Three Notable events from 1860
Lincoln Elected (1860)
Homestead Act (1862)
Battle of Shiloh (1862)
Lincoln Assassinated/ End of Civil War (1865)
Beginning of Reconstruction (1865)
Three Notable events from 1870
Ratification of the 15th Amendment (1870)- African Americans=vote
Modoc battle (1873)
Panic of 1873- Railroads=bankrupt
Compromise of 1877- 1876 election=settled
Three Notable events from 1880
Gilded Age
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)- No Chinese enter US
Growth of big business
Treaty of Paris (1889)
Three Notable events from 1890
Jim Crow laws (1890)- Legalized Racism
Grover Clevland elected (1892)
Wounded Knee (1893)- Native Massacre
Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896)-Legal separation.
Three Notable events from 1900
Gold Standard Act of 1900-US dollar by gold weight
Spanish American War ended (1900)
Election of Roosevelt (1904)
Panama Canal (1904)- trading route, cost 400 million
Three Notable events from 1910
New Nationalism (1912)- TR=social welfare and women
WW1 starts (1914)
Schenk v US (1919)- congress could silence people in crisis
Red Scare
Treaty of Versailles (1919) - Document Germany signed ending WW1
Three Notable events from 1920
19th Amendment (1920)- Women could vote
Prohibition (1920) -Alcohol ban
Scopes Trial (1925)- Evolution= not in school
Black Tuesday (1929)- Great Depression
William Henry Harrison elected (1840)
Manifest Destiny (1845)- John Louis O'Sullivan
Gold Rush (1848)- Sutter’s Mill
Mexican War (1848)
Compromise of 1850
Fillmore elected (1850)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)
Gadsden purchase (1853)