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Immanuel Kant
Came up with the enlightenment, later in life Critique of pure reason (Nomenal:thing-in-itself(e.g. religion=fantasy)Phenomenal:Senses(e.g. facts=science))
Categorical Imperative
"act according to a rule you want everyone else to do", Immanuel Kant
Truth through experience, John Locke
"Father of the enlightenment"
God created the universe but is not involved, God is a clock-winder
Most important idea is the General Will (the Social Contract, community before individual), known as the "father of French Romanticism"
Philip Spencer
Hosted assemblies of Piety/Bible studies (Pietism)
Enlightened Despotism
Monarchs agree with philosophs but want to remain in power (e.g. Prussia-Fredrick II, Austria-Joseph II,Russia-Catherine the Great,...)
The Hanoverians
From Germany, came into power after the death of the Stuarts, Monarch include George I, George III and so forth
Robert Walpole
First prime minister of England, needed because the Hanoverians could not speak English
French and Indian War
In North America, part of the 7 years war
The Ancien Regime
Social Structure of pre-Revolution France
Boston tea party
was a direct result of the tea act
Stamp Act
1st direct tax on goods made in America
What was the Direct Cause of the French Revolution
Collapse of finances
Tennis Court Oath
Third estate of general assembly said they would not adjourn until they came up with a new constitution
Storming of the Bastille
Marks beginning of French Revolution
Civil COnstitution of the Clergy
Catholic Church is now under the state in France, Church land is sold to try to make money
Who crowned Napoleon?
Napoleon crowned himself
Battle of Trafalgar
Napoleon faced Lord Horation Nelson (L.H.N. died during battle)(British Victory), one of the most important naval battles of history
Napoleon's greatest victory, gave him control of Europe (siblings on throne-"nepotism at its finest")
Battle of Leipzig
"Battle of Nations", One of the most severe battle's of Napolianic Wars
First island Napoleon was exiled to
Duke of Wellington opposes Napoleon after Hundred Days, failure for Napoleon
Saint Helena
2nd island Napoleon is exiled to, he died there from poisoning
Olive Branch Petition
Was meant for peace with Britain from the colonies
James Madison
Father of the Constitution
Philadelphia Convention
The purpose was to revise the Articles of Confederation, ended up writing a new constitution
What are common convictions of the delegates of the Philadelphia convention?
Strong Centrual Gov & maintain state sovereignty, Democracy = Bad
New Jersey Plan
Wanted equal representation
Checks and Balances
Sovereignty can reside in multiple places
What was needed for ratification of the constitution?
9/13 states needed
Four Principals of the Constitution
1. Seperation of powers - to reduce tyranny
2. Federalism - enhances liberty
3. Checks + Balances - to ensure cooperation
4. Bill of Rights - To list God Given Natural RIghts of the people (Patrick Henry influential)
Congress Powers
Declare War, pass laws and collect taxes
Is there seperation of CHruch and State?
No, impossible to have justice without church
2nd amendment
"The right to keep and bear arms"
Origins of Industrial Revolution?
Protestant work ethic and agricultural revolution
Jethro Tull
Invented the seed drill, "plow that broke the prairies"
Cyrus McCormick
Invented the mechanical reaper, gave owners manuals,"father of customer service"
Enclosure Movement
Authority to privatize commen land, Pros: more agricultural development/Cons:Hurt poor farmers
Factory System
Manufacturing that centralized production
Which industry is the first to modernize?
Textile Industry
James Hargreaves
invented the spinning jenny
Eli Whitney
Invented the cotton gin (invention increases the demand for slavery)
Cheaper way to transport goods by land
Karl Benz
first true automobile
Adam Smith
Weath of Nations, "Father of modern Economics"
Marie Currie
discovered radioactivity, died to radiation poisoning
Edward Jenner
Smallpox vaccine
John Pierport Morgan
US steel corp, also a banking name (J.P. Morgan)
Robert Peel
British PM, Bobbie's (police officers)
Prince Albert
"Prince Consort", married to Queen Victoria (after his death will be known as the "Widow of Windsor")
Joseph Paxton
Made the Crystal Palace
Reform Bill
Extended suffrage (1/6th of men could vote now), redistribution of seats
Chartists, working class activists that were unhappy with the limited effect of Reform bill, supported the people's charter
William Gladstone
"The Grand Old Man"
Benjamin Disraeli
First Jewish prime minister
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
"The Prince of Preachers"
J. Hudson Taylor
China Inland Missions
George Muller
Ran an orphanage purely by faith
William Booth
founded the Salvation Army
Lord Ashly
Child Labor reform (limited hours and age of workers)
Florence Nightingale
"The Lady with a lamp", why nurses are respected profession
C.T. Studd
"Chricketer for Christ"
Zong Trial
Slave ship killed 122 (push needed for abolition of slavery), Judge was William Murray
Sepoy Rebellion
Happend because Hinduist (in India) refused to use new rifles because of cow fat on ammunition
India Act
India is now part of the crown
William Carey
"Father of Modern Missions"
David Livingstone
discovered Victoria Falls
Mary Slessor
"Queen of Clalbar"
19th century
When missions to Africa was prominent
Lott Carey
missionary to Liberia
Cecil Rhodes
Globalist, Cape to Cario/caused Boar wars
2nd Boar War
British Ran concentration Camps
Was a penal colony for the British
Act of Union
England and Ireland become one nation
Potato Famine
Caused Irish citizens to immigrate to America
Charles Darwin
"Origin of Species"
Power of Ideas
1. Explains way to present
2.Evaluates Past
3.Helps you understand your place in present
4.Provides a program to change the present
G.W.F. Hegel
Change is universal, not random (progressive), Dialectic Thinking (thesis vs Antithesis. Leads to Synthesis = new thesis (never ending cycle)), belived perfection was the state (god on earth) and laws of state were true freedom
Fredrick Schleirmacher
Father of theological liberalism (religion based on personal experience rather than tradition), ideas saturate schools and travel to different countries
Why is German Philosophy/Liberal Christianity dangerous?
Kant= man can not have objective knowledge of God
Hegel=beliefs, or religion changes - there are no absolute truths
Scheirmacher=personal experience over doctrinal truths
Congress of Vienna
first modern peace conference, Important figures -Czar Alexander I(Russia)-Lord Castlereagh(England)-Comte de Tallyland(France)-Prince Klemens von Metternich(Austria)
Prince Klemens von Metternich
Austria, has spy's everywhere, Age of Metternich (reinstate monarchies-put them back on throne after Napoleon, encircle France-buffer states, compensate land loss-pre Napoleonic boarder,establish balance of power)
Edmund Burke
Father of Modern Conservatism (maintain tradition-community, not a revolution of change-sudden change)
Joseph de Maistre
Opposes countries with written constitution
Quadruple Alliance (P.E.A.R)
Prussia, England, Austria, Russia
Quintuple Alliance (P.E.A.R. + France)
Prussia, England, Austria, Russia, and France (after Louis XIII)
Holy Alliance (P.A.R)
Prussia, Austria, Russia - goal was to promote Christian principles (moral principals) + maintain order
Principal of Intervention
use force to maintain status quo, stop revolutions, goal of Metternich age
Simon Bolivar
The liberator, helped Latin America countries receive independence.
Latin America countries who gained independence...
Mexico (don't owe allegiance to Spain anymore), Chile
Monroe Doctorine
Forgiven policy that made the western hemisphere off limits (Britain supported it)
Treat of Adrianople
Greek independence (supported by Russia)
Charles X
tried to reinstate absolute monarchy in France, caused revolutions (July Revolution - Three Glorious Days(Les Mes is based off of these revolutions!))
Louis Philippe
"Citizen King" of France, King of the French, if you were working class life is miserable
French buffer state declares independence, king elected was Leopold I (married to Louise daughter is "Charlotte of Mexico"-tragic death of husband)
Buffer state to France that was under Russia declares independence
Second Republic of France
National Workshops (channeling profits to workers instead of wealthy-problem was that the workers were paying taxes and not the wealthy), Result was June Days(made up of the socialist and working force-10,000 killed),(Congress was short-term success but could not quell Revolutionary Nationalism)
Louis Napoleon
President, declared himself Napoleon III when he dissolved congress that elected him,Sacrificed ideals of a republic, Achilles heel-forgin policy, Authoritarian