Aquatic pollutants
floating debris, organic material, inorganic plan nutrients (nitrates and phosphates), toxic metals, synthetic compounds, suspended solids, hot water, oil, radioactive pollution, pathogens, light, noise and biological pollutants (invasive species)
Testing aquatic systems
pH, temperature, suspended solids (turbidity), metals, nitrates and phosphates
Biodegradation of organic material
uses oxygen which can lead to anoxic conditions and subsequent anaerobic decomposition
anaerobic decomposition
forms methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia (toxic gases)
Biochemical oxygen demand
a measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen required to break down the organic material in a given volume of water through aerobic biological activity. An indirect measure of the amount of organic matter within a sample
Indicator species
species that can be indicative of polluted waters (and other systems)
Biotic index
indirectly measures pollution by assaying the impact on species within the community according to their tolerance, diversity and relative abundance
Sources of freshwater pollution
runoff, sewage, industrial discharge and solid domestic waste
sources of marine pollution
rivers, pipelines, atmosphere and activities at sea (operational and accidental discharges)
Red tide blooms
occur in coastal eutrophication
when lakes, estuaries and coastal waters receive inputs of nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) which results in excess growth of plants and phytoplankton. This results in over production and death and decomposition uses up oxygen in water body leading to anoxic conditions (dead zones)
dead zones
in both oceans and fresh water where there is not enough oxygen dissolved in the water to support life
Water pollution management strategy - altering human activity
using alternatives to inorganic fertilizers and detergents
Water pollution management strategy - controlling release of pollutant
waste water treatment to remove nitrates and phosphates
Water pollution management strategy - removing pollutants from the environment and restoring ecosystems
removal of mud from eutrophic lakes and reintroduction of plant and fish species; using aerators.