1 - Expertise
2 - Accident
3 - Post-accident
“ten feet” “three feet” “fifty feet”
precision in distance estimations = expertise
“stemming or chimneying”
technical terms = understanding of his doings
“smashes” + “crushes” + “ensnares”
Graphic visual verbs = force + damage of accident
listing within multi-clausal passage = increased pace = sense of chaos mirroring action
“Then silence.”
short sentence after fast pace actions = sudden conclusion of violence
“mom lifts an overturned car”
anecdote = hope created (he can be saved)
“I shove” + “I brace”
powerful verbs = accentuate force to break free
active voice = continuing hope
one word sentence = anticlimactic sense of defeat
This as conclusion = leaves reader without hope, contrasts previous expertise