possible to be achieved
To whittle smth down
to reduce in size or amount
Daunting task
intimidating, threatening task
To daunt
to decrease one’s confidence
To clutter
to fill or cover in a disorderly way
To hoard
to accumulate things for the future use and subsequently making the room messy
a person who accumulates things for the future use
having too little space
A payoff
a benefit received
To feel hemmed in
to feel claustrophobic
To hem smb
to surround smb and prevent from moving or escaping
Poky flats
unpleasantly small or uncomfortable flats
To lurk
to prowl or lie hidden, as though about to attack
To live out
to fulfill or realize one’s ambition, to do smth that smb has hoped for
To justify the expense
to make the efforts worth by saying why
In one’s heart of hearts
in the depth of one’s soul