Describe the house the doctor was in and what he did
On a summer night after a meal he returned to his room. His room was a small one and infested with rats. He lit the kersonene lamp as the house was not electrified. His earning were meagre as he had just set up his medical practise. It was a small rented room with one wall facing the open yard and had a tiled roof.
Which book did he pick up to study
Materia Medica
Why did he want to make his presence felt.
He was a great admirer of himself and believed in making himself look handsome. After all he was a bachelor and a doctor too on top of it.
Whom did he want to marry.
He would marry a women who had lots of money and a good medical practise. She had to be fat so that if he made a mistake she should be able to run after and catch him.
What were the two decisions he took
First that he should shave daily and grow a thin moustache to look more handsome. Secondly to always keep that attractive smile on his face , again to look more handsome.
How did he discover the snake?
At first he heard a great thud. Surely he though nothing to worry about then he turned around to find a fat snake wriggled over the back of the chair and landed on his shoulder
What happened once the snake wrangled around his should
He didnt tremble or cry out , there was no time for that. He sat ther like a stone image in the flesh. He started feling the great presence of the creater of the universe. God was there , i suppose i said something and he did not like it. He had no medicines with him as death was 4 inches away.
What did God appreciate
He forgot his danger and smiled feebly. It seemed like god apreaciated it , the snake turned his head and looked into the mirror. He wondered if the snake was admiring its beauty , was it making important decisions to look more handsome.
How did he escape
When the snake was looking at the mirror , he toook the oppurtunity leaped into the yard and ran for it all. He ran till he reached a friends house
What was the aftermath of the snake incident
He ran till he reached a freidns house. He smeared oil all over himself and took a bath. He changed into fresh clothes and took his freinds to get his stuff. Some theif had removed all the things and only left behind his dirty vest.