Jimmy Carter
former GA governor who was committed to restraining big government
Hamilton Jordan
chief of staff under Carter; spent most of his time drinking, with women, and alienating Congress
taken over by Islamic fundamentalists who shut off access of oil to the US; spiked US oil prices
Camp David
place where Carter met with 150 representatives and cut out the media
Anwar Sadat
President of Egypt who was removed from the Arab League and was assassinated due to signing the Camp David Accords with Israel
Office of Human Rights
section of the State Department created by Carter; cut funding to repressive governments
Panama Canal
Carter gave it away as a move of human rights
1980 Olympic Games
Carter called a boycott of it due to the Afghanistan situation
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
hated pro-US ruler of Iran whose officials were executed once he was overthrown; was allowed to go to the US for cancer treatment, sparking outrage from Iranian revolutionaries
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Iranian leader who demanded the return of the shah and his wealth for exchange of the hostages
$1.6b project made to clean up chemical waste sites
Camp David Accords
two treaties made between PM Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt (facilitated by Carter)
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II
Carter refused to sign due to Soviet conflict in Afghanistan
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Iranian revolutionaries invaded a US embassy in Tehran capturing 66 people; demanded the return of the shah for the hostages
Georgia Mafia
Carter's closest aides
Carter forgave men who fled the US due to Vietnam
Liberal Democrats
complained that Carter was not addressing poverty and inner-city decline
"Crisis of confidence"
what Carter claimed was afflicting the nation after he went to Camp David
Islamic freedom fighters
Screen Actors Guild
union Reagan helped fend off from Communist infiltration
Reverend Jerry Falwell
televangelist who formed the Moral Majority and wanted to fight liberalism and communism
Moral Majority
campaign for the political and social goals of the Christian Right (e.g. overturn Roe v. Wade, remove Darwinism from schools)
Phyllis Schlafly
Republican activist from IL who stopped the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment
Business Roundtable
leaders of the nation's largest corporations combined to promote their interests to Congress
Proposition 13
CA tax cut that reduced property taxes by 57%; done with Reagan's support
New Right
conservative Republicans whose goal was to prevent Carter's second term
David Stockman
Reagan's budget director; advised reducing SS and Medicare spending
Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization
Reagan fired 11539 members who participated in an illegal strike
national labor confederation which traditionally supported Democratic candidates; power broken by Reagan
Sandra O'Connor
first woman in the Supreme Court; appointed by Reagan
Walter Mondale
Carter's VP and Democratic candidate in 1984; supported by AFL-CIO, NOW, and had a female running mate
Geraldine Ferraro
NY congresswoman and first female running mate in 1984
Economic Recovery Tax Act
cut personal income taxes by 25% and lowered the max tax rate to 50%
belief that stagflation was the result of excessive corporate and personal income taxes
Tax Reform Act of 1986
cut the number of tax brackets to 2 and reduced max rates to 15-28%
Federal deficit
tripled over Reagan's two terms
Social Security
most expensive entitlement program; Reagan did little to cut spending even though he promised to
Strategic Defense Initiative
anti missile defense system with satellites and laser weapons
José Napoleón Duarte
El Salvador president backed by the US
Saddam Hussein
Iraqi despot who attacked Iran; also attacked Kuwait and was the cause of the Persian Gulf War
Palestine Liberation Organization
strongest rival faction in Lebanon; heavily against Israelis and their occupation of Palestine
Oliver North
Marine lieutenant colonel who was the center of the Iran-Contra affair; secretly sold arms to Iran
Robert McFallane
national security advisor who approved North's activities; attempted suicide before being questioned but failed
John Tower
person Reagan appointed to lead the investigation of the Iran-Contra affair
Tower Commission
investigation commission on the Iran-Contra affair; blamed Reagan's loose management
Mikhail Gorbachev
Soviet premier who sought to reduce tensions with the US
Reykjavik Summit
meeting Reagan and Gorbachev considered dismantling all nuclear weapons; fell apart due to US insistence of the SDI
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
agreement to eliminate all intermediate range missiles between the US and USSR
El Salvador
conflict between right-wing government backed by the US and Communist revolutionaries; many feared a new domino effect
controlled by Cuban-sponsored Sandinista socialist government; US sent in Contras
previously a peaceful Middle-Eastern nation; erupted into anarchy with many factions fighting
Communist military coup led to the execution of the PM; Marines were deployed to get rid of the new government
Iran-Contra affair
Congress discovered that Reagan was selling arms to Iran in hopes of getting hostages back
Peace through strength
buildup of the US military to overwhelm the USSR militarily and economically
CIA trained and financed anti-Communist Nicaraguans
Suicide bombers
became common for Muslims once Israel took Beruit
restructuring; Gorbachev wanted to make the USSR government more bureaucratically efficient
openness; Gorbachev policy to allow open debate and shared information
Black Monday
day the stock market crashed that nearly matched the 1929 crash
AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power
largest AIDS activist group
electronic numerical integrator and computer; made at UPenn and was the first all electronic digital computer
allowed for the storage of much more data on computers
disease that became an epidemic in the 1908s; people thought it was a gay disease
Michael Dukakis
Democratic nominee who was swept by Bush
Eduard Shevardnadze
Soviet foreign minister who told the Soviet legislature that nations of Eastern Europe could choose their own governments
Berlin Wall
destruction unified Germany and collapsed the East German government
Boris Yeltsin
president of the Russian Republic; able to convince the US to not recognize the new military ran USSR
General Manuel Noriega
maximum leader of Panama; allowed drugs lords to ship drugs through Panama to the US
Guillermo Endara
was supposed to be president until Noriega took over; became president after the US invasion
Albert Gore
TN Senator who became Clinton's running mate
H. Ross Perot
Texas billionaire whose on and off candidacy drew Republican voters away from Bush
Americans with Disabilities Act
strengthened civil rights given to disabled and made requirements for organizations to have amenities
Immigration Act of 1990
increased the total number of immigrants to 675k per year; changed some preferences
Operation Just Cause
US troops invaded Panama and captured Noriega
invaded by Iraq due to increasing oil production
Operation Desert Storm
major offensive in the Gulf War; US and 33 other nations against Iraq after it took over Kuwait
New Democrats
led by Clinton; determined to win back the white middle class
Carter Doctrine
Warning that any attempt by outside forces to gain control of the Persian Gulf would be met with military force from the US; created because Soviets were in Afghanistan and too close to Persian Gulf oil
Reagan Doctrine
US would support freedom fighters trying to overthrow Communist regimes; applied in Nicaragua, Angola, Cambodia and Afghanistan