Chapter 31: American Life in the "Roaring Twenties"

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Seattle General Strike (1919)

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Seattle General Strike (1919)

A strike that arose from the general discontent that many workers felt post-WWI. Contributed to red scare, and was denounced as a communist movement. The Mayor threatened to use armed police.

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Red Scare

Widespread fear of communism and other politically radical ideas.

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(A. Mitchell) Palmer

Attorney General who rounded up many suspects who were thought to be un-American and socialistic; he was nicknamed the "Fighting Quaker" until a bomb destroyed his home; he then had a nervous breakdown and became known as the "Quaking Fighter."

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Palmer Raids (1919)

Raids led by influential attorney-general of the time on houses of suspected communists/radicals.

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Sacco and Vanzetti

These were two Italian immigrants who were arrested in connection with a shooting in Massachusetts. After a controversial trial, which many deemed unfair, they were sentenced to death.

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Racist, anti-immigrant clan that held much influence in the 1920s. Used violence and scare tactics to achieve its goals. (Was HORRIFIC)

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A term that describes America's withdrawn attitude in the 1920s.

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Emergency Quota Act of 1921

1921 legislation that limited immigration to 3% of the people of their nationality living in the US in 1910.

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Immigration Act of 1924

This was passed in 1924--cut quotas for foreigners from 3 % to 2% of the total number of immigrants in 1890--purpose was to freeze America's existing racial composition --prevented Japanese from immigrating, causing outrage in Japan.

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The banning of the sale and consumption of all alcoholic products.

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18th Amendment (1918)

Constitutional amendment that banned the sale and consumption of alcohol.

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Volstead Act (1919)

This law established a Prohibition Bureau within the Treasury Department. It was under-budgeted and largely ineffective, especially in strongly anti-prohibition states

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"Bars" of the prohibition era; these were illicit places of social gathering.

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"the noble experiment"

A derisive name given to the prohibition movement, which called attention to the unlikelihood of its success.

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The act of making and transporting alcoholic liquor for sale illegally

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Al Capone

Nicknamed "Scarface" and one of the most notorious gangsters in history, this man earned the title of "Public Enemy No. 1" for his many illegal exploits in Chicago.

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Violent organized crime members who took over the job of supplying alcohol to speakeasies.

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(John) Dewey

United States pragmatic philosopher who advocated progressive education (1859-1952)

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Literal interpretation and strict adherence to basic principles of a religion (or a religious branch, denomination, or sect).

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(Billy) Sunday

American fundamentalist minister; he used colorful language and powerful sermons to drive home the message of salvation through Jesus and to oppose radical and progressive groups.

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Scopes Trial

A highly publicized trial in 1925 in which a teacher violated a Tennessee state law by teaching evolution in high school. In the trial, William Jennings Bryan argued on the side of fundamentalism, while Clarence Darrow argued for evolution.

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(Clarence) Darrow

Defended John Scopes during the Scopes Trial. He argued that evolution should be taught in schools.

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The Man Nobody Knows

1925 book by advertiser Bruce Barton- set forth provocative thesis that Jesus was the greatest adman of all time.

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(Babe) Ruth

"The Sultan of Swat!" "The Great Bambino!" "The Colossus of Clout!" This man was one of the most famous baseball players in history; Reflected a new trend of celebrating sports heroes in the 1920s.

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(Jack) Dempsey

United States prizefighter who was world heavyweight champion (1895-1983)

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(Henry) Ford

United States manufacturer of automobiles who pioneered mass production (1863-1947)

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(Frederick) Taylor

American mechanical engineer, who wanted to improve industrial efficiency. He is known as the father of scientific management, and was one of the first management consultants

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scientific management

A management theory using efficiency experts to examine each work operations and find ways to minimize the time needed to complete it

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Model T

First affordable car built by Henry Ford; sturdy, reliable, inexpensive, only came in black

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A system of standardized mass production attributed to Henry Ford

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Wright Brothers

These two siblings and bike mechanics created the first functioning flying machine.

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(Charles) Lindbergh

This man achieved worldwide renown when he became the first person ever to complete a transatlantic flight.

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Jazz Age

Name for the 1920s, because of the popularity of a new type of American music that combined African rhythms, blues, and ragtime.

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a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves

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Birth of a Nation

Controversial but highly influential and innovative silent film directed by D.W. Griffith. It demonstrated the power of film propaganda and revived the KKK.

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The Jazz Singer

1927 - The first movie with sound; this "talkie" was about the life of famous jazz singer; Al Jolson.

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(Margaret) Sanger

United States nurse who campaigned for birth control and planned parenthood.

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Carefree young women of the 1920s that behaved and dressed in a radical fashion

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(Sigmund) Freud

(1856-1939) Founder of psychoanalysis, created the first comprehensive theory of personality. Tied many psychological processes to sexual desire.

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(Marcus) Garvey

He led the Universal Negro Improvement Association and his "Back to Africa" movement inspired racial pride in the 1920s.

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Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)

An association that promoted black pride and black unity. It also encouraged African Americans to move permanently to Africa.

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Lost Generation

Group of writers in 1920s who shared the belief that they were lost in a greedy, materialistic world that lacked moral value. They often chose to flee to Europe

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(F. Scott) Fitzgerald

One of the 20th-century's literary stars, his writing chronicled the Jazz Age. He wrote "This Side of Paradise, and his novel "The Great Gatsby" is considered an American masterpiece. (Married a woman named Zelda!)

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(Ernest) Hemingway

This American author saw combat in Italy. His "The Sun Also Rises" and "A Farewell to Arms" reflected postwar disillusionment. Ended up committing suicide.

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Harlem Renaissance

A period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished

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(Langston) Hughes

A leading poet of the Harlem Renaissance. He wrote "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and "My People"

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"on margin"

To buy stock by paying only a fraction of the stock price and borrowing the rest.

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(Andrew) Mellon

An American banker, industrialist, philanthropist, art collector and Secretary of the Treasury from March 4, 1921 until February 12, 1932. Believed in a government "hands-off" approach to the economy.

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