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dominant gene
gene that shows a strong effect in either the homozygous or heterozygous condition
recessive gene
gene that shows effects only in the homozygous condition
sex-linked gene
gene on either the X or the Y chromosome
autosomal gene
any gene other those on the X or Y chromosome
sex-limited gene
gene present in both sexes but that exerts its effects primarily in one sex
unit of heredity that maintains its structural identity from one generation to another
strand of genes
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
double-stranded molecule that is part of the chromosomes
ribonucleic acid (RNA)
single-strand chemical coded by DNA
having two identical genes for a given characteristic
having two unlike genes for a given trait
heritable change in a DNA molecule
field that deals with changes in gene expression without modification of the DNA sequence
protein that binds DNA into a shape that resembles a string wound around a ball
estimate of the degree to which variation in a characteristic depends on genetic variations
phenylketonuria (PKU)
genetic inability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine
change over generations in the frequencies of various genes in a population
artificial selection
process of selecting plants/animals for desired traits
Lamarckian evolution
hypothesis that use of some body part will change its size in the next generation
spreading of genes
altruistic behavior
action that benefits someone other than the actor
production of new cells
movement of brain neurons or glia
process by which glia produce insulating fatty sheaths that accelerate transmission in many vertebrate axons
neural Darwinism
principle of competition among axons
nerve growth factor (NGF)
protein that promotes the survival of axons in certain axons in the brain
programmed mechanism of cell death
far transfer
improvement of a skill due to practice at a dissimilar skill
temporary loss of normal blood flow to a brain area
cerebrovascular accident
result of interrupted blood flow to the brain from blood clot or ruptured artery
accumulation of fluid
tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
drug that breaks up blood clots
decreased activity of surviving brain neurons after damage to other neurons
collateral sprout
newly formed branch of an axon
loss of sensory input