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  • Zeus and Europa fall in love + have Minos

  • Zeus curses Minos bc he sacrificed 2nd place bull instead of best one

  • Minos’s wife falls in love with a bull and they have Minotaur, half-man half-bull (curse)

  • Minotaur eats kids so Minoans place a tax on Athens for trade: 7 boys and 7 girls for bull in order to keep trading

  • King Aegeus loses son Theseus but finds him

  • Theseus learns about child tax and offers himself so he can save the kids


  • Troy (Trojan war)

  • Spartan king Menelaus loses wife Helen to trojan prince Paris which starts Trojan war resulting in downfall of Troy

  • Mycenaean King= Agamemnon, brother of Menelaus who helps him fight Troy

  • Myrmidons- Achilles’s army against Troy

  • Odysseus King of Ithaca who recruits Achilles

  • King Priam of Troy children: Hector (fighter), Cassandra (cursed to know future but no one believes), Paris (cursed to cause downfall of Troy)

  • Paris and golden apple: chooses Aphrodite as most beautiful and she offers him most beautiful for his wife

  • Achilles’s downfall: heel bc only place not immortal

Dark Ages: Dorian invaders, 400 yrs of chaos

Classical Greece

  • olympics start in 776

  • polis= greek city-state w/ indiv. govt.

  • sparta

    • devoted to military; kids trained from young age

    • slept in barracks from 6-60

    • less devotion to gods, lived under powerful king

    • only ppl born to Spartan parents = citizens

    • treated all citizens equally (women)

  • athens

    • hegemon- most powerful city-state

    • center of culture and education

      • philosophy, art (Parthenon)

    • developed democracy

      • ppl voted on laws and kept 1 person in power

Greek and Persian War

  • Athens angers Darius (persian king) by helping Ionian resistance

  • Sparta and Athens kill Darius’s messengers; form alliance called Delian League against Persia

  • Darius sees as act of war and sends troops to Greece to fight Battle of Marathon; greek victory; NIKE

  • Xerxes (Darius son) sends army and navy against Greeks

  • Leonidas (king of Sparta) is told he must die for Sparta to live so he takes troops to Thermopylae to give Greece time to strategize

  • Persians go to Athens + burn it but it’s already evacuated

  • Xerxes sends a navy but Themistocles thinks of battering rams on ships and Greeks win war

Peloponnesian War

  • Pericles works to rebuild Athens art, philosophy, theater, Parthenon using money from Delian league, taxing Sparta in exchange for safety

  • Sparta rebels and forms Peloponnesian League against Athens

  • Sparta wins


  • King Philip and Olympia have Alexander

  • Olympia kills Philip so Alex can be king

  • Alex taught by Aristotle

  • conq’s everything making biggest empire by 33

  • Hellenized (makes Greek) everything

Contributors of Greece

  • Socrates- questions everything

  • Plato- higher form than us

  • Aristotle- invented logic

  • Sophocles- Oedipus (kill dad and marry mom)

  • Euripides- Medea (helps husband Jason but he betrays her so she kills king, future wife, and own kids)

  • Aristophanes-Lysistrata (women want to stop war, go on sex strike, fail a lot, tells them to keep strong)



  • Zeus and Europa fall in love + have Minos

  • Zeus curses Minos bc he sacrificed 2nd place bull instead of best one

  • Minos’s wife falls in love with a bull and they have Minotaur, half-man half-bull (curse)

  • Minotaur eats kids so Minoans place a tax on Athens for trade: 7 boys and 7 girls for bull in order to keep trading

  • King Aegeus loses son Theseus but finds him

  • Theseus learns about child tax and offers himself so he can save the kids


  • Troy (Trojan war)

  • Spartan king Menelaus loses wife Helen to trojan prince Paris which starts Trojan war resulting in downfall of Troy

  • Mycenaean King= Agamemnon, brother of Menelaus who helps him fight Troy

  • Myrmidons- Achilles’s army against Troy

  • Odysseus King of Ithaca who recruits Achilles

  • King Priam of Troy children: Hector (fighter), Cassandra (cursed to know future but no one believes), Paris (cursed to cause downfall of Troy)

  • Paris and golden apple: chooses Aphrodite as most beautiful and she offers him most beautiful for his wife

  • Achilles’s downfall: heel bc only place not immortal

Dark Ages: Dorian invaders, 400 yrs of chaos

Classical Greece

  • olympics start in 776

  • polis= greek city-state w/ indiv. govt.

  • sparta

    • devoted to military; kids trained from young age

    • slept in barracks from 6-60

    • less devotion to gods, lived under powerful king

    • only ppl born to Spartan parents = citizens

    • treated all citizens equally (women)

  • athens

    • hegemon- most powerful city-state

    • center of culture and education

      • philosophy, art (Parthenon)

    • developed democracy

      • ppl voted on laws and kept 1 person in power

Greek and Persian War

  • Athens angers Darius (persian king) by helping Ionian resistance

  • Sparta and Athens kill Darius’s messengers; form alliance called Delian League against Persia

  • Darius sees as act of war and sends troops to Greece to fight Battle of Marathon; greek victory; NIKE

  • Xerxes (Darius son) sends army and navy against Greeks

  • Leonidas (king of Sparta) is told he must die for Sparta to live so he takes troops to Thermopylae to give Greece time to strategize

  • Persians go to Athens + burn it but it’s already evacuated

  • Xerxes sends a navy but Themistocles thinks of battering rams on ships and Greeks win war

Peloponnesian War

  • Pericles works to rebuild Athens art, philosophy, theater, Parthenon using money from Delian league, taxing Sparta in exchange for safety

  • Sparta rebels and forms Peloponnesian League against Athens

  • Sparta wins


  • King Philip and Olympia have Alexander

  • Olympia kills Philip so Alex can be king

  • Alex taught by Aristotle

  • conq’s everything making biggest empire by 33

  • Hellenized (makes Greek) everything

Contributors of Greece

  • Socrates- questions everything

  • Plato- higher form than us

  • Aristotle- invented logic

  • Sophocles- Oedipus (kill dad and marry mom)

  • Euripides- Medea (helps husband Jason but he betrays her so she kills king, future wife, and own kids)

  • Aristophanes-Lysistrata (women want to stop war, go on sex strike, fail a lot, tells them to keep strong)