Blockchain, Walmart Canada Reading
An open, distributed leger that can record transactions between two or more parties in an efficient, verifiable and permanent way.
What problem does Blockchain solve
Companies that keep private records tend to be distributed across different internal units/functions making it time consuming and expensive to reconcile across different parties.
Blockchain principles
Distributed database: Each party has access to the entire database, but no single party controls the data
Peer-to-peer transmission: Communication occurs directly between peers, rather than a central node
Transparency with pseudonymity: Every transaction and value is visible to anyone with access to the system
Irreversibility of records: Once a transaction is entered and the accounts are updated, the records cannot be altered
Computational logic: The ledger has built-in programming logic and rules for triggering transactions between nodes
Blockchain from an accounting and audit perspective
Transactions are recorded directly into a joint register
Creation of an interlocking system enduring accounting records
Entries are distributing and cryptographically sealed, so falsifying or destroying them to conceal activity is practically impossible
requires extensive technical expertise
Current legal, regulatory, and professional guidance is currently sparse
Blockchain Concerns
Obsolesce: most current blockchain implementations will soon be out of data and will require replacement
Outsized expectations: CIOs have overestimated the capabilities of the technology
Disparate vendors: the fragmented market for blockchain makes implementation complex
What problems was Walmart Canada struggling with before the DL Freight blockchain platform?
Long invoice processing (11 steps)
Disputed 70% of their invoices
It took days, weeks, and months to agree on an invoice after the delivery
High costs for reconciliation
Late payments to freight carriers
Poor carrier relationships
Describe the DL Freight blockchain platform that was adopted by Walmart Canada. What changes did Walmart Canada make to their invoice processing
Provides a real-time, single version of truth to eliminate disputes
Create a tamper-resistant traceable history of events to simplify workflow and compliance
Automate execution with tamper-resistant smart contracts to accelerate business processes.
Reengineering invoice processing across firm boundaries - using smart contracts that automatically update from IoT data feeds
Creating a single version of the invoice - sharing the same invoice on the blockchain’s distributed ledger (only authorized parties can read and write on an invoice)
Configuring an existing platform rather than building custom software - it’s a configuring system like an ERP
Providing freight carriers with DL freight as a SaaS application - minimizes their IT investment costs
What value/benefits did blockchain implementation provide? What challenges did Walmart Canada face?
Invoice finalization within 24 hours of final delivery
Disputed invoices fell to under 2%
Walmart Canada achieved substantial cost savings
Cash flows improved for freight carriers
Relationships between Walmart Canada and freight carriers improved
New opportunities for revenue generation and additional supply chain improvements
Initial resistance from freight carriers
Complexity of ecosystem integration
Initial deployment of high volume data
Governance and compliance issues with multiple stakeholders
Training and change management
Technical complexity
Resolving disputes with historical data
Blockchain TED Talk Takeaways
Blockchain is based on a human story - as humans, we find ways to lower uncertainly about one another so that we can exchange value
Blockchain is a public registry of who owns what who transacts what
Transactions are locked in blocks of data that get encrypted when stored
Blockchain is like Wikipedia - an open infrastructure that stores many kinds of assets (history of custodianship, ownership, and location)
Harness our collective uncertainty to collaborate and exchange more, faster, and more open
Blockchain is not the solution to everything - it will need room for a lot of experimenting