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usually round
divide to reproduce
remain in pairs after dividing
divide and remain attached in chainlike patterns
divide in multiple planes and forms grape like clusters
keep one shape
change shape
ex: rhizobium
Surface-to-Volume Ratios, Growth Rates
free-living smaller cells tend to grow faster than free-living larger cells, and for a given amount of resources
higher surface to volume ratio = smaller cell
supports a faster rate of nutrient and waste exchange per unit of cell volume compared with larger cells
different types of EMR fall on an electromagnetic spectrum, defined by wavelength and frequency
ex: visible light
wavelength of light used is a major factor in resolution
shorter wavelength = greater resolution
describes the capacity of a microscope to enlarge an image
objective and clear
the ability to distinguish two adjacent objects as distinct and separate
wavelength of light used
numerical aperture: light gathering ability of the objective lens
limit for light microscope is 0.2 um
objects closer than 0.2 um cannot be resolved as distinct and separate
when light rays pass through the two materials (specimen and medium aka stain), rays change direction from a straight path by bending or changing angle at the boundary between the materials
Refractive Index
a measure of the light bending ability of a medium
must be changed from what their mediums is to obtain contrast
Creating Resolution
contrast between object and its surroundings
wavelength smaller than object
detector with sufficient resolution for given wavelength
Oil Immersion
oil has same refractive index as glass
increases the maximum angle at which light leaving the specimen can strike the lens
if using a microscope on 100x
Darkfield Microscopy
opaque disk blocks most of the light from illuminator
only light that reaches the objective = refracted or reflected from the specimen
bright objects on a dark screen
Phase Contrast
one set of light rays comes directly from the light source, other comes from reflected or diffracted light from specimen
structures that differ in refractive index will differ in levels of darkness
Fluorescence Microscope
produces images by exciting a specimen with wavelength of light that triggers object to emit fluorescent light
microbe is stained by fluorochromes that absorb light and emit visible fluorescent light
Electron Microscopy
uses an electron beam to create an image with electromagnets acting as lenses
limited resolution bc it uses natural light
generate images at resolution levels of up to 1000-fold greater than possible for light microscopy
used to observe sub-cellular structures/organelles and viruses
two types: transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope
Transmission Electron Microscope
visualizes small things like tissue structures or sub-cellular structures
Scanning Electron Microscope
observes the surfaces of cells
Wet Mount
drop of liquid placed on a slide
dried preparation of bacterial cells on a glass slide - evenly distributed thin layer
Heat Fixation
smear is fixed (attached) on the slide by heat otherwise smear will wash away by stain
coagulates bacterial proteins so bacteria stick to the slide surface
coloring microbes with a dye that creates contrast between the bacteria and the background, and emphasizes certain microbial structures
enables the study of microbial properties and to group the microbes in groups for diagnosis
postive vs negative stain
Bacterial Staining
solutions consisting of a solvent (usually water or ethanol) and a colored molecule (often benzene), the chromogen
Simple Stains
use a single dye
don’t distinguish organisms and structures
by differing staining reactions
Differential Stains
use two or more dyes that react differently with various kinds or parts of bacteria, distinguishing them
Gram Stain
developed by Hans Christian Gram
differential stain
shows differences in cell wall structures, thick vs thin
Gram Positive
remain purple stained
has a thick cell wall, so the CV-I remains in the cell
don’t have an outer membrane
Gram Negative
turns red stained
has a thin cell wall, so alcohol destroys the layer and the CV-I leaves the cell
have an outer membrane
Acid-Fast Stain
are gram positive
have a waxy mycolic acid constituent of their cell walls
detects the presence of cells walls rich in mycolic acid
uses carbol fushin to stain everything and acid alcohol as a decolorization agent, methylene blue counterstain
Endospore Stain
detect the presence of an endospore in a cell, which arise from undesirable environmental conditions
Bacterial Spores
uses heat to push primary stain malachite green into endospore
washing with water decolorizes the cell, but endospore retains green stain
cell is then counterstained with pink safranin
Spontaneous Generation Myths
maggots from rotting meat
fleas from hair
flies from fresh and rotting fruit
mosquitoes from stagnant pond water
termites are generated from rotting wood
Francescos Redi’s Experiment
maggots could only form when flies were allowed to lay eggs in meat
maggots were offspring from flies, not the product of spontaneous generation
John Needham
briefly boiled broth infused with plant or animal matter hoping to kill preexisting microbes, he then sealed the flasks
argued that new microbes must have arisen spontaneously
he likely didn’t boil the broth enough to kill preexisting microbes, which is why some continued to grow
Lazzaro Spallanzani
heated but sealed flasks remained clear
suggested microbes were introduced into these flasks from the air
needham argued that life originates from a life force that was destroyed during the longer boiling
Louis Pasteur: Disproving Spontaneous Generation
created flasks with long curved necks
“swan-neck flask” experiments
boiled the solutions and then left them exposed to air
results: no growth of microorganisms in swan neck flasks
demonstrated that microbes are present in non-living matter - air, liquids, and soilds
Germ Theory of Disease
diseases may result from microbial infection
Ignaz Semmelweis and Joseph Lister
Ignaz Semmelweis
proposed that physicians were somehow transferring the causative agent to their patients
importance of handwashing to prevent transfer of disease
Joseph Lister
began using carbolic acid (phenol) spray disinfectant during surgery
extremely successful efforts in reducing post surgical infection
Robert Koch
proposed a series of postulates based on the idea that the cause of a specific disease could be caused by a certain microbe
able to identify the causative agents of certain diseases = one disease one microbe
limitations: ethical concerns with his experiment which involved injecting mice with diseases and some microbes can cause multiple diseases
Vaccination Creation
coined by Edward Jenner
observed that milkmaids who got cowpox were immune to smallpox
this led him to developing a vaccine for smallpox using cowpox microbes
Louis Pastur: made the rabies vaccine
injecting infected postules into a healthy individual to provide immunity
early vaccine
First Antimicrobial Drugs
antiseptics were first created but couldn’t be taken internally
researchers (Paul Ehrlich) wanted a “magic bullet”, or antibiotic that would only kill microbes and not harm the host
Development of Antibiotics
Alexander Fleming made mold containment which caused a “zone of clearing” with no mold
penicillin was created
modern times sees the overuse of these antibiotics causing multi-drug resistance pathogens
The Endosymbiotic Theory
argued that eukaryotic organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts are of prokaryotic origin
mitochondria and chloroplasts resemble bacteria in size and shape
contain nuclear DNA, like prokaryotes
can reproduce independently of host
ribosomes resemble prokaryotes, and protein synthesis mechanism is similar to bacterias
antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis on ribosomes in bacteria also prevents it on mitochondria and chloroplasts
Bacterial Cell - Cell Envelope
cytoplasm of bacterial cells is a gel like network of proteins and other molecules, contained by cell membrane
outside of membrane, the cell body is enclosed by the cell wall
outside cell wall, gram negative bacteria have outer membrane
cell membrane, cell wall, and outer membrane (for gram negative) constitute the cell envelope
chromosome is organized within cytoplasm as a system of looped coils called the nucleoid
Plasma Membrane
fluid mosaic model, a dynamic moving model
cell (plasma) membrane separates the cytoplasm from the outside environment
phospholipid bilayer with proteins
Bacterial Membrane Proteins
peripheral (interact with membrane indirectly) and integral (attached to membrane) transmembrane proteins
support for structures that protrude from the cell (flagella and pili)
transport of substances in and out of the cell across the membrane
signaling and communication, ex: legumes and nitrogen fixing
exhibits selective permeability, allowing some things to enter and others to not
Passive Transport
moves nutrients with the concentration gradient, no energy needed
Active Transport
moves nutrients against the concentration gradient, energy needed
Coupled Transport
the use of energy from one gradient to drive transport up another gradient
two molecules moving in the same direction, active transport
ex: lactate and H+
two molecules moving in opposite directions, active transport
Simple Diffusion
passive transport
no energy needed, goes from high to low concentration
Facilitated Transport
passive transport, no energy needed (high to low)
uses a transporter to move something through a channel
water channel = aquapore
Active Transport
molecules in a cell are kept at different concentrations between the membrane
ex: symport, antiport, group translocation, ABC transporters
Group Translocation
active transport
happens only in prokaryotes
transport of sugars, modified in the process
Peripheral Protein
interact with the membrane indirectly
Transmembrane Protein
interact with the membrane directly, spans the entirety of the cell membrane
ABC Systems
active transport
uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to transport molecules in low concentrations
can expel wastes, antibodies, efflux transporters, and have multidrug resistance