“A silence.” You stop suddenly in midsentence as if words fail, or as if a word to your wise reader has been completely sufficient.
ex: But the cat... Do you believe that he can cope...? And in the name of common sense-!
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“A turning away” You “turn away” from your audience to address someone knew- God, the angels, heaven, the dead, or anyone not present.
ex: Hear. O heavens. Death, where is thy sting? Blush, America, for this stupidity.
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You substitute an epithet, a label, for a person’s real name, usually with ironic emphasis.
Example: The Philosopher. The Blowhard. A Solomon. A Castro. A Mickey Mouse. The Swede.
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Also called paralepsis or preteritio. “A passing over.” You pretend not to mention something in the very act of mentioning it.
Example: I shall not mention the time he failed to come home at all, or his somewhat wobbly condition at breakfast. I shall not go into all his broken promises, his campaign speeches, or his scandalous treatment of his aged mother.
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“Doubting.” You hesitate ironically between alternatives.
ex: Whether he is more stupid than negligent, I hesitate to guess. One hardly knows what to call it, folly or forgetfulness, ignorance or igonimy.