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how combination of resistors in series + parallel affect total R
Connect series circuit with ammeter, battery and switch + resistor. Voltmeter in parallel.
Close switch + record readings
Repeat 1+2 for 2nd resistor
Connect both resistor in series and voltmeter in parallel to both.
Close switch and record readings.
Arrange resistors in parallel
Close switch and record readings
resistance of the combined resistors is equal to the sum of the two individual resistances
electrons flow in one path through both resistors, so the current does too
resistance of the combined resistors is less than the sum of the two individual resistances
electrons are split between the different paths but the resistors still have the same potential difference across them
Systematic error
crocodile clip at 0- zero error
ammeter + voltmeter at 0
Random error
small I so temp doesn’t rise+ change R
I off between readings
don’t touch hot wire
no liquids close to equipment