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Watergate Scandal
CRP/ CREEP (Committee for the re-election of the President) attempted to spy on Democrats at their headquarters in the Watergate hotel
Men with connections to CRP/CREEP were arrested and convicted
Nixon stated that the burglars had no connection to his administration
James McCord, one of the convicted burglars, claimed a Republican cover-up
An investigation uncovered wire taps, presidential tapes, and further evidence of espionage
Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein, writers for The Washington Post, helped reveal the details behind the break-in
This deception at the highest political level caused many Americans to become disenchanted with the government
Furman v. Georgia
Date: 1972
Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional unless fairly applied
Subsequent Supreme Court decisions have allowed the death penalty in certain circumstances
War Powers Act
Date: 1973
Required the President to report to Congress within forty-eight hours of committing United States troops in foreign conflicts
Congressional approval was necessary for any military commitment of troops for more than ninety days
The requirement was enacted by Congress over Nixon’s veto
Saturday Night Massacre
Date: 1973
Followed Nixon’s refusal to give tapes to Archibald Cox, the government’s special prosecutor
Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Cox from this appointment
Rather than fire Cox, Richardson quit
Eventually, the tapes surfaced and Nixon resigned in August 1974
Rise of the New Right
Date: 1960s - 1980s
Barry Goldwater, a U.S Senator and Republican presidential nominee in 1964, sparked the resurgence of the conservative movement.
Ronald Reagan, California governor and U.S president, was “Reagamonics” and standing firm against the Soviet Union, which he dubbed “The Evil Empire”
Moral Majority movement was led by evangelical Christians, including Jerry Falwell, and focused on a conservative agenda and “traditional” values
Abortion became an important topic during this time; fundamentalist Protestants and Catholics joined forces.
Roe v. Wade
Date: 1973
Supreme Court decision that ruled first trimester abortions were permitted
All state laws prohibiting such abortions were made unconstitutional
The decision was based on a woman’s right to privacy
Led to criticism from Roman Catholics and right-to-life groups
Gerald Ford
Date: 1974-1977
Thirty-eighth President
Became vice president after Spiro Agnew resigned as a result of an investigation into financial irregularities
Took office after Nixon, though the former president had not been charged with anything
His rise to power represented the first use of the Twenty-fifth Amendment, which provided for action in case of a vice presidential vacancy.
Jimmy Carter
Date: 1977-1981
Thirty-ninth President
Defeated Gerald Ford for presidency
Wanted to make a "responsible government"
Reduced unemployment and eased the energy crisis
Negotiated the Camp David Accords, in which Israel returned land in the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for Egyptian recognition of Israel's rights
Iran's holding of American hostages, along with inflation, led to his loss to Ronald Reagan in 1980
Both during his tenure in office and since his loss to Reagan, Carter has worked for improvements in human rights, including tying foreign aid to their protection
Bakke v. Regents of the University of California
Date: 1978
The Supreme Court upheld the university's use of race in its admissions decisions
The Court also found that
Bakke, a white, should have been admitted to the university's medical school
This finding banned The use of racial quotas
America Hostages in Iran
Date: 1979
America had supported the Shah of Iran, who lost power after a coup by the Ayatollah Khomeini
Supporters of Khomeini were anti-American because of this support of the Shah
Carter allowed the Shah to receive medical attention in the United States, upsetting
Iranian revolutionaries stormed the American embassy in Iran and took hostages
Carter froze Iranian assets in the United States and sent ships within striking distance
An accord was finally signed and the revolutionaries freed the hostages on Reagan's inauguration day
Three Mile Island
Date: 1979
A nuclear power plant located south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, overheated, causing part of its uranium core to melt
The overheating was caused by human, design, and mechanical errors
Radioactive water and gases were released
Led to a slowdown in the construction of other reactors and changes in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Americans became more aware of environmental concerns
Ronald Reagan
Date: 1981-1989
Fortieth President
Defeated Carter after carrying a large majority
Increased military spending, including the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars Program), which was a space-based defense system
Succeeded in getting a tremendous tax cut, aiming to increase investments and improve the job market (Reaganomics)
After first increasing the number of nuclear weapons, Reagan worked with Gorbachev toward the reduction of nuclear weapons
Won re-election over Democratic nominees Walter Mondale and
Geraldine Ferraro
Mikhail Gorbachev
Date: 1985-1991
Soviet political leader
Worked with Reagan to reduce nuclear weapons
Removed Soviet troops from
Worked to liberalize repressive atmosphere of country under governmental policies of "glasnost"
(openness) and
"perestroika" (restructuring)
Key players in the fall of communism in Russia
Iran-Contra Affair
Date: 1986
Scandal involving CIA, National Security Council, and the
Reagan administration
The United States sold weapons to Iranians friendly to America in order to encourage them to free hostages
Profits from sales of weapons funded Nicaraguan revolutionaries fighting the Sandinista government
Congress had approved neither the sale nor the funding, and hearings led to convictions of Oliver North, Robert McFarlane, and John Poindexter
For many, the hearings echoed the Watergate scandal;
American citizens became increasingly skeptical of their
Black Monday (Stock Market Crash)
Date: October 19, 1987
The Dow Jones dropped 22.6%, the largest single-day drop since 1914
Causes included trade deficits, computerized trading, and American criticism of West
Germany's economic policies
The crash later affected the insurance industry and was a cause of the savings and loan crisis
Savings and Loan Scandal
Date: 1980s
The lax regulation of the savings and loan industry led to poor investments and high insolvency
The economic environment following
Black Monday worsened the savings and loan financial disaster
As the federal government guaranteed deposits up to $100,000, it made a $166 billion rescue appropriation
The scandal is representative of the effects of poor governmental regulation
George H.W Bush
Date: 1989-1993
Forty-first President
Prior to becoming president, he served as a congressman, director of the C.I.A., U.N.
Ambassador, and vice president to Ronald Reagan
Sent troops to overthrow Manuel Noriega in Panama
Led the United States to success in the Gulf War, forcing Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait
Persian Gulf War
Date: 1991
Saddam Hussein, dictator and leader of Iraq, invaded
Kuwait on August 2, 1990
American interests in oil were threatened
After Iraq failed to meet the deadline for peaceful withdrawal, the United States launched Operation Desert Storm on January 18, 1991, led by General Norman
Air strikes were followed by a ground war
Multi-national forces defeated Iraqi troops and liberated
Though under heavy embargos, Saddam was left in power, which would lead to a second war with Iraq in the George W. Bush presidency
Effects of the Collapse of Soviet Union
Date: 1990s
Break-up of nations created new foreign policy challenges in Europe and Asia as well as a proliferation of weaponry
Provided new opportunities for
United States trade
Left former Soviet territories with challenges in political stability and corruption
Bill Clinton
Date: 1993-2001
Forty-second President
Former law professor, attorney general of Arkansas, and governor of Arkansas
Achieved gun control measures, a strong economy, acts supporting time off for family leave, and welfare reform
Led the United States into joining the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), lifting trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and Mexico
Became the second president to be impeached by the House of
Representatives after an extra-marital affair with Monica Lewinsky
Branch Davidian Incident
Date: 1993
Apocalyptic Christian group founded during the 1930s
David Koresh and his followers lived at a compound outside Waco, Texas
A shootout occurred between the FBI, ATF, and Branch Davidians as a warrant for illegal weapons and child abuse was attempted to be served
Four federal agents and five Branch Davidians were killed
A fifty-one day standoff occurred, ending with the burning of the compound and the death of Koresh and the rest of his followers
Oklahoma City Bombing
Date: 1995
Timothy Mc Veigh destroyed the Oklahoma City
Federal Building with a fertilizer bomb
168 people were killed in the destruction caused by the explosion
McVeigh said he was upset with the government about the Branch Davidian fiasco and the events at
Ruby Ridge
McVeigh was executed by lethal injection in 2001
George W. Bush
Date: 2001-2009
Forty-third President
Former Texas governor sworn into office in 2001
Won presidential race after the Democratic nominee and former vice president, Al Gore, conceded following a voting ordeal in Florida
Gore had more popular votes than Bush but fewer electoral votes
Passed initiatives in attempts to improve education (No Child Left Behind Act)
His declaration against terrorism led to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq
Son of former president, George Bush
Re-elected in 2004
September 11, 2001
Date: September 11, 2001
Day of attacks by terrorist cells connected to the Al Qaeda network, which was led by Osama bin Laden, a Saudi dissident
Al Qaeda operatives hijacked two airliners and crashed them into New York's World Trade Center, destroying the buildings and killing thousands
Another hijacked plane hit the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
A final hijacked plane was diverted from its mission, crashing in Pennsylvania
As a result of the attacks, Congress passed the USA Patriot Act, which broadened government authority to gather intelligence and further defined crimes that were punishable as terrorism
Attacks led to the invasion of Afghanistan
Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Date: 2001-Present
War in Afghanistan began on October 7, 2001, as U.K forces responded to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States
Objectives include ending the safe haven of Al Qaeda fighters and ending the Taliban's reign
War in Iraq began on March 20, 2003, with an invasion of multinational forces
War based on U.S. and U.K. claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which posed threats to them and their allies
United States continues to fight in Iraq to support democracy and human rights and to end the threat of terrorism
Hurricane Katrina
Date: August 29, 2005
A large hurricane that caused major destruction and loss of life along the Gulf Coast of the United States
The levee system in New Orleans, Louisiana, flooded due to catastrophic failure; water covered the city and nearby areas for weeks, and more than 1500 people died
The federal government was widely blamed for its slow response to the crisis, and the federal, state, and local governments were criticized for their lack of communication
Issues of race, poverty, and political power were debated nationwide as news of the tragedy spread
The levee failures led to investigations of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which had designed and built them, and into local levee boards that managed the system
Barack Obama
Date: 2009-2017
Forty-fourth President
Member of the Democratic Party
First African American to be elected President
Signed the American
Recovery and
Reinvestment Act in
February 2009
Evolution of the Major Political Parties from Civil War to Modern Day
Date: 1854 - Modern Day
Key Moment: Passage of the Kansas Nebraska Act
Lincoln's Republicans were concerned mainly with preventing the extension of slavery into the territories, while Democrats were split North-South over the issue
Modern-day Republicans tend to emphasize business activity while modern-day Democrats support broad social programs
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
SALT I: Agreement signed by the United States and the Soviets to stop building nuclear ballistic missiles for five years
SALT II: Signed by Carter and Brezhnev; it reduced and limited nuber of missile launchers and bombers
These treaties helped to reduce tension between the United States and the U.S.S.R.
Henry Kissinger
National Security Advisor and Secretary of State under Nixon
Pursued relations with China
Played significant role in SALT
Negotiated talks after Six Day War between Arab countries and Israel
Twenty-Sixth Amendment
Ratified in response to Vietnam War
Gave the right to vote to citizens eighteen and older
By November 1971, eleven million Americans between eighteen and twenty-one were eligible to vote.
Kent State
Site of a university protect against the Vietnam War and the Cambodian conflict
The Ohio National Guard killed four students during the event and wounded many others
Led to other uprisings on college campuses, including Jackson State, where two students were killed
Pentagon Papers
Defense Department papers that discussed America’s involvement in South Asia
Discussed how the government had falsely portrayed its intentions during the Vietnam War in the 1960s
The New York Times received the papers from Daniel Ellsberg, who had studied defense policies; the Times began publishing articles about the study in June 1871
The United States tried to stop the Time by arguing for national security, but the Supreme Court allowed publication based on freedom of the press
Set a precedent for future conflicts in the press over security versus liberty
Richard M. Nixon
37th president
Prior to becoming president in 1969, Nixon served as United States representative, senator, and vice president
Nixon oversaw “Vietnamization,” which called for the training of South Vietnamese troops to assume responsibility for military actions
He began to remove United States troops in phases from South Vietnam and ended the draft
Opened China for trade and reduced tension with USSR with the Salt agreements
Resigned following Watergate scandal, becoming the first president to do so
Credited with aiding detente, the easing of strained relations between the United States and the USSR
Moon Landing
Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Earth’s moon
Armstrong made the famous statement, “That one small step for man…one giant leap for mankind”
Armstrong’s fellow astronauts were Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins
American Indian Movement
Supported Native American civil rights and recognition of past treaties within the United States
Militants associated with the organization staged an occupation of the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, arguing that treaties had been ignored.
Tet Offensive
North Vietnam violated a truce during Tet (New Year), attacking cities throughout South Vietnam
Despite initiating the fighting, the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong were defeated and suffered heavy casualities
The offensive surprised the United States and the American public because it showed that the communist were able to launch an organized attack.
Counterculture Movement
Began at Berkeley with free speech movement
Beliefs included women’s liberation, anti-materialism, and opposition to the war in Vietnam
Experimented with drugs and sex
Young people who favored the counterculture were called “hippies”
The Woodstock Music and Art Festival in New York State marked the culmination of the counterculture movement.
Cesar Chavez
Migrant farmer who founded the National Farm Workers Association
His goal was to defeat persecution throughout the migrant worker system
Used strikes, picketing, and marches to help protect workers
Robert F. Kennedy
Served as Attorney General under president Kennedy
Elected as senator from New York in 1964
Pushed for desegregation and election regulation
Presidential candidate in 1968
He was assassinated in California by Sirhan
Brother of President John F. Kennedy
Black Panthers
Initially focused on the protection of African American neighborhoods from police brutality, but its goals changed over the years
Provided a variety of social programs within the African American community, such as free lunches for children
Its political objectives were often hindered by the confrontational and sometimes violent means
A spit in party ideology over how to achieve these objectives led to its decline
Malcom X
African American advocate and leader who moved away from Martin Luther King’s non-violent methods of civil disobedience
While in prison, he became Black Muslim and later a minister in the Nation of Islam
Leader of Black Muslims suspended him when he made derogatory remarks about Kennedy’s assassination
Formed a new organization, Muslim Mosque
Converted to Orthodox Islam and began accepting cooperation between African Americans and whites
Was assassinated in New York during a speech
Watts Riots
6 day riot in Los Angeles
Causes include a drunk-driving American and claims of police brutality
34 deaths and over $200 million worth of property damage resulted
Sparked other riots throughout the country
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Signed into law by Lyndon Johnson
Resulted after demonstrations against the measures used to prevent African Americans from voting; these measures included violence
Voters could no longer be forced to take literacy tests
Provided federal registration of African American voters in areas that had less than fifty percent of eligible voters registered
Ralph Nadar
Political activist and advocate for consumers
His book Unsafe at Any Speed shed light on poor safety standards for automobiles, leading Congress to pass auto safety measures
Unsuccessfully ran as a third-party candidate for the United States presidency in 1996, 2000, and 2004
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The North Vietnamese supposedly fired on American ships in the Gulf of Tonkin
Congress passed a resolution allowing President Johnson to use military action in Vietnam
Johnson retaliated against the Viet Cong with bombing attacks in the North followed by ground troops
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S
A motel operator refused to serve an African American customer
The Supreme Court upheld the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination in schools, places of work, voting sites, public accommodations, and public areas
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Passed by Lyndon Johnson
The March on Washington in 1963 aided passage of the Act
The Act strengthened voting rights protection
Prohibited discrimination in places of public accommodations
Required the federal government to withdraw support from any state or program that discriminated
Established the Equal Employment Commission to oversee hiring practices
Betty Friedan
Author and activist
Published The Feminine Mystique in 1963, which attacked the belief that a woman’s role satisfaction comes through homemaking
One of the founders of the National Organization of Women (NOW), which helped advance women’s rights and causes
Women’s Liberation Movement
Spurred by increasing employment opportunities and increasing numbers of educated women
It questioned “traditional” definitions of women
s roles
There became increased opportunities for women in work, education, and business
Gideon V. Wainwright
The Supreme Court held that all persons charged with a felony must be provided legal counsel
Escobedo v. Illinois
The Supreme Court found that the police must honor a person’s request to have an attorney present during interrogation
Miranda v. Arizona
The Supreme Court determined that an arrested person had the right to remain silent, the right to be told that whatever he said could be used against him, the right to be represented by an attorney, the right to have a lawyer even if he could not afford one, and the right to one phone call to obtain a lawyer
Lyndon Johnson
Previously served as a democratic senator from Texas, where he was both the whip and floor leader
Promoted Kennedy’s agenda through Congress, including tax cut and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Called for war against poverty and promoted social and economic welfare legislation (his Great Society program)
36th president
Rachel Carson
America writer and marine biologist
Wrote Silent Spring a study on dangerous insecticides
Helped initiate the environmental movement
Baker v. Carr
Charles Baker, a Tennessee voter, brought suit against the state, arguing a violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
Baker claimed that his vote had been diluted
The Supreme Court held that the political question would be heard, opening the way for numerous voting suits
Engel v. Vitale
Supreme Court held that a prayer created by the New York State Board of Regents was unconstitutional
Even though the prayer was “non-denominational,” the Court held that state-sponsored prayer of any type went against the First Amendment’s establishment of religious clause
James Meredith
Obtained a federal court order to allow him to enroll at the
University of Mississippi in 1962
On several occasions, he was barred from enrolling
Federal marshals were called in to aid him in enrolling and attending classes
Cuban Missile Crisis
An American spy plane discovered Soviet missile sites being placed in Cuba
In response, President Kennedy blockaded Cuba and demanded that the Soviets remove the missile bases and all long-range weapons
Kennedy declared that any missile attack on the United States would result in retaliation against the U.S.S.R.
Khrushchev removed the missile sites; the United States lifted the blockade and removed its intermediate-range ballistic missiles from Turkey
Led to Nuclear Test Ban (1963), in which the United States, Britain, and the U.S.S.R. agreed not to perform nuclear tests in the atmosphere or underwater
Alliance For Progress
The Alliance was a "Marshall Plan" for
Latin America
Its purpose was to provide economic aid to help the region resist
The results of the Alliance were disappointing to those who supported it
Berlin Wall
Date: Erected in 1961
Barrier erected by the East German government to separate East and West
East Berlin was under
Communist control, while West Berlin remained under Western control (American, British, and French)
Meant to stop defections and travel of East Berliners
"Fell" in 1989
John F. Kennedy
Thirty-fifth President
Democrat and first Catholic president
Domestic program (New Frontier) included tax reforms, educational aid, and emphasis on the space program
Raised minimum wage
Approved the Bay of Pigs invasion
Established the Peace Corps in 1961 as an agency to send American volunteers to developing countries
Successfully led America through the Cuban
Missile Crisis
M, was by sinated inVolvs of November
U-2 Spy Plane
Soviets shot down a United States reconnaissance plane in Soviet airspace
Eisenhower admitted to spying on the Soviets
The pilot, Francis Gary Powers, survived and served eighteen months in a Soviet jail
Fidel Castro
Communist-friendly leader of Cuba
Took power in Cuba after overthrowing Fulgencio Batista in 1959
Signed agreements with Soviets for trade
The United States broke diplomatic and trade relations with Cuba
Invented in the 1930s
FDR was the first president to appear on TV; he gave a speech in 1939 at the New York World's Fair, where television was being officially introduced to the mass public
Seminal shows during the 1950s and 1960s included The Honeymooners, I Love Lucy, and The Ed Sullivan Show
By 1960, over forty million homes had televisions
Eisenhower Doctrine
Created as a partial reaction to the Suez Canal crisis
The doctrine committed forces and economic aid to the Middle East to stop
Communist threats
Some nations, including
Egypt and Syria, denounced the doctrine
Soviet satellite launched into space
First unmanned spacecraft to escape Earth's gravity
Caused concern in the United States because Americans realized they were not as technologically advanced as the Soviets
Led to an increased emphasis on science education in the United StatesSoviet satellite launched into space
Civil Rights Organizations
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE): Founded by James
Farmer in Chicago and advocated non-violence
CORE: Sponsored the 1961 Freedom Rides in the South, breaking segregation rules on buses and eventually changing those rules
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC):
Founded in 1961 to support sit-ins
Stokely Carmichael, a leader of the SNCC and the Black Panther Party, called for "Black Power," which urged independence and solidarity among African Americans; he worked separately from other civil rights organizations
National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Formed in 1910 by a group of whites and African Americans, including W.E.B. DuBois, to stop racial discrimination
Supported sit-ins as a form of protest against segregation as well as other methods of non-violent protest
Disapproved of the moral radical groups such as SNCC and the Black Panthers
Because of its mission, methods, and organization, the NAACP remains a force in social issues and political affairs
Civil Rights Movements Incidents
Emmett Till, a teenage African American, was killed by two white men after supposedly whistling at one of their wives; the two men were acquitted
In 1960, four African American students in Greensboro, North Carolina, sat at the Woolworth's
"Whites Only" lunch counter and refused to leave until they were served, sparking sit-ins throughout the South
An explosion at the Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, killed four African American girls (1963)
During a voter registration drive in Mississippi, two white college students and a local African American were murdered; civil rights legislation was enacted as a result
In 1965, a group marched from Selma, Alabama, to Birmingham, Alabama, for voting rights; the 1965 voting rights was signed soon thereafter
Little Rock Crisis
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) called for desegregation of schools
In 1957 the NAACP registered nine African American students to attend the previously all-white Little Rock Central High
Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus used the Arkansas National Guard to try and block the students from entering school on September 4,1957
President Eisenhower intervened with federal troops, and the students attended their first day on September 25, 1957
Civil Rights Act of 1957
First civil rights act since
Stimulated by Brown v.
Board of Education of Topeka and civil rights activism
Created a panel to ensure that voting rights of African Americans were not violated
Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil rights leader and Chairman of Southern Christian
Leadership Conference
Believed in non-violent civil disobedience
Key member of the 1963 March on Washington, a response to a civil rights bill by President Kennedy being stalled in Congress
At the March on Washington, King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech
Opposed the war in Vietnam
Assassinated by James Earl Ray in 1968
Interstate Highway Act (Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956)
Under the Act, the interstate highway system was expanded to 41,000 miles
Signed by President Eisenhower
Federal government was to pay ninety percent of the cost of the expansion
$25 billion was authorized from 1957 to 1969; $114 billion was eventually expended over thirty-five years
Besides allowing motorists to travel easily throughout the country, the expanded highway system also allowed for troop movement and evacuation routes