Time Periods 8 and 9 review questions for Bryant High School APUSH Cold War battle!
188. What was the name of the foreign policy designed to contain or block Soviet expansion?
George Kennan
189. What American diplomat and specialist on the Soviet Union wrote the influential article advocating that the United States focus its foreign policy on containing the spread of Soviet influence?
Block the expansion of Soviet influence into Greece and Turkey—authorized $400 million in aid
190. What was the Truman Doctrine?
Marshall Plan
191. What was the name of the program of economic aid designed to promote the recovery of war-torn Europe while also preventing the spread of communist influence?
192. What was the name of the mutual defense organization formed by the US and its allies in 1949?
the Berlin Airlift
193. After WWII, fearing a resurgent Germany, the Soviet Union cut off Western land access to West Berlin, located deep within the Soviet zone. What did President Truman order in response?
North Korea invading South Korea on June 25, 1950
194. What caused the beginning of the Korean War?
The Korean War was fought under U.N. auspices, unlike Vietnam
195. What was the difference between U.S. involvement in the Korean War as compared to the Vietnam War?
Truman’s policy of fighting a limited war—fired for insubordination
196. What did General MacArthur disagree with President Truman about and why was he fired?
Integrated the Armed Forces
197. What did President Truman do concerning civil rights and the armed forces?
Ho Chi Minh
198. Who was the leader of the Viet Minh?
If one nation fell under Communist control, nearby nations would also fall
199. What was the Domino Effect?
200. Name the first earth-orbiting satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.
Making of public accusations of disloyalty without sufficient evidence
201. What does McCarthyism mean?
Fear from the fall of China, Mao Zedong, and the PRC; USSR’s development of the atomic bomb; Truman’s foreign policy of containment; Soviet spies infiltrated agencies and programs
202. Name two factors that contributed to the rise of McCarthyism.
Seperate is NOT equal. Integrate the schools
203. What did the Supreme Court rule in Brown v. Board of Education, 1954?
civil rights legislation
204. Although President Eisenhower did send troops to Little Rock Central High School, he was not a vigorous supporter of ______________.
Henry David Thoreau
205. What famous writer influenced Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s theory of nonviolent civil disobedience?
Protests of segregation in public facilities. Greensboro, NC
206. What were the “sit-in” movements?
207. The Federal Highway Act of 1956, created the interstate highway system which vastly accelerated the growth of _________?
Beat Generation
208. Led by Jack Kerouac, the ___________ Generation writers rejected middle-class culture and conformity.
John F. Kennedy
209. Who was elected president in 1960?
Use the federal govt to enhance social welfare, and Use education and job training to help disadvantaged people overcome poverty limiting their opportunities
210. What were the Great Society’s two primary goals?
CRA of 1964, VRA of 1965, Medicare, Medicaid, Programs offering federal aid to education
211. Name two legislative achievements of LBJ.
Similarities: social welfare, employment programs, support for arts, programs encouraging housing construction, and legislation to help elderly Differences: GS had preschool and civil rights for African Americans
212. Name one similarity and one difference between the New Deal and the Great Society.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
213. What important piece of legislation did President Johnson sign on July 2, 1964?
African Americans establish control of political and economic life
214. What did the Black Power movement of the late 1960’s advocate?
Malcom X, Stokely Carmichael, Huey Newton
215. Name one of the most important Black Power leaders.
Author of the Feminine Mystique and first president of National Organization for Women
216. Who was Betty Friedan?
The criminalization of abortion was unconstitutional through the 14th amendment’s right to privacy
217. What did the Supreme Court rule in Roe v. Wade?
Economic cooperation between North and South America from Pres. Kennedy
218. What was the Alliance for Progress?
Bay of Pigs invasion
219. President Kennedy inherited from Eisenhower administration a CIA-backed scheme to topple Fidel Castro from power by invading Cuba with anti-Communist exiles. What was the name of the invasion?
Discovery of Soviet missile sites in Cuba
220. What precipitated the Cuban Missile Crisis?
the Tonkin Gulf resolution
221. Congress responded to the unsubstantiated report of North Vietnamese aggression by passing what in 1964?
Viet Cong launching a series of attacks on 27 key South Vietnamese cities, including Saigon, the capital
222. What was the Tet Offensive in 1968?
Former Alabama governor championing school segregation and states’ rights, running as the American Independent Party candidate
223. Who was George Wallace?
Restoring law and order
224. Nixon wins president by promising to do what?
Hawks supported Vietnam war, Doves opposed Vietnam war
225. Who were the hawks and doves?
Silent Majority
226. What was the name given by President Nixon to the moderate, mainstream Americans who quietly supported his Vietnam War policies?
Policy promised to preseve U.S. goals and bring “peace with honor”
227. What was Vietnamization?
Student protesters burned the ROTC building, and the mayor called in the National Guard, who killed 4 students and wounded 9
228. What happened at Kent State in 1970?
US could not afford Great Society programs AND Vietnam War at the same time, and the combination of spending led to the high inflation of the late 60’s and early 70’s
229. Give one consequence of the Vietnam War.
230. Name one of the most important agreements that reduced tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union after Nixon’s visits to China and Moscow.
231. What was the primary domestic issue during the Carter administration?
Human rights
232. President Carter emphasized a foreign policy based on________ ________
Egypt and Israel
233. The Camp David Accords were signed between which two countries?
Iran Hostage Crisis
234. What was one key issue in the 1980 presidential election?
Reduce federal tax rates for businesses and wealthy; Reduce corporate tax rates, encourage private investment; Promote econ growth by deregulating business
235. Name one goal of Reaganomics.
North American Free Trade Agreement
236. What does NAFTA stand for?