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Power elite
C. Wright Mills called the top people in U.S. corporations, the military, and politics who make the nation's major decisions the
Which occupation has the most prestige in the United States—physician, banker, actress, or plumber?
are high school dropouts.
Most members of the working poor class
move on the social ladder, either up or down.
It is likely to be painful to
_____ is material possessions.
Who is at the top of Wright's modification of Marx's model of social classes?
are less educated
Most of the poor
June was the president of her neighborhood association, which in that group afforded her a high
Marx´s model of the social classes included
it worsens
As you go down the social-class ladder, what happens to your mental health?
upward social
Lee started as a bank teller and 15 years later ended up running the bank. This is an example of _________ mobility.
income equality has increased since 1970
In tracking income in the United States from 1935 to 2013.
working class
Members of the _____ tend to think of themselves as having "real jobs" and regard the "suits" above them as paper pushers.
more expressive worship services and louder music.
When it comes to religion, the lower classes tend to be attracted to
upper middle
The class most shaped by education is the _____ class.
deferred gratification
Going without something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future is called
They are less likely to be politically active.
Which statement is true about people toward the bottom of the class structure?
The region of the United States that has the most poverty is the
often confused
Income and wealth are
If we use the analogy that some U.S. families have an income that could be represented by the height of Mount Everest, then the average American family has an income that is about _____ feet off the ground.
The concern in some quarters that too many immigrants will change the character of the United States is
_____ is an umbrella term for people from any of the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America.
Native Americans today speak _______ different languages.
split labor market
In conflict theory, a(n) _____ is exploited by owners in order to weaken the bargaining power of workers.
white ethnics
Immigrants to the United States from Poland, Ireland, Italy, and Germany are examples of
When a group is absorbed into the mainstream culture, this is known as
minority group
People who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination make up a(n)
reserve labor force
Conflict theorists say that capitalists use the _____ to expand production during economic booms, and then lay off people during economic contractions.
individual discrimination
_____ is person-to-person or face-to-face discrimination.
direct population transfer
The United States government's relocation of Native Americans to reservations is an example of
One perspective on prejudice is that it is _____, in that it creates in-group solidarity.
selective perception
Seeing certain features of an object or situation, but remaining blind to others, is
institutional discrimination
Built into society's institutions, _____ is negative treatment of a minority group.
internal colonialism
_____ exploits minority groups for economic gain.
Julio had a strong sense of ethnic identity. Our ethnic identity is _____ by our group having smaller numbers in a society and being the object of discrimination.
Ashley Montagu, a physical anthropologist, classified people into forty racial groups.
Which of the following statements about race is true?
conflict theorists
African Americans, whites, Latinos, and others see themselves only able to make gains at the expense of other groups, according to
As whites colonized the United States and expanded westward, what did most Native Americans die from?
Among Americans of European descent, the largest group comes form
Usually negative, _______ is an attitude or prejudgment.
affiliated with a religion
The risk of divorce is decreased among couples
extended family
Clarence's grandparents lived with him and his mom and dad in the same house, on the top floor. The family Clarence lived in was a(n)
________ is the practice of marrying within one´s own group.
There are about ________ confirmed cases of child abuse or neglect annually in the United States.
a marriage.
A group's approved mating arrangements, usually marked by a ritual of some sort, is called
role confusion
From the functionalist perspective, the incest taboo helps families to avoid
A society in which women-as-a-group dominate men-as-a-group is a(n)
Homogamy refers to
the tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another.
the system of descent
The way that people trace kinship over generations, known as _____, is different all over the world.
_____ is a form of marriage in which men have more than one wife.
An astounding finding by sociologists is that _____ experience the negative effects of divorce.
visiting less with friends and relatives.
Parents are actually spending more time with the children today than in the last 40 years, and the main way parents have found the extra time is by
Authority is held by males in a(n) _____ society.
family life differs by social class
In Native American families,
The state in the United States with the highest divorce rate is
people who remarry
Calculating statistics on divorce is complicated by
Approximately what percentage of African American households is headed by both a mother and a father?
Married and stayed married
People in which of the following groups are likely to live the longest?
family or procreation
The family that is formed when a couple's first child is born is referred to as a
coming from a variety of cultures.
Most sociologists see Asian Americans as
Human ecology
_____ describes the relationship between people and their environment, such as land and structures.
A _______ is a community located just outside of a city.
edge city
A(n) _____ is a large clustering of service facilities and residential areas near highway intersections that provides a sense of place to people who live, shop, and work there.
How many stages does the demographic transition—as in Europe—have?
_____, which can be as high as 30, refers to the number of children a woman is capable of bearing.
Following an exponential growth curve, growth
doubles during approximately equal time intervals, and then suddenly accelerates.
fewer; more
According to the principle of diffusion of responsibility, the _____ bystanders to an incident that there are, the _____ likely people are to help.
In the process of _____, people move from cities to suburbs.
the crude birth rate.
The annual number of live births per 1,000 population is
placing sectors, like pie slices, that cut through the concentric zones.
The sector model modified the concentric zone model by
different between the number of immigrants and emigrants per 1,000 population.
The net migration rate is the
The _____ model shows the impact of radial highways on the movement of people and services away from the central city to the outskirts.
human populations
Demography is the study of the size, composition, growth (or shrinkage), and distribution of
When a city has 10 million or more residents, it is a(n)
services are not spread evenly throughout the city.
The result of the multiple-nuclei model is that
fertility, mortality, and net migration.
The three demographic variables that change the size of a population are
Each day on Earth, if you subtract the number of people who die that day from the number of people born that day, the planet has approximately _____ more people.
metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs).
The U.S. Census Bureau divides the United States into 274
politicians tamper with it, rewarding more births or discouraging more births.
A reason that it is difficult to forecast population growth is that
300 million
At around the time of the birth of Christ, there were about _____ people in the world.
_____ theories assume that all societies follow the same path (from simple to complex).
leaves a sound environment for the next generation.
A sustainable environment
few; many
In traditional societies, material possessions were _____. In industrialized societies, material possessions are _____.
the state of technology
Envy and pride may be basic to human nature, but the particular material display depends on
how it changes our way of life.
For sociology, the significance of technology is
_____ is one of the three processes of social change identified by William Ogburn.
minorities and the poor
Environmental injustice refers to how _____ are harmed the most by environmental pollution.
ideology that praised
The new technology that led to factories brought about a new _____ capitalism.
There is no shortage-abundant energy is available from the sun, tides, and wind.
What statement about energy shortage is true?
_____ is the transformation of traditional societies into industrial societies.
In a traditional society, education was
always refers to
Technology _____ artificial means of extending human abilities.
We have barely begun to harness the power of computers in education.
Which statement about computers in education today is true?
eliminate parking problems in cities, because a car took up only half as much space as a horse and buggy.
As the automobile pushed aside the former technology-horse and buggy-people thought that cars would
New Jersey
The U.S. state with the largest number of the worst hazardous waste sites is
postindustrial society.
Postmodern society is
_____ theories propose that different routes lead to the same stage of development.
pick up their tools and leave
Before factories, workers could _____ if they did not like something.
were freed from the narrow confines of their homes.
Thanks to automobiles, women
The triadic division of the planet since World War II places the emphasis on _____ in Europe.