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(act 1 scene 1)
Antonio: “My purse, my…”
Antonio: “all my…”
Antonio: “My purse, my person, my extremest means/ Lie all unlocked to your occasions”
(Antonio will do anything for bassanio)
Antonio: “all my fortunes are at sea”
(Antonio’s ships are lost at sea)
(act 1, scene2)
Portia: “I cannot …”
Portia: “i remember him…”
Portia: “I cannot choose one, nor refuse one”
(Portia cannot chose who she marries)
Portia: “ i remember him well, and i remember him worthy of thy praise”
(Portia shows interest in Bassanio)
(act 1, scene3) Key Moment:
Shylock: “if i catch him…”
Shylock: “if i catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge i bear him, he hates our sacred nation…”
(Shylock is holding a grudge against Antonio and he wants revenge. Antonio is anti- semitic toward Shylock)
(act 1, scene 3) Key moment
Shylock: “fair sir, …”
Antonio: “I am as…”
Shylock: “Fair sir, you spat on me Wednesday last” “another time you called me dog”
( Shylock talks about all the bad things Antonio has done to him)
Antonio: “I am as like to call thee so again, To spit on thee again”
(Antonio does not regret how he has treated Shylock)
(act1, scene 3)
Antonio: “I will…”
Bassanio: “i like…”
Antonio: “I will seal unto this bond”
(Antonio agrees to Shylocks bond)
Bassanio: “I like not fair terms and a villian’s mind”
(bassanio suspects Shylock is hiding something)
(act 2, scene1) Key moment
Morocco: “mislike…”
Portia: “if you choose…”
Morocco: “mislike me not for my complexion”
(Morocco is worried Porto’s will be prejudice toward him because of his skin colour)
Portia: “if you choose wrong, never speak to lady afterward in way of marriage”
(if the prince of morocco chooses the wrong casket he can never marry anyone else)
(act 2,scene 2)
Bassanio: “thou art…”
(act 2, scene 3)
Jessica: “our house…”
Jessica: “Give him…”
Bassanio: “Thou art too wild, too rude, and bold of voice”
( Bassanionid afraid Gratiano will ruin his chances with Portia)
Jessica: “Our house is hell”
( Jessica is unhappy at home with her father, Shylock)
Jessica: “Give him this letter”
( Jessica asks Launcelot to give Lorenzo a letter from her that says she will run away with him tonight to get eloped)
(act 2, scene 5)
Shylock: “i’ll go…”
Shylock: “Jessica, go…”
Shylock: “i’ll go in hate”
(Shylock is reluctant to go to dinner with Bassanio and his friends)
Shylock: “Jessica, go in; Do as I bid you”
(Shylock tells Jessica to stay inside the locked up house, he is a strict father)
(act 2, scene 6)
Jessica: “catch this…”
Jessica: “catch this casket, it is worth the pains”
(Jessica throws a casket down to Lorenzo, filled with gold coins and jewels she stole from her father)
(act 2, scene 7)
Morocco: “Who chooseth…”
Portia: “Let all…”
Morocco: “Who choose to me, shall gain what many men desire”
(Morocco reading the inscription on the gold casket)
Portia: “Let all of his complexion choose me so”
(Portia is glad that Morocco chose the wrong casket. She shows racism toward him)
(act 2, scene 9)
Aragon: “i will not…”
Aragon: “the portrait…”
Aragon: “I will not jump with common spirits”
(the prince thinks he is better than ordinary people)
Aragon: “The portrait of a blinking idiot”
(inside the silver casket he finds a fools face)
(act 3, scene 1) Key moment
Shylock: “My own…”
Salarino: “There is more…”
Shylock: “My own flesh and blood to rebel”
(Shylock is so upset that even his own daughter is against him)
Salarino: “There is more difference between thy flesh and hers than between jet and ivory”
(act 3, scene 1) Key moment
Shylock: “To bait…”
Shylock: “and what’s…”
Shylock: “To bait fish withall; if it feeds nothing else it will feed my revenge”
(Shylock wants revenge on Antonio)
Shylock: “and what’s his reason? I am a Jew”
(Shylock explains that Antonio only hates him because he is a Jew)
(act 3, scene 1)
Shylock: “Fed with the same…”
Shylock: “Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong is, shall we not revenge?”
(Shylock explains he is the same physically and mentally as a Christian is)
(act 3, scene 1)
Tubal: “he had of…”
Tubal: “he had of your daughter for a monkey”
(Jessica traded Shylock ring for a monkey)
(act 3, scene 2)
Portia: “One half …”
Portia: “This house…”
Portia: “One half of me is yours, the other half yours”
(Portia is showing her interest in Bassanio)
Portia: “This house, these servants, and this same myself/ Are yours, my lords. I give them with this ring”
(Bassanio chose the correct casket and Portia explains that all she owns are now also his)
(act 3, scene 2)
Gratiano: “You saw the…”
Gratiano: “You saw the mistress, i beheld the maid”
(Gratiano has fallen in love with Portias maid, Nerissa)
(act 3, scene 3)
Shylock: “since i am…”
Shylock: “i’ll have…”
Shylock: “since i am a dog, beware my fangs”
( If Shylock is a dog like Antonio said, he will act like one)
Shylock: “I’ll have my bond”
( Shylock just wants justice and revenge)