acumen 💡
(n.) keenness of insight; quickness or accuracy of judgment
adjudicate 🧑⚖
(v.) to act as judge in a matter
to settle through the use of a judge or legal tribunal
anachronism 🕰❌
(n.) a chronological misplacing of events, objects, customs, or persons in regard to each other
apocryphal ❓
(n.) of doubtful or questionable authenticity
disparity ⚪⚫️
(n.) a difference of inequality in age, rank, degree, amount, or quality
a dissimilarity, unlikeness
dissimulate 😶🌫
(v.) to hide or disguise one’s true thoughts, feelings, or attentions
empirical 🧪
(adj.) derived from, dependent upon, or guided by practical experience, observation, or experiment, rather than by theory
so verifiable
flamboyant 🦩
(adj.) highly elaborate or ornate; vividly colored; strikingly brilliant or bold
fulsome 🤢
(adj.) offensively insincere or excessive
disgusting or sickening
immolate 🔪
(v.) to kill as a sacrifice, especially by fire
to destroy or renounce for the sake of another
imperceptible 🔎
(adj.) extremely slight; incapable of being perceived by the senses or the mind
lackey 🧍♂
(n.) a uniformed male servant; a servile follower
liaison 🗣
(n.) the contact or means of communication between groups
someone acting as such a contact
any close relationship
a thickening or binding agent used in cooking
monolithic 🐘
(adj.) characterized by massiveness, solidness, and total uniformity
mot juste 🤌🏼
(n.) the most suitable or exact word or expression
nihilism 🦹
(n.) a total rejection of existing laws; extreme radicalism
patrician 🤴🏽
(n.) a member of the ruling class; a person of high rank
(adj.) belonging to, befitting, or characteristic of such a person
propitiate 🙏
(v.) to make someone or something favorably inclined towards oneself
to conciliate, satisfy, or appease
sic 🖊
(adv.) thus so; intentionally written so
sublimate 🤲🏻
(v.) to redirect the energy of a biological or instinctive impulse into a higher or more acceptable channel