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organ systems (12)
integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, lymphatic, respiratory, male reproductive, female reproductive
integumentary system
encloses internal body structures, site of many sensory receptors, includes hair, skin, and nails
skeletal system
supports the body, enables movement in conjunction with muscular system, includes bones, cartilage, and joints
muscular system
enables movement in conjunction with skeletal system, helps maintain body temperature, includes skeletal muscles and tendons
nervous system
detects and processes sensory info, activates body responses, includes brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
endocrine system
secretes hormones, regulates body processes, includes pituitary gland, thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, testes, and ovaries
cardiovascular system
delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues, equalizes temperature in the body, includes the heart and blood vessels
digestive system
processes food for use by the body, removes wastes from undigested food, includes stomach, liver, gallbladder, and intestines
urinary system
controls water balance in the body, removes wastes from bloods and excretes them, includes kidneys and urinary bladder
lymphatic system
returns fluid to blood, defends against pathogens, includes thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, and lymphatic vessels
respiratory system
removes carbon dioxide from the body, delivers oxygen to blood, includes nasal passage, trachea, and lungs
male reproductive system
produces sex hormones and gametes, delivers gametes to female, includes epididymis and testes
female reproductive system
produces sex hormones and gametes, supports embryo/fetus until birth, produces milk for infant, includes mammary glands, ovaries, and uterus
sum of chemical processes in the body including catabolism and anabolism
basic life processes
reproduction, growth and development, movement and locomotion, integument, respiration, circulation, digestion, excretion
a dynamic adaptation to changing conditions, constantly being disrupted by external and internal stimuli, working to maintain stable conditions, mainly regulated through the nervous and endocrine systems
nervous system in homeostasis
detects changes and sends nerve impulses to counteract this disruption
endocrine system in homeostasis
secretes hormones which work more slowly than nerve impulses
homeostatic components
sensor, control center, effector
monitors environmental factors, responds to changes in monitored variables (stimuli)
control center
guides the set point at which variable is maintained, receives monitoring input from sensor, guides appropriate response
receives output from control center, provides the instructions for response, response either reduces stimulus (negative feedback) or increases stimulus (positive feedback)