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Social Justice
Equality of economic, political, and social rights, with state assistance for the less privileged
Belief in rational individuals with rights above state or groups
Egoistical individualism
Locke and Mill's view of self-interested individuals
Evolved concept protecting individual freedom
Positive Freedom
Modern liberals' belief in state intervention for individual freedom
Consensus among liberals on human rationality
Foundational equality
Belief in equal status for all individuals in society
Acceptance of cultural and political diversity
'I detest what you say, but will defend your right to say it'
Society where positions are based on individual merit
Enabling state
State's role in providing welfare for individual potential
Economic system with limited capacity for individual happiness
John Rawls
Modern liberal advocating for a just society and redistribution of wealth
Veil of Ignorance
Rawls' hypothetical scenario where individuals design a just society without knowledge of their position
Positive Liberty
State support enabling individuals to fulfill their potential, emphasized by modern liberals
Modern Liberalism
Advocates for an enabling state, positive freedom, and social justice
Harm principle
JS Mill's idea that actions harming others should be restricted
John Locke
Classical liberal advocating limited government and foundational equality
Social contract theory
Basis that society and government stem from voluntary agreement
Mary Wollstonecraft
Advocate for women's rights and formal equality
John Stuart Mill
Classical liberal promoting harm principle and tolerance
Enabling State
State ensuring foundational equality through social and economic measures
Betty Friedan
Modern liberal advocating for legal equality and women's liberation from domestic roles
Negative Freedom
Freedom from external restraint, essential for human flourishing according to modern liberals
Classical Liberalism
Belief in minimal state intervention, laissez-faire economics, and negative freedom
Social Contract Theory
Idea that individuals consent to give up some rights for security within a society
Foundational Equality
Belief that individuals are born with natural rights, extended to all sections of society by modern liberals
Rugged Individualism
Concept that a person's success is determined by their own merit, a principle of classical liberalism
Representative Democracy
System where representatives form consensus rather than follow uninformed majority, supported by Mill
Keynesian Economics
Government intervention to manage demand and stimulate the economy, contrasting classical liberal views