Income inequality
________ has grown, with consolidation of wealth in the upper echelon of American earners.
________ and Gorbachev negotiated withdrawal of nuclear warheads from Europe.
Congressional Election
The 1994 ________ saw the Republicans take back control of Congress, but their power was limited by Clinton's executive power.
Jesse Jackson
________ ran for Democratic nomination in 1984 and 1988.
________ became increasingly prominent in political life from the 1970s through the 1990s.
Shirley Chisholm
________ was first African American woman elected to Congress in 1968.
In ________, Clinton supported a NATO bombing campaign in the former Yugoslavia against Slobodan Milosevic, who was eventually tried and convicted for crimes against humanity.
Evangelical Christians
Right- wing ________ were instrumental in energizing conservatives during the 1970s and 1980s.
Conservative Evangelicals
________ and fundamentalists such as Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson helped to mobilize like- minded citizens to support the Republican Party.
Simpson Mazzoli Act
The ________ in 1986 outlawed the employment of illegal immigrants and granted legal status to some illegal aliens.
William Jefferson Clinton
________ was the 42nd President of the United States and the first Democrat to be elected after Jimmy Carter.
________ used money saved on taxes to buy luxury items, rather than reinvesting in economy as suggested by supply- side economics.
Traditional conservatives
________: cost of military adventures, loss of domestic jobs, and unrestricted immigration.
________ rose to power in Soviet Union.
21st century
Bush sets course for US foreign policy into ________.
________: banks forced to choose between commercial or investment operations, prohibited from participating in both.
________ denounced moral relativism of liberals and believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible.
Taft Hartley Act of
The ________ 1947 restricted the ability to strike and preferential hiring of union members.
Staunch liberals
________: excessive corporate power and global imperialism.
Clinton Lewinsky scandal
The ________ resulted in Clinton's impeachment, but he was acquitted by the Senate and remained in office to finish his second term.
North American Free Trade Agreement
The ________ (NAFTA) was signed into law by Clinton in 1993, which aimed to eliminate trade barriers among the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
George Bush
________ defeats Michael Dukakis.
urban riot
Worst ________ occurred in 1992 in South Central LA after acquittal of white police officers in beating of Rodney King.
1980 presidential campaign
presented himself as Washington "outsider" & Carter's opposite
Operation Desert Storm
massive air strikes against Iraqi targets
First African American governor
First African American to run for president
Shirley Chisholm (1972)
Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice
Secretaries of State under George W. Bush
Historic Election
Barack Obama as President
signed by President Roosevelt in 1933, response to bank instability leading up to Great Depression
Glass-Steagall repealed
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 did away with provisions
Critics argue that repeal of Glass-Steagall contributed to the 2008 recession, caused by banks offering speculative home loans
Key Players
Joseph Stiglitz, among economists, is critical of the repeal of Glass-Stea