Gravitational Potential Energy (unit: J)
The work done on a small mass in bringing it from infinity to a point in the gravitational field.
Gravitational Potential (unit: Jkg-1)
The work done per unit mass on a small mass in bringing it in from infinity to a point in the gravitational field.
Electric Field Strength (unit: NC-1)
The force per unit charge on a small positive charge at a point in the electric field.
Electric Potential Energy (unit: J)
The work done on a small positive test charge in bringing it in from infinity to a point in the electric field.
Electric Potential (unit: JC-1)
The work done per unit charge on a small positive test charge in bringing it in from infinity to a point in the electric field.
Why is gravitational potential negative?
Potential is defined to be zero at infinity
Positive amount of work needs to be supplied for a mass to reach infinity
Subsequent motion of projectile after fired upwards
Velocity decreases
Magnitude of deceleration decreases
Velocity becomes constant
Orbital speed decrease, what effects?
KE will initially decrease → TE decrease
Earth moves closer to Sun
New orbit with greater speed
Change ellipticity of orbit