Mexico
  • 1325 founded, 100 years conquered territories creating one big empire
  • Decentralized : all conquered states became tributary (tributary system)
  • Human Sacrafice became key motivator for expansion as a result of sun god needing life force (made other nations fear aztecs)
  • Technotilan - capital of aztech empire, 200,000 population (market places)
  • Lots of big palaces and temples
  • Built Chinampas- floating gardens which allowed more space for agriculture production
  • Goverment = Theocracy, centralized power by saying that ruler is a diving representative of god

Incan Empire

  • Outsiders who rose to power because of strong military
  • Centralized power (massive buecracy)
  • Inca required labor payments to people they conquered know as mit’a System - ages between 15-20 have required labor
  • Built bridges and massive structures

Missipian Culture (700-1450)

  • Established near Mississippi river in North America
  • Hiarchial society with the great sun or chiefs on top and at the bottom were enslaved
  • Matrinal society - social standing determined by womans side

Chaco and Mesa Verde

  • North america, extremely dry area
  • Chaco bult large housing structures using stone
  • Mesa verde built many story homes into sides of cliffs


Developments in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Swahili civization, emerged on Africa’s East Coast
  • Collections of independent city states, able to prosper because of location (next to water)
  • Merchants arriving in africa wanted Golg,Ivory,Timber, and Enslaved people, made civilizatiosn near coast important goods
  • Islam become dominant religion as a result swahili contact with foriners (muhammed 1.2)
  • Swahili - mixture of bantu language (indengenous) and arabic


  • Controlled many ports on coast, mainly exported gold
  • Great Zimbabwe - wall built to protect capital city, housed 20k people center of trade

Hausa Kingdoms

  • Collection of city states that are independent politically and gained power from trading through trans-Saharan Trade network


  • Christain African state
  • Christian rulers commissioned christian statues showing chirstian power
  • Grew exnomically by trading salt in indian ocean tradde network


Devlopments in Europe

Constantine - made Christanity religion in roman empire (Centralized power)

  • 1470 ce western half of roman empire fell however Easter half of empire known as Byzantine empire staying strong

Byzantine empire

  • Followed Eastern Orthodox Christianity, allowed byzantine ruler to consoldiate power by stating they are under god
  • 1453 new empire Ottoman Empire took constantionple from byzantine empire leading to the end of empire
  • Kevan raus, an russian empire adopted eastern orthodox christianity and also adopted arcitectural style

Europe Political systems and Social systems

  • Fuedalism - aligences between powerfull lords and monarchs
  • Land given to lord by monarchs to keep loyalty (fiefs)
  • Manorialism : peasants(serfs) bound to lords land and worked in exchange for protection
  • 3-field system - rotated 3 fields between different crops that thrive in different environments (effiecent)
  • Monarchs centralized power to them selves by making a bureaucracy and military working directly under them
  • France - King Phillip established Estates Genral to advise him however king Philip made most the decisions and the estates generals which are advisors from each estate had little power
  • Roman Catholic church held lots of power as they are the only people in a commmunity who knew how to read or write
  • Great Schism - Europe mainly roman catholic while Russia and Greece Eastern orthodox

Normand England

  • Norman king, William invaded england, he centralized alot of power to himself and had a tight feudal system
  • Nobles rejected King william and forced King John (Succer of william) to Sign the Magna Carta (1215) - which forced the king to follow certain rights such as right to a jury for trail
  • English Parliment (1265) - formed by nobles in order to increase there power

Hundred Years war (1337-1453)

  • England and France fought each other, end of war england won port in france
  • Fostered sense of untiy on each side, centralized power (identifyed and french or english istead of specific region)
  • Showed spread of gunpowder

Economic and Social Change

  • Maro Polo - born in italy venice and traveled to kublai khan + china, documented his adventures to people in venice ispiring more people to go on adventures
  • Led to interested in cartography and mapmaking
  • Borguise - middle class (Shopkeepers, merchants, craftspeople) grew leading to power becoming more spursed out
  • Black death killed ⅓ or europe population mainly serfs, gave serfs more power as they were more valued
  • After Black death the Little Ice Age (1300) happened which was a time where temperatures decreased hurting agricultural output, made social unrest and crime increased
  • Women rights decreasing as a result of feudalism belief of chivalry


  • Revival of interest in arts, culture
  • Scholars recovered old manuscripts wrttein centuries before
  • Resulted in Johannes GutenBurgs moveable printing press(1439) , revolution in printing technology, made printing affordable
  • Humansim - focus in individual rather than god, sought education and reform, gave rise to powerful monarchies and centralized governments, birthed nationalism

Unit 2 (1250-1400)


The Silk Roads

  • Network of roads that facilitated trade and spread of culture across eurasia
  • Luxury goods(porcelin, silk, textiles) exchanged as a result of not being able to carry to much on roads
  • Crusaders - helped pave popularity of silk roads as knights brought back fabrics and silk from the east

Innovations in comercial practices (increased popularity of silk road)

  1. Money Economics
  • Chinease made flying cash, which allowed merchants from one location to withdraw from another location (paper money), able to withdraw because of Banking houses, where you show a bill of exchange which states hold is required to receive a sum of money

Innovations in transportation (increased popularity of silk road)

  1. Caravanserai
  • 100 miles apart, inns and guest houses which provided rest
  • Protected people from bandits
  • Center of cultural exchange
  • Influenced spread of disease
  1. Saddles
  • Provided comfort during ride
  • Can put frame and matress saddle which incrased amount of goods able to carry

Powerfull trading cities

  • Kashgar, located on eastern edge of china, between 2 major routes of silkroad
  • Built around river, increasing demand for intereginal trade kashgar became an destination itself, hosting profitable markets and becoming a center of islamic scholarship
  • Samarkand, located and covergence of trade routes, center of cultral exchange

Effect of Demand for Luxury goods

  • More markets resulted in demand for luxury goods such as chinese silk and porcelain, led to increased production of goods in china and india
  • Heavy demand led to more peasants producing goods such as in yangtzee river, led to decrease of agriculture output
  • Resulted in Proto-Industrailization - more goods than own population can consume, extra goods send to distant lands
  • Extra money gained from luxury goods invested in China Iron and Steel industry

Cultural Diffusion

  • Exchanged culture in places like trading citiets and caranvanserai


The Mongol Empire and the Modern world

  • Mongols were nomads who traveled around the gobi desser
  • Temujin(1206) - United Mongol groups and controlled them all, gave himself the title Ghengis khan, conquered lots of Asia
  • After Genghis khan death (1227), sons continued expansion
  • Mongols destroyed bagdad which was a busstiling center of trade in middle east, this showed the power of the mongols to the world

Pax Mongolica

  • during this time trade also increased as Mongols guarded the silkroad against bandits, mongols also built lots of bridges
  • The mongols were also religiously tolerant
  • Allowed for increase of communication between empires, Yam System - series of communication stations spread across mongol empire

4 mongol Regions

  • After Genghis khan death, sons organized empire in 4 different regions
  • New Mongol emprires were influenced by culutres in empires
  1. Yuan Dynasty (China)
  • Ruled under Kublai Khan
  • Took weapons from china known as siege weapons (conquest also incrased Mongols miltary power)
  • Kublai khan united many factions in China leading people to believe he possessed Mandate of heaven, to rule over China
  • Kublai khan also styled himself to look like a chinese ruler
  • White Lotus society began growing in the shadows against Mongol rule, led by Zhu Yuanzhang ( buddhist monk from peaseant family) established Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
  1. Gholden Horde (Russia)
  • Led by Genghis khan’s son Batu who led mongolian army of 100,000 soldiers into Russia, forced Russia into a tributary relationship
  • Moscow city state that put aside money to build up a military and in 1380 defeated the gholden horde giving Russia Independence
  1. II - khanate (Central Asia)

- Helegu, song of Genghis khan destroyed city of baghdad solidifying Monogls

Major threat, mongols lost against treaty between Muslim Mamulks and Christian


  • Empire had Persian misisters and Local officers, shows mongols being influenced by places they have conquered


Indian Ocean Trade Network

  • Network of Sea routes that connected Afro-Eurasia through trade
  • Grew as a result of Mongol empire falling apart because Mongols protected silk road, however, now silk road is not protected leading to maritime travel

Reasons for expansion of Indian Ocean trade

  1. Comercial practices
  • Buy goods by credit
  1. Transportation Technologies
  • Magnetic compass - allowed sailors know which directions they are heading
  • Astrolabe - measures stars and give accurate location
  • Lateen sail - Arab invented triangular sails, easily catch winds from different directions
  • Stern Rudders - gave ships stability and made them easier to manuver
  • Mosson winds - knowledge on these winds allowed sailors to plan when to go to a certain region
  1. Ship Building
  • Junk Ships - invented in China, allowed people to carry tons of cargo, making trips more efficient
  • Dhows - Arab Ships, gave stability and easier to manuever
  1. Spread of Islam
  • Many islamic beleivers, beleived it was important to engage in trade and being a merchant was very well respected

Goods traded

  • Common goods able to be traded as a result of bigger ships
  • Cotton, grain, and luxury goods

Centers of trade

  • Swahili City-States - became a diasporic community as many merchants decided to live in the city states
  • Malacca - Control over straight of Mallaca (used to travel between indian and chinese ports) taxed anyone who entered
  • Gujurat - located on West Coast of India, massive coastline and rich agricultural areas, traded goods like cotton textiles and silver inexchange for gold form middle east

Cultural and Technological Transfers

  • While traveling merchants bring ideaologies and religion
  • Zheng He, admiral of china, was commisoned by Ming Dynasty to get other states in tributary system
  • Zheng he brough exotic treasures to China, led to confucion controversy as scholors worried it would hurt soial order and take away power from the emporrer


Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

  • Series of Trade Routes that connected Africa

Reasons for expansion of Indian Ocean trade

  1. Transportation Technologies
  • Camel Saddles, veriatly of saddles used for camels with a multitude of purposes
  • Caravanserai

Goods traded

  • Gold, Kola Nuts, Horses, Salt

Growth of Empires

  • Empire of Mali, city of trade in trans-saharan africa
  • Islamic state, meant that state gets connected with all trade partnerships throughout Dar-Al-Islam
  • Taxed merchants traveling through trade routs of there territory
  • Mansa Musa - ruler of mali, went to egypt on a journey to see islamic places of worship. While at egypt he injected so much gold into economy that the value of gold decreased
  • Timbuktu became world center of islamic learning, books sold in Timbuktu brought prices higher than most goods.


Cultural Consequences of Connectivity

  • Increased Cultural Diffusion

Cultural Transfers

  • Buddisum spread from India to East Asia as an result of the silk road
  • Led to sycretic religions such as Neo - Confuciansim in China and Zen buddhism in japan

Literarly and Artistic Transfers

  • House of wisdom translated and comented upon greek and roman works which then sparked the renaissance

Scientific and Technological Innovations transferred

  • Chinease paper making and Moveable type techniques spread to europe during 13th century
  • Spread of Gunpowder from China helped military power in islamic states and europe

Question : Can I use kbat terms way before time period such as the spread of gunpowder in unit 2 to explain militarism

Effects on Trading Cities

  • Hangzhou(China) - southern end of Grand canal (center of trade) became Chinas most significant trading city, also lead to ubranization of landscape in China
  • Samarkand and Kashgar(Central Asia) - grew in power and influence by facilitating trade


  • Baghdad, Capital of islamic culture and artistic achivment, however When Mongols rose to power Badhdad was destoyed which ruined its prosperity
  • Constaninople, rise of islamic Ottoman empire, took control of constainople and establisheed Istanbul (1453)

People who increased prosperity of trade routes

  • Ibn battuta, Muslim scholar from Morocco, traveled all over Dar-Al-Islam and took detailed notes on places he traveled and people he met
  • His travels were made possible by trade routes and innovations
  • Marco Polo, traveler from italy, traveled to Chia and documented Chinas wealth and courth of Kublai Kahn
  • Margery Kemp, Christian Mystic, piligramage to Christian holy sites, documented al exoploration and gave insight on the life of a medival women


Enviromental Consequences of Connectivity

  1. Agricultural Transfers
  • Bananas, Originally in Souteast asia, however merchants who crossed Indian ocean bananas introduced to Africa where they prospered
  • Led to massive population growth in africa
  • Led to african peoples to travel to other places for example bantu poeple surivied on yams however thanks to spread of bananas they could travel to different places
  • Champa Rice, Originated in Vietnam and transferred to east Asia, sparked a huge population boom
  1. Spread of Disease
  • Black death/Bubonic Plague, spread by Mongols while conquering eurasia
  • Cities and caravanserai became hotspots of Black Death (killed majority of population)

Unit 3 (1450-1750)


How Empires Expanded

Gunpowder Empires

  • Land based empires
  • Expanding geographically
  • Expanded by using gunpowder

4 Gunpowder empires

  1. Ottoman Empire
  • Islamic empire
  • As a result of the silk road and the abundance of Gunpoweder, Ottomans created gunpowder weapons
  • Constaninople - capital of byzantine empire, Otommans took control of it and established istanbul(This showed the power of the Ottoman Empire
  • Memhmed 2nd was the Ottoman Sultan from 1451 - 1481 (led the sack of Constanininople)
  1. Safavid Empire
  • Under Leadership of Ismail (shah of empire 1501), declared state Shi’a muslim
  • Led to shia-sunni conflict (religous conflict)
  • Shia believed succussor of muhammed is a blood reletive while sunni beleieved the succesour can be elected
  • Safavid naeighbored Mughal and Ottoman empire who were sunni
  • Shah abbas 1 (1588-1629) - president of Safavid empire at its height
  • Greatly expanded empire
  • Used guns
  1. Mughal Empire
  • In india, replaced the Dheli Sultanate
  • Babur (1526) - ruler of mughal empire, was religiously tolerant
  • Influenced by Mongols
  • Akabar the Great (1556-1605) - Ruler of Mughal empire after Babur (early enlightened ruler
  • Interested in all Religous Doctrines
  • Abolished jizya tax hindus had to pay
  • Mansabadar system - gave Military officer right to tax people in there land in order for a promise for soldiers during war time
  • Aruganzab - ruler after Akbar reversed religous tolerance and established Islamic law
  • Hindu temples and shirnes torn down by jizya tax
  • Mansbadar system no longar active leading to decline of empire as argunzab lost power
  1. Qing Dynasty
  • Ming dynasty falls apart due to internal divisions as know instead of being united under mongols they are again under chinese
  • Quing Dynasty (1644-1911) - established by manchu people(lived in north of china manchuria), these people were not han leading to conflict

Gunpowder empires clashing becasue of politcal and religous goals/beliefs

  1. Safavid-Mughal Conflict
  • Series of wars between muslim empires
  • Conflict stemmed from wanting persian golf but erupted as result of religous rivarly (Sunni- Shia)
  1. Songhai - Morocco Conlict
  • Songhai was a wealthy empire as a result of trade routes
  • Moroccos used gunpowder weapons to take over songhai


Administration in Empires

  • Methods used by empires to show power of ruler
  • Bigger empire means greater Bureaucracies - govemenent system that makes sure laws are being kepts throughout empire
  1. Ottoman Empire
  • Devishirme System, Ottomans staffed bureaucracy with highly trained people who were often slaves
  • Ottomans enslaved Christian boys to live with islamic familes and then they were either part of beucracy or part of a elite Military team known as the jannaseries


  1. Europe

- Rulers claimed Divine Right of Kings, means king or queen ruled with the approval of jesus, leading to people fearing to disobey them

- 1689, in order to Check Monarchs power English Bill of Rights was created which stated people have basic rights

  1. Aztecs (Americas)
  • Human Sacrafice, legitmized power as rulers often took an sacrifice to a place where everyone in the empire gathered and sacrificed them, showing who was in power


  1. Qing Dynasty
  • Emporer Kangxi, centralized power by making Imperial portraits, portraits around empire that showed that the emporer was on top by making is portraits appeal to confucain values hoping scholars would acept his rule


  1. France
  • Palace of Versilles, built for French Monarch Louis 14th, massive palace that showed the wealth and power of the monarch, in addition the place was used to house nobles who were plotting to overthrow the monarch
  1. Inca
  • Inca Sun Temple, rulers built huge temple which was convered in gold which showed the power and wealth of the empire
  1. Shah Jaban (Dheli)
  • Built Taj mahal, huge tomb for wife, showed power of empire

Finance/Taxations in empires

  1. Mughal Empire
  • Zamindar System, land owners called zamindars to collect taxes around empire, extended authority and consolidated power
  1. Ottoman Empire
  • Tax Farming, local officials collected taxes in empire, became wealthy by asking for more tax


Belief Systems in Empires

  1. Europe(Christianity)
  • Catholic churches became filthy rich as a result of partnering with the Monarch
  • In order fund temples church began sale of Indulgences, people purchase slip of paper which promised forgives of sin
  • Simony, high church posiitions up for sale
  • People losing confidence in the church
  • Martin Luther (Catholic Monk from peasant family), able to read and created the 95 thesis which stated the wrong doings of the catholic church (was able to spread teaching throughout europe as a result of the printing press)
  • Led to the Protestant Reformation (Splitting of chruch)
  • Catholic chruch admitted wrong doings and started the counter Reformation. Church conducted meeting called Council of Trent where they tossed out corrupt practices
  • Led to a split of the church (catholic and protestant), rulers imposed either one on to there citizens leading to conflict.
  1. Islam
  • Sunni vs shia, intensified peaced of politcal split between Ottoman and Safavid empire
  1. South India (Mughal Empire)
  • Blending of islam and hindu practices made Sikhism
  • Discarded hieharchies such as the caste system

Unit 4 (1450-1750)


Technology in Sea Based Empires

Marmitme Technology

  • Europeons adopted below technologies from other parts of the world and made them better, they were able to adopt these technologies as a result of information spread through trade routes (aided by Pax Mongolica)
  1. Magnetic Compass
  • Made in China, helped pinpoint direction
  1. Astrolabe
  • Determines latitude and longitude by measuring stars
  1. Lateen Sail
  • Traingular sail, made it easy to catch the wind
  1. Astronomical Charts
  • Gave detailed guides of diagrams of stars and constellations


  • Caravel (Portuguese) - small ship, very nimble on water can also naviate on smaller rivers (great ships for war)
  • Carrack (Portuguese) - large ship that can carry lots of cargo, big ships can also carry more guns whicha are key to prtugaul rein in indian ocean
  • Flyut (Dutch) - dutch will dethroen prtuguese and were able to do this because of the flyut as it was designed to carry lots of cargo and small crews (cheap to build)


Causes for European exploration

  • European states recovered from the black death which was a huge hit to the economy
  • Increased desire for Asian and SouthEast Asian spices
  • Gunpowder empires controlled land routes through which all the spices past leading the spices to be charged at extremely high costs to europeans

Portugual Trading Post Empire

  • Land locked to spain leading them to expand through the sea
  • Trading post empire - instead of making colonies, establish small trading posts on major trading hubs to stimulate trade
  • Found opportunity to get rich in indian ocean trade


  • Christopher Columbus, explorer from spain
  • Wanted to access spice islands in east (India) by traveling west
  • King ferdinand and queen isabell agreed to pay or voyage
  • 1492 Chirstopher Columbus reached what he thought was the spice islands but it was North America
  • As a result of Christopher columbus discovery spanish started sponsoring multiple voyages to americas in order to establish colonies
  • Opened up Trans-Atlantic Trade


  • Looked for Westward passage to indian ocean
  • Instead established an colony in the americas called quebec
  • Established presence in the form of trading posts


  • Established a colony in americas known as Virginia
  • Disaster but turned around with establishment of JamesTown in 1607


The Columbian Exchange

  • Transfer of new diseases, foods, plants, and animals between east and west


  • When europeans came to america they carried many diseases with them, which led to the deaths of many native americans such as the Smallpox

plants/ foods

  • Europeans brought wheat,grapes,olives,bannans, and sugar
  • Potatoes, maize transferred to europe, led to significant population growth in europe
  • Cash Crops, food grown for export to other places (europe found out they could get rich from agriculture in americas)
  • Planted crops in americas which were worked by coerced labors
  • Exp. Sugarcane worked on by enslaved africans to later be sold for a profit


  • Europeans brought pigs, sheep, and cattle
  • Since no predators in new area animals started multiplying like crazy however this put strain on indigenous farmers
  • Horse, change life of indigenous people as they were able to hunt more effectively in the americas


Establishment of Marmitme Empires


  • Trading post empire,
  • Treaty of tordesillas 1494 - Spain reserved all lands to the west while portugal reserved all lands to east to prevent conflcit

Expansion of African States

  • Asante Empire (west Africa) - trading partner with portuguese and british, provided high desired goods such as gold and enslaved labor
  • Made asante extremely rich
  • Kingdom of the Kongo - made ties with prtguese traders who wanted gold copper and enslaved people

Colonization of Americas

  1. Spanish
  • Used inca labor system called mit’a System, subjects of empire required to provide labor for certain days of the year
  • Spanish discovered lots of silver in americas, created Potosi mines where they mined the silver and workers had harsh conditions

New labor systems

  1. Chattel Slavery
  • Africans owned as property and can be used however owner desires
  • Race based
  • And children born into slavery
  1. Indentured Servitude
  • Slaves bound to work for owenrs for a certain amount of time usually 7 years
  • Poor europeans entered this contract to pay for passage into colonies
  1. Ecomienda System
  • Spanish made this system
  • Used to make indigenous work for local authorities
  • Indigenous worked for land owners in exchange for food+protection
  1. Hacienda System
  • Spanish made system
  • Large agriculture estates where slaves were forced to work on


Economics of Empire Building

Mercantilism- limited amount of wealth in the world (get the most possible), led to lots of competition for raw materials and land

Joint-Stock Company - funded by a group fo investors and supported by the government

  1. Dutch East India Company
  • Granted dutch monopoly on trade in indian ocean
  • Dutch kicked out portuguese
  • Led to investors becoming extremely wealthy


  • Spanish discovered huge potosi mine filled with silver and injected it into europe and chinese economy
  • Satisfied China’s desire for silver which developed commercialization of economy
  • Goods prucheaed with silver in asian markets such as porcelain, silk and steel were traded across atlantic system which led to more profits

Effects of African Slave Trade

  • Gender imbalance (too much women
  • Polygny - men marrying more than one women
  • Spain send missionaries to there oclonies to convert people to christianity however many peopel outworldy were chritiain but still practiced there own religon privately, leading to conflict
  • Bartholmeo De las casas - wanted to protect indengous from abuses of colonial authrotiy


Challenges to State Power

Queen Ana Nzinga’s Resistance

  • Ruler of sub-saharan kingdoms of NDONGO
  • Concerned of portuguese encroachment in africa
  • Allied with dutch to fight back portuguese armies

Pueblo Revolt

  • Pueblo people felt abuses as a result of oppresive spanish missionaries
  • Suffred effects of spanish disease and population decrased alot
  • Rebelled against missionares who were tryhing to convernt indigenous

Maroon Societies - societes of free black people who fled plantations

Fought to gain freedom known as Maroon wars (1728-1740)


Changing Social Hierchies


  • reconquista , rid iberian peninsula of muslim rule
  • Christainity became offical religion

Qing Empire

  • Had civil service exam however reserved highest government positiosn to manchu people

Spanish Colonies in americas

  • Imposed Casta System, a system that determined social ranking between race and place of birth

Unit 5 (1750-1900)


The Enlightment

  • New ways of understanding such as rationalism and empricist approaches to natural world and Human relationships
  • Prior to enlightenment the Scientific revolution (1400-1600) did not trust biblical teachings and used reason to discover how the world worked
  • Shifted authority from external to internal, dont listen to bible
  1. Rationalsim
  • Reason, not emotion or external authority is the most trustable source of knowledge
  1. Empisicm
  • Knowledge is gained through senses and human experience

New beliefs

  • Deism -Beleived god existed, created all things but then no longer intervened in world order
  • Atheism- Rejections of god and all beliefs

Political Ideas

  • Individualism - basic element of society was individual and not a group, (people started focusing on them selves)
  • Inspired John Locke Ideas on natural rights
  • Natural Rights - human born with rights that cannot be taken away
  • John Locke, philosopher during enlightenment argued that humans are born with basic rights such as life, liberty, and right to pursue property
  • Social Contract (Locke) - government exits to protect natural rights however if they are not protected citizens must revolt


  • Rejected established traditions and people in power as enlightenment went against things that monarchs used to ligitmize power such as the Divine Right of Kings
  • People gained more rights such as in the americas more open abilities to vote
  • Abolotion of slavery, the enlightment ideas went against slavery leading to slavery being abolished in places like britain
  • Great Jamican Revolt - inspired by enlightment slaves in jaimaca revolted
  • End of serdom, as a result of industrailization serfs became less useful, however, the enlightenment sparked peasant revolts.

Important People during Enlightment

  1. John Locke
  • English philosopher, popularlized idea of natural rights
  • Social contract : overthrow unjust goverment if rights are not upheld
  1. Thomas Hobbes
  • People are innately selfish and evil
  • Believed people give up some rights to absolute monarch in return for safety
  1. Diderot
  • French Philosopher, believed in freedom of speech and religion
  • Wrote an encylopedia on enlightment ideals, aided there spread
  1. Baron Montesquieu
  • French political philospher, influnced American politcal system
  • Believed in 3 branch goverment (exectuivte, legislative, judicary)
  • Separation of powers
  1. Rousseu
  • French writer during enlightenment
  • Expanded on Social Contract - government carry out general will of society
  • Democracy is best goverment
  1. Voltaire
  • French Philopsoher, advocated for civil liberties (inspired by Diderot)
  • Battles injustice and inequality, defend freedom fo speech
  1. Mary Woltsoncraft
  • People have the ability to use reason and logic
  • Women should be equal to males
  1. Adam Smith (1776)
  • Scottish enlightenment philosopher
  • Advocated for Lassiez Faire , government should not intervene in economic decisions, believed if business made there own decisions an invisible hand would guide market to make choices that benefit society
  • Became basis for capitalism, systems of production such as factories and natural resources are privately owned and operated for profit
  1. Simon Bolivar
  • Revolutionary in latin america
  • Took ideas of natural rights and freedom of speech and implemendted them into latin america revolution
  • Influenced by French Revolution
  1. Loverture
  • Leader of haitian revolution
  • First free colonial society, rejected social hierarchy
  1. Thomas Jefferson
  • Inspired by Jhon locke
  • People have natural rights and have a duty to overthrow unjust government
  • Created Declaration of Independence in America, colonies became independent for europe
  1. James Maddison
  • In america, father of the constitution
  • 3 branch government (inspired by montesquieu)
  • Bill of Rights


Nationalism and Revolutions


  • Nationism - sense of commonality among people who shared something in common
  • States utilized this principle by adding it to schools and public rituals
  • Did not like monarchiall rule leading to revolution
  • New ways of thinking


  1. American Revolution
  • Began 1776
  • British established 13 colonies on coast, however since british was faraway from the colonies they started to become independent
  • As a result of the 7 years war (war britian vs france for land in americas) britaion was in a bad economic situatuion, leading to them asking the US to pay for there war debt
  • Led to Declaration of Independence, stated independence from britaion and gave citizens natural rights (Thomas Jefferson version) which were the rights to liberty,life, and the pursuit to happiness
  1. French Revolution (1789)
  • French played apart in american revolution
  • When French soldiers reutrned home they were intreseted in enlightment ideas of democarcy and became suspicion of Louis the 16th (king of france)
  • 3 - estates - system, estates were representatives from each class who voted whent he king makes a decision, each estate gets 1 vots, clergy, nobles, and commoners however most decisions that were made did not favour commoners as they only had 1 vote
  • Led to people rebelling and establishing there own government
  • 1789 crow in Paris stormed Bastille, an former prison that symbolizes the abuse of monarchy
  • Many nobles fled leading to kind being forced to accept a new goverment with national assembly, representatives of 3rd estate watch over kings decisions
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen were signed which banned fuedalism and gave people in france basic rights
  1. Hatian Revolution(1791)
  • Colonial property of france
  • Majority of population were Black slaves
  • Under leadership of Tussiant loverture, people revolted and establised and independent state in france (maroons were slaves in haiti who revolted)
  1. Latin American revolutions (Venezuela)
  • Latin/spanish colonies
  • Creole class (europeon heritage but born in americas) ranked under pennisulres (europeons who were born in europe
  • Creoles could not be part of government
  • Because of mercantalist policies spain only allowe venezuela to sell goods to them
  • Simon Bolvar, isnpred by french revolution and preached jhon locke ideas of natural rights to citizens leading to revolt
  • conservative party was formed where a group of people, the creoles, landowners and established merchants wrote a constitution that stated basic rules such as people got punished for their crimes, the church losses tax immunity and freedom of trade and commerce.


Industrial Revolution Begins

  • States went from agrain economic to industrial economic
  • Coal - used to power machines


  • Agricultral revolution - prior to industrail revolution many places in europe revolutioned agriculture leading to less people worrying about mouths that had to be fed
  • Crop rotation - roating crops to maximize use of soil
  • Seed Drill - efficiency placed seeds
  • New foods entering europe such as potato as a result of columbian exchange helped economy
  • Spike in population

Massive rural to urban migration as a result of people not needed to farm efficiently, more people looking for jobs

  • As a result of wealth gained from Atlanitc slave trade britian had more money to invest into business and factories

Factory System - goods were mass produced by factores

  • Using tools such as water frame and spinning jenny skilled labor was not needed
  • Led to Specialization of Labor - workers did one action over and over again for hours on end


Spread of Industrailization

  • Steam engine (sped up industrialization), converted coal into mechanical energy
  • Restriction of need of water removed making factores able be made anywhere
  • Led to creation of Steamboats, boasts with steam engines, more goods can be transported faster

Russia Constructed Trans-Siberian railroad, stretched from Moscow to Pacific Ocean, made russia able to trade easily. Russia 4th largest steel producer in the world

  • Harsh working condition to built railroad led to russian worker revolution of 1905


Technology of Industrial age

1st Industrial revolution (1750 - 1830)

  • Coal, energy used to power Steam engine
  • Suez canal, distance between europe and asia shortened and gave place to restock coal

2nd industrial revolution (1870-1900)

  • Oil, refined to make Gasoline, led to new developments such as the internal combustion engine
  • Bessmer process, iron combined with carbon in a chemical process making steel which is a more sturdy material
  • Telegrah (1840), made as a result of developmenrs in electricity , bale to send communication through long distances

Effect of New Technology

  • Improved communication
  • Inscrased trade as a result of it becoming more efficient
  • States across world becoming part of a global economy because of increased trade
  • More migration


Goverment Sponsered Industriazation


  • Muhammed ali, albanian officer, led egypt into industrialization
  • Raised Tarifs which are taxes on imported goods, protect development of egypt economy


  • As a result of tokugawa shogunate japan was completely isolated from trade
  • Japan witnessed western powers dominating trade like in china
  • Mathew Perry, US commodore, arrived in japan with large military
  • Forced japan to open ports to the US
  • Response Intiated a aggressive industrialization to protect themselves known as the Meji Restoration, where japan adopts lots of industrial practices


Economics of Industrial Revolution

  • Free market Economics, market driven, not state driven (Inspired by Adam Smith)
  • This led to lots of harsh working conditions for workers as government did not intervene
  • Wealth of middle class grew

Trans-National Corporation

  • Establish control in one country and also establishes large operations in many other countries
  • Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking cooperation - opened in 1865 british controlled hongkong for banking ventures (kept tabs on british selling illeagal opium)
  • Unilever cooperation - manufacture company that manufacture soap (joint company between british and dutch)
  • Stock markets - to fiance cooperation people can buy stocks which gives them percentage of ownership fo cooperation and as the cooperation increases in value the stock will also go up in value


Reactions to Industrial Economy

  • Working class wanted reform

Political Reform

  • As more people alble to vote, political parties had to appeal to lower classes too

Social Reform

  • Insurance for sickness and injuries

Educational Reform

  • High paying jobs becoming more technical and specialized, and education prepared children for these jobs

Urban Reform

  • Clean up urban cities, sanitation infrastructure

Labor unions- collection of workers who come together to protect there own interest, bargained with employers to improve lives

  • Barged for higher wages and better working conditions


  • Karl Marx, a revolutionary in britain, believed capatalism was unstable by nature(created big class division)
  • Believed that once workers realized the wrongdoings of capitalism, they would revolt and classes would cease to exist

Qing China

  • British started illegally importing opium which is a highly addictive drug into china
  • Led to Opium Wars, british easily won and forced China to Sign unequl treaties
  • Self Strengteneing Movement, take steps to industrailize while also revilatalizing chinese culture, conservatives disagreed with movement
  • Sino-Japanese war, japan crushed china making chinese self - strengthening movement an failure

Ottoman Empire

  • Tanzamat Reforms - ottomans attempt to industrailize, Ottomans built textile factories, implemented Western Style Law codes and courts
  • Young Ottomans - Desired to establish a european style empire to limit power fo sultan


Society and Industrial Age

Factory acts of 1833 - restricted working days and hours of children

Social classes

  • Industrial working class(factory workers and minors) made up of people who migrated from rural to urban areas
  • Workers worked in horrible conditions, Tenements - apartment buildings where workers were forced to live, located in urban slums
  • Middle class, benefited the most from industrailization (wealty factory owners, doctors, teachers, etc, )
  • Industrailits, top of social hierarchy, gained incredible wealth by owning industrial corporations and became more powerful than aristocracy

Women and industrialization

  1. Working class women
  • Worked wage earning jobs in factories because money husband brought was not enough
  1. Middle class women
  • Husbands made enough money to support entire family
  • Women became domestic and job was to nurture the family

Industrial problems

  1. Pollution
  • Coal burned resulted in a toxic fog
  • Human waste dumped into rivers which polluted drinking water
  1. Housing shortages
  • Multiple families lived in tenements meaning horrible living conditions

Unit 6 (1750-1900)


Rationales for Imperialism


  1. Nationalism motives for imperialism
  • United in smaller groups
  • Also believed that one nation is better than the other
  • Sino - Japanese war, war that was fought between china and japan over control of korea and taiwan. Before ware japan asserted its nationalistic pride to korea through attack.
  • As a result of war Japan gained control of korea
  1. Scientific Racism
  • Humans are ranked in distinact biological classes base on race, proved superiorty based on questionable studies such as phernology where on average a white person skull was bigger than other skulls
  1. Social Darwinsim
  • Applied darwism beliefs of only the fittest survived into, human societies
  1. Civilizing mission
  • Bring glories of industrail civilizations to lower civilizations


State Expansion

Belgium congo(in Africa)1908 - privalty owned by king leopold the 2nd in Belgium

  • Afriacns were harshly treated in order to obtain raw material and rubber

Africa State Expansion

  • Berlin conference (1884-1885), european powers decided what parts of africa each power will get in confrence there were no african representatives
  • Fight for land in africa became know as Scramble for Africa
  • Led to dividing of boarders in africa without regard of ethnic groups living there
  • Settler colonies, imperial powers claim inhabited territories and and send people to put outpost of there own society

America State expansion

  • Manifest Destiny, believed it was a calling from god to expand westward, led to indigenous being pushed out (forced migration known as trail of tears)

India State expansion

  • As mughal enmpire fell British East india company started gaining control in india by establishing the British Raj


How indigenous resisted imperial Expanison

Cause of Resistance:

  1. Questions of politcal authority
  • As a result of Scientific Racism ruling powers put western education in there colonies
  • One of the things discused in this education is enlightenment thought leading to people from these colonies questioning political authority
  1. Growing sense of Nationalism
  • When other powers conquered states, many people within empire experienced similar effects leading to a growing sense of nationalism to overthrow ruling powers

Resitances against imperialism

  1. Cherokee Nation
  • US clashed with indegoenous during expansion
  • In response idengeous such as the cherokee responded by asimliating with the americans
  • However americans removed cherokee using the Indian Removal act 1835 (sent all indians to oklahoma state)
  • Cherokee established new nation in state
  1. Indian Rebllions
  • Sepoys,hindu/muslim soldiers who worked under british during british rule over india, found out british were using cows and pig fat in there cartrdges which sparked an rebllion
  • Indian rebellion of 1857, british killed thousands in response to rebllion, however this rebllion brought natioanlism to indian empire
  • British killed Mughal leader and making a British Raj the new ruler
  • Raj made indians attend British Universites leading to Indian National congress which aired grievances against Birtish rule

Question : Do I have to specify how the Indian Rebllion brought nationalism on the AP test ?

  1. Ghost Dance Movement (North America)
  • Prophets from indigenous said that the dead would drive out the whiltes
  • Ingenous peformed songs and rituals to make the event come faster
  • Spread throughout indigenous across america leadin to sioux revolts, indians revolting wearing ghost dance shirts


Global Economic Changes

  • Transformed colonies into export economies, focused on exporting raw materials
  • Imperial powers transformed there colonies to serve there own interests

Cotton - India exported cotton to British

Effect of Imprealism

  • Growing dependence on colonies

Ceil Rhoades, found of De Beers Ming Company, mined 90 perent of diamonds in circulation

  • Rhodes elected into parliament and became most powerful person on southern Africa
  • Racist policies paved way for Arpatheid, racial segregation


Economic Imprealism

  • State extending control over another state with economic mean

Opium wars

  • Conflict between Britain and China
  • Port of canton (only port where outsiders could trade)
  • Lots of tea and other chinese goods exported to britain but instead of goods China asked for silver as they had no demand for british goods
  • In response british illegally exported opium into China
  • Led to Chinese getting edicted and chinease silver went to british
  • Qing officials banned import of drug and destoryed opium shipments
  • Led to war where the british won
  • Led to China signing Treaty of Nanjing, which opened up chinese trading ports to the british, forced chinease to pay for damages and allow british to get free trade
  • Taiping Rebllion, rebllion that sought to get rid of manchu rulers led to quing becoming extremely weak economically

Spheres of influence

  • Imperial powers opened up more ports in china and cut china up into spheres of influence where imperial powers controlled China exonomically and made China open up there boarders


Causes of Migration


  • Rural areas had loss of jobs because of mechanization of agriculture
  • Led to people migrating to urban areas looking for jobs

Penal colonies - British and french send convicts to australia and french guiana where they do harsh labor

Indentured Servitude - Worker signs contract to work on land for a couple of years in return for free passage to there destination

Great Famine (1845-1849) - Destroyed many potato crops leading to 3 million people immigrated from ireland to the US and other states


Effect of Migration


  1. Men migration
  • Since most men migrated women had to deal with more masculine roles in society in addition in places like south africa women became the head of the household
  • Women also sold additional food called casava on maket and were able to gain financial independence
  1. Ethnic Enclaves
  • Places in outside regions were foreigners of the same origin game together and lived near each other
  • Spread different types of culture around the world
  1. Nativism
  • Fear of cultural difference, led to states restricting immigration
  • Chinease Exclusion act (in US) - chinease contributed in creation of railroads, however chinese people in america resentend chinese, leading to america restricting travel

Unit 7 (1900-present)


Shifting of State power

  1. Otoman Empire
  • Young Turks, Reformers in Ottoman Empire, wanted modernization of Ottoman empire
  • However as a result of nationalism, they wanted the Ottomans to become turks (1908 overthrew sultan)
  • Brought reforms such as political elections, turkic language, and better school systems
  • Imposing natonalist policies sparked revolt in empire as prevously to the rule of the young turks, the Ottomans were religiously tolerant.
  • Led to weakening of Ottoman empire which led to smaller nations such as the republic of Turkey which were controlled under the british (Imperialism)
  1. Russian Empire
  • Russian Revolution of 1905, working class revolting for better rights
  • Nicholas 2nd won but added some of there asks such as a constitution, labor unions, and Poltical parties
  • Nicholas did not follow new rules
  • Led to another Russian Revolution of 1917, led by a marxist visionary Vladmir Lenin, lenin led a political group known as the Bolshiveks
  • Establish a communist goverment (Soviet Union was born)
  1. Qing China
  • Taiping rebellion, hurted Chineaes economy
  • Lost Opium wars, and Sino Japanese war
  • Boxer Rebellion(end of 1800’s), rebllion against the Qing goverment as a result of them being forigners, European empires helped stop rebellion but this led to China in more Economic debt
  • Sun Yat Sen(1911), Western educated Chinease ruler, Qing emperor was overthrown
  • Combined Confucisim with more new principles, made book called The Three Peoples Principles
  • Democarcy, government that is chosen and works in the name of people
  • Nationalism, Sun advocated for loyalty to the central authority
  • Livelyhood, end unequal distribution of wealth in china
  1. Mexican Revolution
  • Profiero Diaz (ruler of mexico from ending of 19th and beginning of 20th centuries), allowed foreigner investors such as the US to control Resources
  • Wealthies 1 percent of population controlled 97 percent of land
  • Diaz through his political Oposser in jail Francico Madero, led to Mexican Revoluton (gave Mexico stabability)


Causes of Word War 1

  • Self Determination, people of same ethcity, culutre and political indeologies should be able to come together and form there own Independent Nation-State
  1. Militarism
  • States build up strong materials to protect them selves
  • Germany was unified and Posses largest military force in europe
  1. Alliances
  • Triple Aliance, Austria, Germany and Italy
  • Triple Entente, Britain, france, Russia
  • Alliances were created for national security, differing alliances were enemies leading tow ar
  1. Imperialism
  • Bigger empires = power
  • Little territory left to get control over many european countries got into conflict
  1. Nationalism
  • Glory of own people and other people were worse or under them


  • Aided by growing tension between states, one assination led to an world war
  • Garvilo Princip, shot Arduke Franz Fredinand , the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne
  • Black Hand, Nationalistic organization Garvilo Princip was apart of
  • Serbia sent weapons
  • Leading to war between serbia and austro hungary (allies joined in to show off military force)


Conducting World War 1

  • Total war, requires countries entire population both military and civilians in order to fight
  • To make everyine be part of the war Govements used Propoganda (communication that whats to influnece opions of a comunity on an subject) by demonizing the enmey sides and exaggerating there atrocities
  • Used nationalism to get idea across, made people thing there natioanlity is the most important thing about them

Stratagies of fighting

  • Tanks
  • Posion gas
  • Trench Warfare, dug miles of trenches and stayed there protection (to combat people dying from new developed weapons)
  • Colonilal powers took troops from there colonies such as in the americas,indias, and China to fight there war


  • US joined on the side of Britain and France, US wanted to remain neutral
  • US was against germany as a result of Sinking of Lusitiana, Germany sank ship with americans on them
  • Tried to make Mexico to start war with the US
  • Internception of Zimmeran Telegram, an Telegram gernmany sent to Mexico stating they will provide aid to mexico in order to fight the US. However US interecpeted the Telegrapm leading to war

War end

  • War ended with the Sigining of Treaty of Versailles(alled powers won and Germany lost), forced germnay to take blame for losses during WW1 such as war debt and territorial lostt
  • Was a catalyst for WW2


Global Economy Between World wars

  1. Germany
  • Horrible economic situation and in capital debt after the war
  • Led to gemany printing more money which led to hyperInflation(happened during Weimer republic was in power)
  • As a result of this Germnay couldnt pay back there war debts leading to britain and france not being able to pay back there war debts to the US
  • In addition Colonial Governments suffer as they could not depend on there parent governments anymore
  • Stablized
  • Germany Economicly stablized and borrowed US money from banks in order to pay back france and Britain
  1. Soviet Union
  • World war 1 devasted Economy
  • Vladmir Lenin, got communist goverment involved and established the New Economic Plan (NEP)
  • Introduced some limited free market principles (Adam Smith, Lazzies-Faire) , but biggest institutions remained under state control
  • Lenin died 1924
  • Joseph Stalin, new leader of Soviet Union, wanted Soviet Union to Industrailize fast, led to 5 year Plan, wanted to multiply soviet industrial capacity by 5
  • Hard goal, to reach goal Stalin used Brutality
  • Stalin enstaed Collectivation of Agriculture, meant that most grown agriculture sent to feed industrial workers in urban cities, in addition collecives combine farm land into one large piece and were under control of government
  • Kulaks, wealthy landowning class revolted but lost
  • Ik Ukraine loss of Agricultre to feed Residents led to Great Famine which led to 6 million people dying
  1. United States
  • The Great Depression, market crash in US
  • Effected world as the US was a big suporter to other coutnries and the destruction of the economy led to the destruction of the economy in order countries
  • Keysian Economics , John Maynard Keynes said govmernments should control economy during depression and stated that goverments shoud used Deficit spending where the govement spends more than they take in
  • Led to Franklin Delano Roosvelt creating a govemrent led project called The New Deal
  • Where he made many people work on infrastructure projects and introduced a government sponsered retirement program
  • And more investment in medical Science


Unresolved Tensions after World War 1

  • Paris Peace Conference, discussion between allied powers on what to do after the World war 1, ultimatly led to the Treaty of Versialles
  • In addition Wilson(President of US) advocared form League of Nations which said that all nations would come together to discuss conflicts in order to prevent future wars
  • Confrence also wanted to dismantle Ottoman and german empires and delegate there land
  • Wilson advocated for Self-Determeninaton During conference (right convern self) however britain and france disagreed
  • Led to Mandate System, Middle east territories will become mandates under the League of Nations, aimed to prevent complete colonization and wnated to provide support tod developing colonies
  • However French and British developed full colonies
  1. Japan
  • As a result of Japans strong military they coloized manchria and took over a part of China and made a pupped state called Manchukuo

Colonial Resistance

  1. India
  • Indian National Congress, before world war 1, aired grivences aganst colonial govement and became a way to nationalize the emprire and give a strong voice for independence
  • Mohandas gandhi, led peacefull resistances against the British which ultiatly led to india gaining there independence
  • Exp. Salt March, peaceful march against the british where indians took a few grains of salt from the ocean, this went against the British as the British wanted to keep a monopoly over salt
  • Massacr of Amritsar, people protesiting against the arrest of 2 punjabi and sikh freedom fighters, led to the British killing many poeple at he protect
  • Caused as a result of the British sending sikh troop to the trench warfare
  1. Nationaism in East Asia
  2. Korea
  • March 1st Movement in korea, as a result of the mysterious death of the korean emporer and the fact that korea was under the power of japan, a movement sparked in korea showing korean nationalism
  1. China
  • May 4th movement(1919), China hopes allies will allow China to reclaim German controlled land in china, however allies disagreed and gave the land to Jpapn which led to China being infuriated leading them to become a communist government in addition there were anti-japanese movements in China which showed China’s nationalism
  • Chinese Communist Party(1925), political party that spraed communison throughout China, eventually lead by Mao Zedong , who is the son of a prosperous peasant that was inspired by the Russian revolution
  • Mao wanted the communist revolution to focus on peasant revolts as they were a majority of the population
  • Chinease Nationalist Party, Kuomintang, was led by Sun Yat sen, allied with mao zedong to bring independence to China
  • Chinag kai Shek took control of nationalist party and resented communism, he killed Mao’s forces leading to the Chinease civil war
  • Long March - nationalist party forced Maos forces to begin an extrenley long march across china, once they returned they gained peasants respect for there dedication


Causes of World War 2

  1. Italy
  • After WW1 italy did not reviece land grants there were promised

Imprial expanison

  • Italy expaned to ethiopia and japan expanded into china establishing manchuko however the league of nations did not have the power to stop them
  1. Germany
  • As a result of the weakness of the Weimer Republic, Adolf hitler was electred promising to get Germany out of there horrible economic situation.

Economic despair

  • Look at 7.4
  • Needed Strong Authortarian government to solve economic problems

Facism and totalitraism

  1. Soviet Union
  • Stalin wanted entire world to become Communist leading to war (Facism - Extreme natioanlsim to achieve goals)
  1. Italy (Facism)
  • As a result of suffreing due to great depression Musolini provided a solution
  • Organized italy to help his vision, lower standard of living, social security + Public services in return
  • Used mass communication technologies (telegram, gutenberg printing press) to spread nationalistic speeches across italy
  1. Germany (Facism)
  • Needed a solution as as a result of horrible economic situation due to weimer republic and the treaty of versailles
  • Led to Adolf Hitler
  • During Adolt hitlers rules he conquered lots of land for labresuarm


How World War 2 was fought

  • Fomrnation of 2 alainces
  1. Axis powers, Alliance between germany,japan, and italy
  2. Allied powers, Britain, France, Soviet Union, and the United States


  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor(1941 Naval Base), led the US to becoming more involve in the war

Ideologies that leveraged WW2

  • Facism
  • Communism (Russia)
  • Democarcy, Britain had new Prime Ministor (Winston Churchill)
  • In order to get people to fight war democatic states spread propganda stating that the war is a war for the people

Repression of Basic Freedoms


  1. United States
  • As a result of the bombing of Pearl Harbor Japanese citizens living the in the US were sent to Internment camps out of fear if the japanese were working with the enemy
  1. Germany
  • Jews were forced into Concentration camps, where they were forced to work harsh labor or killed

Technologies and Stratagies that made the war deadly

  1. Blietkrieg(Germany)
  • Stratagy that aims to elimnate enemy with incredible speed, used places and fast tanks leading to trench warfare no longer being used
  1. Atomic Bomb
  • Powerfull bomb that uses nuclear energy
  • Us drombed this bomb in Japan as they feared the amount of conqering hapan was doing, in addition revenge for the bombing of pearl harbor. These bombing were know as the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki, resulted of end of war in pacific


Mass Atrocities in 20th Century


  1. Arieal warfare
  • Utilitzed fire bombing to kill many civilians and lite cities of fire
  1. Atomic Bomb
  • Killed 100,000s japanese during the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki

Rise of Extremist political policies

  1. Armeian Genocide
  • Ottoman empire started making there stake mainly turkic as visioned by the young turks
  • Made armnaian christian population suspicison
  • In response ottomans killed many christains
  1. The Holocaust
  • Hitler wanted to create a pure unifed race leading to mass killing of jews
  1. Cambodina Genocide
  • Communist group (Khmer Roughe) took power in combodia, wanted to make cambodia an agrarian state and wanted to eraze wester influence
  • Targeted educated population as they were the most influenced by westernization

Unit 8 (1900-present)


Context for Cold War and Decolonization

  • Cold War, hostility between 2 states as a result of an indealogical struggle instead of warfare
  • 2 new superpowers as a result of WW2 = USA and Soviet Union

Economic advantages that led to rise of superpowers

  1. United States of America
  • Although Great Depression happend The US had to prepare for WW2 which led them to fixing there economy
  • Marshall Plan, as a result of the US being in a good economic situation they made a plan where they provided aid to nations that were negatively affected by the war
  1. Soviet Union
  • Soviet economy controlled by state (Stalin 5-year plan) led to soviets economy growing rapidly at the cost of death of soviet citizens
  • Soviet union recovered economy from world war 2 becaue of there abundance of natural resources, large population, and invests before WW2

Technological advantages that led to rise of superpowers

  1. United States of America
  • Developed Atomic bomb, made clear that the US were the strongest country
  1. Soviet Union
  • As a result of the US developing an atomic bomb the soviets catched up leading them to make the atomic bomb

Arms race - both superpowers spent lots of money to make more destructive bombs


  • As a result of many nations being in horrible economic situation it provided the grounds to which other nations could decolonize


The Cold war

  • United States = Democartic Capitalism
  • Soviet Union = Authoritarian communism, led to conflcit
  • Both superpowers wanted to spread there ideologies throughout the world to show which Ideology is more superior


Potsdam Conference, Yalta Confrence, and Tehran conference - conferences between USA and USSR. The US wanted Eastern Europe to become democratic however the USSR disagreed leading to conflict (lead to mistrust)

  1. Germany
  • After war Germany was dvided into 4 zones, 3 were democratic and part of the allied powers while the eastern most division was communist and under soviet rule
  • Led Churchill to draw an iron curtain over europe stating that the eastern half is communist and the western half is democratic

Decolonization and cold war

  • Many states just became decolonized however as a result of the cold war they were pressured to join either side and become pawns and if they refused they would have to depend on a more powerful statement
  • Led to Non-aligned Movement, African and Asian head of state met (represented newly decolonized states)
  • Let newly independent states avoid the picking a side in the cold war


Effects of the Cold war


  1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
  • Alliance between US and western European states, against soviets
  • States if anyone one member was attacked then all members would attack
  1. Warsaw Pact
  • In Response to NATO
  • Alliance between USSR and Eastern European states

Nuclear Proliferation

  1. Cuban Missle Crisis
  • Soviets shipped lots of nuclear missles into cuba, leading america to be mad
  • Made america nervous weather there country would be destroyed
  1. Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty,
  • Stated that nuclear weapons could not be used in war and stopped there spread

Proxy wars

  1. Korean war (1950)
  • After WW2 korea divided into North and south korea, North was occupied by soviets and south is occupied by the US
  • United states sent soldiers but soviets only sent guns
  • Conflict ended in stale mate
  1. Angolan Civil war(1975)
  • Colony of portugual in africa
  • Lots of rival groups united and fought protugues for independence
  • After independence question came who will be in power
  • Soviet backed one group and the US backed one group
  1. Contra war (Nicaragua)
  • Sandinastas tried taking control of nicaragua and were socialist
  • US supporeted contras who were trying to overthrow socialists

Berlin (Germany)

  • Berlin Blockade, divide germany into 4 zones
  • Soviet wanted to stop western goal to control of of berlin leading them to set up blockade to stop wester supplies
  • In response the West did the Berlin airlift where the sent supplies to the east side of berlin through planes
  • Berlin wall, people of east berling being exposed to the west democratic political systems wanted to leave, led to soviets setting up guards preventing people from leaving


Spread of Communism after 1900

Commuism in China

  • Mao Zedong, won support as he redistributed land to peasants, peasants saw communist as less corrupt than natioanlists
  • Mao set up Peoples republic of China
  • Great Leap forward, ecnomic plan to rapidly industrialize china (similar to stalin 5 year plan)
  • Great leap forward focused on small scale industrialization is small rural areas (put peasants in communes - agricutltraul communities)
  • Bad harvests led to starvation and 20 million chinese died , led to great leap forward being abandoned
  • Cultural revolution, Mao zedong atempt to reinvigorate love for communism
  • Organized Red guards(groups of revolutionary students) to take people against communism and make them do hard labor

Communism in Egypt (Africa)

  • British and French completed work on suez canal, allowed eruopeons to take a short cut to export goods
  • Nasser led movement to overthrow British and make egypt independent
  • Implemented socialist reforms on the suez canal, meaning that the suez canal would be nationalized to egypt,
  • Led to british forces and isreal invading egypt
  • US and USSR opposed french and british forces
  • Example of how a nation remained non - aligned

Communism in Vietnam (Asia)

  • After world war 2 japan declared idependence from japan and france
  • Led to 2 govemerments communist and anti - communist
  • Vietnam war (proxy war)
  • Communism goverment began land redistrobustion to peasants
  • Before wealthy land owners held nearly all land

Communism in Cuba (Latin america)

  • Cuba did not like US exploitation of there land leading to them siding with the Societ union
  • Cuba adopted Communist polcies such as redistrobusting land back to peasants
  • In addition they nationalized the land the US was taking from them
  • Led to the Bay of Pigs Criis


Decolonization after 1900

  1. India Independence
  • Britain developed india by provovidng education and making many economical developments in india like the rail road
  • However modernization also gave a growing middle class who became more and more educated as a result of western education carrying over enlightenment ideals
  • Led to formation of Indian National Congress 1885, goal was to give indians more of a voice in government decisions
  • Mohandas Ghandi took on non violent resitance by performing things such as boycotts
  • As a result of indian independence an minority called the muslims formed the muslim league, which called for a new stae for themsleves
  • Resulted in partition of india, created new state - Pakistan
  1. African Independence
  • Gold Coast, Colony of geate britain in Ghana
  • Independence movement led by Kwane kkrumh, led to a negotiations between britain which led to ghana officially becoming independent
  • Khrumah was influenced by nationalistic ideals and made a nationalist government
  • Advocated for Pan-Africanism, preserving clutres and african traditions

Armed conflict

  1. Algeria Independence
  • Alegria was a hotspot for french migration leading to french refusing to make algeria independent
  • Led to muslims forming the national liberation front, where they combated french rule and killed many french in algeria
  • French responed by also killing many algerians leading to Algerian war for Independence
  • Conflict resolved after Charles De gualle, french leader oppened up negotiations
  1. Angola independence
  • Brutal war for independence against protuguese
  • Once protugues empirew was weakened angola recived independence
  • However after independence the ethnic groups within angola were in conflict which led to a proxy war and teh angolan civil war
  • The groups were also communist and anti communist


State Building after Decolonization

  1. India
  • In conflict against pakistan/ muslim league
  • Fought for who ruled Kashmir (home to natural resocurces)
  1. Creation fo Isreal
  • Palestine used to be part of ottoman empire making it a majority muslim
  • As a result of ottoman empire falling, the mandate system gave palestine to Britainn
  • Zionism - jews wanting to get there own state
  • UN decided that palestine witll be partioned into 2 states israel and palestine

How Goverments directed Economy after Independence

  1. Egypt(Africa)
  • Gamal abdal Nasser being part of non - aligned movement accepted help from both soviet and Us leading to them getting lots of economic aid
  • Aswan High Dam (1970), provided electricity to most of egypt
  • Social welfare, reforms which provided free schooling and healthcare
  1. India
  • Indhri gandhi, first women prime minister,
  • As a result of indias weak economy beacuse of pakistan conflict she dveloped a socialist 5 year economic plan in order control economy by govemernt and not aid form other forces (similar to stalin)


Metropoles - lots of newly freed colonies saw migration out of there empire to there previous ruling empire

example . people in india migrating back to Great Britain


Global Resistance to Establishhed power Structures

  1. India
  • Ghandi
  • Homespun Movement
  • Salt March
  1. United States
  • Martin Luther King jr. , black baptist minster in the US (Inspired by Ghandis methods)
  • Fought agaisnt racial segregation laws in america
  • Civil Rights movement, secure equal rights for black people
  1. South Africa
  • Once south africa got its independence Minority population of white did racial segregation known as apartheid
  • Nelson Mandela, fought back by doing acts of non - violent resitances such as boycots and strikes


End of Cold war

  • Soviet Union could not keep up with the US economically as a result of the Arms race and Space race
  • Soviet - Afgan war - soviets wanted control of afganistan and tried impolementing communits regime, however afgan troops were supplied by the US leading to soviet figthing a losting battle for 9 years which ultimately meant the distruction of there economy

Gorbachev polices

  • Led to demise of soviet union
  • Perestroika, reducing amount of control soviet government controls economy
  • Glassknot, Openness, allowed for freedom of speech and anyone can say bad things about the government
  • Demokratizya, allowed for things such as freedom of speech and elections in soviet union ultimately led to the dissolvmenet of the soviet union