Chapter 3: The Language of Law

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Justice Benjamin Cardozo

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Justice Benjamin Cardozo

________ defined substantive due process as the "principles of or- dered liberty ..

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Fourteenth Amendment

The ________ (1868) applied the same principle to the states:"no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law ..

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English speaking lawyers

________ refer routinely to reasonable time, reasonable care, reasonable mistake, reasonable risk, reasonable doubt, and reasonable force.

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Immanuel Kant

________ wrote that liberty- or freedom- is the central value protected by the concept of Right and the rule of law.

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US Constitution

Though the ________ does not use the terms fair or fairness, the requirement of a fair trial has become a standard element of due process under the Four- teenth Amendment.

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________ 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights provides that, in all cases,"Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing ..

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Constitutional law

________ is the body of principles that has evolved and continues to evolve from the written text.

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finite set of words

It is a(n) ________.

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This refinement of meaning and connotation is a remark

able feature of current English legal usage

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For example

No person should profit from his own wrong

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The Fourteenth Amendment (1868) applied the same principle to the states

"no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law."

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Justice Benjamin Cardozo defined substantive due process as the "principles of or

dered liberty."

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Though the U.S. Constitution does not use the terms fair or fairness, the requirement of a fair trial has become a standard element of due process under the Four

teenth Amendment

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Victims demand ___________.

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Defendants want_____________.

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International negotiation in English will demand that lawyers start thinking in the idiom of ______________.

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The Constitution

___________________ is the set of authoritative rules and principles written down within the four corners of a specific document. It is a finite set of words.

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