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Germany in the war
great military power, bordered everyone, disrupted power balance leading to arms race
Oto Von Bismarck
prussia's chancellor, wanted to isolate france... he made the dual alliance so that France would have nobody to be alliances with, therefore isnt a threat
A battleship with increased speed and power over conventional warships, developed by Great Britain to increase their naval arsenals. Carried 10 300mm guns mounted in 5 turrets. everybody started building them
Battle of Jutland
only real navy battle where they used dreadnoughts
USS Texas
only surviving US battleship that fought in both World War I and World War II, weapon of war
Georgie, Nicci, Willie
all cousins
Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
assassinated by Serbian terrorists, immediate cause of WWI, heir to throne of Austria-Hungary
trench warfare
A form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield.
Maxim Gun
was invented in 1884 was the world's first automatic machine gun.
The Ossuary of Douaumont
ppl who died in verdun were buried here
Battle of Verdun
(1916) the longest battle of World War I; it ended in stalemate, with both sides suffering hundreds of thousands of casualties
British MkIV Tank
most successful tank at the time even tho it sucked
German Type I U-Boat
unrestricted sub warfare- not good we didnt like germany anymore
British passenger liner sunk by a German U-Boat in World War 1, really made us hate germany fr
Arthur Zimmerman
Germany's Foreign Secretary who proposed an alliance with Mexico against the United States, another cause for the war
Why'd we go to war
•Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
•Banker's conspiracy
•Zimmerman Note
Woodrow wilson
runs again to keep us out of war, gets elected, immediately puts us into war
George Creel
Headed the Committee on Public Information, for promoting the war effort in WWI
George M Cohan
American composer famous for his World War I songs: "Over There" and "You're A Grand Ole Flag"
Orville an Wilbur Wright
2 brothers who made bicycles in Dayton Ohio credited with building and successfully operating the first airplane
First Flight
Wright brothers fly for one minute at Kitty Hawk, NC in 1903.
Baron von Richthofen
Known as the "Red Baron" who fought for Germany in WW I. Shot down on April 21, 1918. He is credited with shooting down at least 80 of the Allies airplanes
Von Richthofen's Fokker Dr.I-
primary weapon of war, plane with gun
Captain Eddie Rickenbacker
Having shot down at least 29 enemy planes, he was America's leading ace pilot in the war
General John J Blackjack Pershing
led the American Expeditionary Force; urged that the AEF operate as an independent fighting force, under American command; was made General of the Armies of the United States, which is the highest rank given to an officer
Sgt. Alvin York
former conscientious objector, this American soldier won the Congressional Medal of Honor for capturing an entire German unit in WWI, most decorated
Big four
Woodrow Wilson (US president), Georges Clemenceau (french premier), David Lloyd George (british prime minister), Vittorio Orlando (italian prime minister)
French statesman who played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles (1841-1929) revenge
David Lloyd George
Britain's prime minister at the end of World War I whose goal was to make the Germans pay for the other countries' staggering war losses. money
Victorio Orlando
Italian prime minister who was premier of Italy during WWI. Also represented Italy at the Paris Peace Conference. land
peace love and forgiveness
Wilson's 14 Points
plan for world peace, divided into 3 parts, 1-5=issues addressed to avoid war, 6-14 dealt with boundery changes, rejected by allies
Wilson's 14th point
Creation of a League of Nations or International Peace-Keeping Organization to promote international security and stability and prevent future wars
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that ended WW I. It blamed Germany for WW I and handed down harsh punishment.
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Navy officer whose ideas on naval warfare and the importance of sea-power changed how America viewed its navy; wrote "The influence of Sea Power upon History"
reasons for american imperialism
desire for military strength, thirst for new markets, belief in cultural imperialism
midway island
A battle at which the US defeated the Japanese navy and established naval superiority in the Pacific
Queen Liliuokalani
the Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests
sanford dole
1894 wealthy, plantation owner and politician who was named President of New Republic of Hawaii. He asked US to annex Hawaii. Dole pineapple
william randolph hurst
Pioneer in the kind of sensational reporting often called Yellow Journalism. Helped whip up hostility toward Spain, which led to the Spanish American war.
jose marti
Cuban poet and journalist who organized a guerilla revolution against Spain in 1895- "Cuba Libre" free Cuba was his battle cry-and sought US support and intervention. white horse guy
Valeriano Weyler
General sent by Spain to stop Cuban revolt, referred to as the "Butcher" because of harsh tactics "concentration camps, shooting civilian, ect.)
USS Maine enters Havana harbor
we think spain blew up the ship (they didnt) so we go to war
admiral george dewey
U.S. naval leader who sank the Spanish fleet stationed in Manila Bay; stating to an officer, "You may fire when ready, Gridley."
USS Iowa
we had superior ships fr
Emilion Aguinaldo
George washington of the Philippines
Fightin Joe Wheeler
served as major General in the Spanish American war
foraker act
gave the US direct control over and power to set up a government in Puerto Rico. territory
Jones-Shafroth Act
1917 Granted more citizenship rights and gave them more control over their legislature. Many Puerto Ricans still wanted the same rights as Americans. citizenship
dr walter reed
Doctor who was the head of the Army's Yellow Fever Commission. He proved that Yellow Fever and Malaria was transmitted by Mosquitoes.
John Philip Sousa
American bandmaster and composer who wrote comic operas and marches such as Stars and Stripes Forever (1897).
william mckinely
Imperialist president who annexed Hawaii and declared war on Spain,, the Republican candidate, accumulated approximately $15 million, 30 times the amount Bryan had, and allowed regulars to do the campaigning for him.
assasinates mckinley
boxer rebellion
1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". The rebellion was ended by British troops.
theodore roosevelt
wins nobel peace prize for treaty of portsmouth
panama canal
Ship canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by United States, it opened in 1915.
USS missouri
The Battleship where the Japanese signed their unconditional surrender; 'Mighty MO'
pancho villa
A popular leader during the Mexican Revolution of 1910. An outlaw in his youth, when the revolution started, he formed a cavalry army in the north of Mexico and fought for the rights of the landless in collaboration with Emiliano Zapata.
Progressive Movement
Reform movement aimed at addressing social, political, and economic issues
• Goals:
• Moral improvement (e.g., temperance)
• Social welfare (e.g., child labor laws, workplace reforms)
• Economic reform (e.g., trust-busting)
• Efficiency (e.g., scientific management in government & business)
The Muckrakers
Investigative journalists exposing corruption and societal issues
• Term coined by Theodore Roosevelt (from John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress)
Jacob Riis
Photographer, How the Other Half Lives (exposed urban poverty)
Theodore Dreiser
Novelist, wrote Sister Carrie & An American Tragedy (showed dangers of modern cities)
Ida Tarbell
Exposed Standard Oil & Rockefeller's corrupt practices
Lincoln Steffens
Investigated political corruption "Tweedism" (The Shame of the Cities)
Upton Sinclair
The Jungle, exposed meatpacking industry, led to the Pure Food and Drug Act & FDA
Florence Kelley
Advocate for child labor laws, workplace safety, co-founder of NAACP
Carry Nation
Temperance movement leader, known for smashing bars with a hatchet ("Hatchetations")
Ida B. Wells
Journalist, anti-lynching advocate, civil rights leader
Susan B. Anthony
Most famous women's suffrage advocate
Alice Paul
Suffragist, used aggressive tactics (hunger strikes, protests)
didn't work
Carrie Chapman Catt
Advocated for women's suffrage using peaceful protests & civil disobedience
17th Amendment
Direct election of senators (eliminates corruption)
Citizens petition for laws
Citizens vote directly on laws
Unscheduled election to remove an official
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Allowed unions to organize & limited monopolies
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Regulated big business but initially weak
Underwood Tariff Act
Lowered tariffs to help consumers
Income Tax (16th Amendment)
Graduated tax on income over $500K
Federal Reserve Act
Created the Federal Reserve System (regulated banking, controlled money supply)
Women's Suffrage (19th Amendment)
Gave women the right to vote
40-Hour Work Week
Encouraged to maintain a strong labor force
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (1911)
Fire broke out, doors locked, 150+ workers trapped
• Led to workplace safety reforms
Galveston Hurricane (1900)
City destroyed, forced government efficiency reforms
Ludlow Massacre
Union strike turned violent, 21 dead (miners & families)
Square Deal
Focused on:
• Regulation of business (Hepburn Act, ICC oversight)
• Consumer protection (Pure Food & Drug Act)
• Conservation (National Parks, Antiquities Act)
Big Stick Policy
Diplomacy backed by military force
Roosevelt Corollary
expanded Monroe Doctrine, justified intervention
Panama Canal
Ship canal cut across the isthmus of Panama by United States, it opened in 1915. done by TR
Great White Fleet
Displayed U.S. naval power around the world
William Howard Taft
Handpicked by TR, but lost his support
• Payne-Aldrich Tariff controversy (TR felt betrayed)
Woodrow Wilson
Progressive reforms but failed to stop segregation
• Led U.S. into WWI
Gifford Pinchot
Chief of Forestry, major conservationist
Birth of a Nation
First full-length film, screened at White House
• Glorified KKK, controversial impact
Harry Burn & the 19th Amendment
Tennessee representative, listened to his mother and cast the deciding vote for women's suffrage
Robert M. La Follette "Fighting Bob"
Progressive governor & senator from Wisconsin
• Leader of the "Wisconsin Idea" - Government should be run by experts, not politicians
John Muir
Naturalist & conservationist - Advocated for preserving wilderness & national parks
Robert Baden-Powell
Founder of the Boy Scouts (1908) in England
A. Mitchell Palmer
Attorney General who rounded up many suspects who were thought to be un-American and socialistic; he helped to increase the Red Scare; he was nicknamed the "Fighting Quaker" until a bomb destroyed his home; he then had a nervous breakdown and became known as the "Quaking Fighter."
J. Edgar Hoover
Head of the FBI