Aufilena, bonae semper laudantur amicae;
accipiunt premium quae facere instituunt.
Aufilena, obliging girlfriends are always praised;
They get their reward for what they undertake to do.
tu, quod promisti mini quod mentire, inimica’s:
quod nec das et fers, turpe facis facinus.
(But) you are no friend, because you lied about what you promised me,
Because you often take (money) and do not give, you commit a crime.
aut facere ingenuae est aut non promisse pudicae,
Aufilena, fuit: sed data corripere
An honest girl acts, whilst a chaste one does not promise,
Aufilena; but to snatch what has been offered
fraudando officium est plus qua meretricis avare,
quae sese toto corpore prostituit.
By deceiving in your duty, is more the nature of a greedy whore
Who prostitutes herself with her whole body.