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truth vs justice
truth is a simple fact and justice is the process involving judges and juries
forensic linkage triangle
making connections between each
Scene integrity issues
Addition, destruction, movement
five different ways evidence can manifest
Predictable effects, unpredictable effects, transitory effects, relationship, detail details, functional details
predictable effects
changes to the scene that can occur with regularity or rhythm (flies, arriving to the body)
unpredictable effects
Changes that occur unexpectedly or randomly (turning on the lights at a crime scene, weather)
Transitory effects
Fleeting, time and environment will destroy them. Observe, smell, and feel.
Relationship details
Established correlation between objects
functional details
The operation of items and their condition, did the items work
What order the events occurred
Allow us to place the time in the crime in some form of fashion
guidelines for evidence acceptability
Sufficient and scientific using quantitative objective data; reliable, and it's consistent when retested; valid
national academy of science report in 2009
Evidence and evidence testing it needs to be more scientific; formation of SWG
Scientific Working Groups
Comprise of CSI, professors, and forensic scientist. They revised and standardized protocols, recommendations to improve evidence, collection, and testing, lab equipment must be certified.
police officers
First to arrive on the scene, secure the scene
crime scene investigators
Document the scene in detail and collect evidence
Interview eyewitnesses
medical examiners
Determine manner of death
district attorneys
May be called to determine if warrants are needed
Forensic scientists
Locards principle of exchange
Whenever two people/objects come into contact with one another physical transfer occurs. Physical evidence cannot be wrong. It cannot perjure itself. It cannot be wholly absent, only human failure to find it, study and understand it can diminish its value.
Three factors determine the extent of the contact
Intensity, duration, nature of the entities. Evidence does not show when the exchange occurred.
Trace evidence.
Small but measurable amounts of physical or biological evidence found at crime scenes (hair, body fluid, glass)
direct evidence (type of evidence)
Evidence that is authentic, supports an alleged case fact. Firsthand observations.
circumstantial evidence
Implies a fact, but does not prove it directly, physical evidence, biological confidence
Class evidence (evidence characterization)
Narrows to a group of persons or things (blood type, shoe type, guns)
individual evidence (evidence characterization)
Narrows an identity to a single person or thing (dna)
the 7 S’s of crime scene investigation
securing the scene (1st priority safety of people, 2nd priority is preservation of evidence)
separate the witnesses (dont let them talk to each other)
scanning the scene (primary vs secondary scene)
seeing the photos
sketching the scene (rough sketch vs final copy)
searching for evidence
securing and collecting evidence
chain of custody
Maintaining the chain of custody is essential
Every person who possess the items must sign the form to track where it has been from recovery to court
evidence analysis
begins in forensic lab or the PD
crime scene reconstruction
involves forming a hypothesis of the sequence of events from before the crime committed through its completion
staged crime scenes
arson, murder, burglary