Roman figures unit 1 latin III

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Marcus tullius Cicero

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Marcus tullius Cicero

Former orator, lawyer and politician; rose to power through famous court cases like his prosecution of the corrupt Governor Sicily, Verres. The high point of his career was his exposure of Catalinarian conspiracy during his consulship. He was a Novus homo, meaning the first person in his family to obtain the consulship. He was killed in the prescriptions ordered by Mark Antony and Octavian.

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Catilinarian conspiracy

When a politician, having lost his bid for election to console, began plotting his disgruntled politicians in Rome, old Veterans of sulla and gallic barbarians to assassinate the consul Cicero and overthrow the Roman Republic by force. The plot was uncovered by Cicero and several of the conspirators were put to death.

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Marcus Agrippa

A childhood friend of Octavian, he held octavian's military forces against sextus Pompey and Marc Anthony. He was also responsible for building the original Pantheon. Eventually he married octavian's daughter Julia and had several children.

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Gaius maecenas

A longtime friend of Octavian who acted as his political advisor. He served as a patron for many poets and artists such as Horace and Virgil whose Works help clarify the new Augustan regime.

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Gaius Octavian, Augustus

First emperor of Rome, member of the second triumvirate, defeated Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of actium, said to have rebuilt room into a city of marble, built up a Freed Man bureaucracy in Rome, enacted legislation to promote marriage and punish adultery, exiled his daughter Julia for disgracing the family.

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Marcus antoninus

Member of second triumvirate, married Octavian sister Octavia, had a love affair with Cleopatra, was defeated by Octavian at actium, committed suicide in Alexandria.

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Prima Porta

Statue of Augustus as a young man, it depicts the Battle of actium on the breastplate, shows the god Cupid near the feet to emphasize augustus's connection with Aeneas and Venus

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Potestas tribunatis

One of the powers that was granted to Augustus effectively making him the head ruler of Roman government (princeps, later imperator) this gave Augustus the power to propose laws, sitting at meetings of the Senate, and veto legislation. It was an example of Augustus working within constitutional precedents while at the same time establishing a new form of government

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Proconsular authority

One of the powers that was granted to Augustus effectively making him the head of ruler Roman government. This gave Augustus all the power of the console without having to be elected. It gave him the power to command troops, leave the Senate, and. It was an example of Augustus working within constitutional precedents while at the same time establishing a new form of government

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Praetorian guard

Initially the personal bodyguard of any general, but later The Bodyguard of Augustus and his successors, became the only military force allowed in room, was led by any question, upper middle classes, prefect appointed by the emperor, would come to play a prominent role in who would be emperor

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Temple to all the gods built by Agrippa and the campus Martin Lewis in Rome, not to be confused with the Parthenon built for Athena in Athens, after the original building was destroyed in a fire Hadrian rebuilt it with its Dome and Oculus roof which is known for today, though he kept a grandpa's name on the front

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Pontifex Maximus

The name of the high priest in Roman religion, a quasi political or religious position created by Numa pompilius oh, the second king of Rome. At one point it was held by Julius Caesar, and later lepidus, one of the members of the second triumvirate. After lepidus is death the title was given to Augustus and his successors in an attempt to consolidate religious as well as political power and authority. Today the pope holds the title.

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Battle of teutoburg Forest

Three Roman Legions, 17th, 18th, and 19th under the demand of General varus were ambushed in a betrayal led by Herman the German. This defect is resulted in augustus's decision not to Annex Germany as a Roman province and is one of the reasons why the German culture and language has survived distance from latin

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Life of Augustus, a fierce supporter of her son Tiberius, is sometimes vilified as conspiracy to kill her step-grandchildren to make way for Tiberius to become emperor was posthumously adopted by Augustus and, known as Augusta, she continued to have influence long into the reign of Tiberius

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The second emperor of Rome, often depicted as paranoid, notorious for trumped-up trees and trials, was often absent of Rome at his Villa in capri, for a long time while sejanus who was responsible for the assassination of this Emperor's son.

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Originally known as Gaius yes, his nickname is derived from the word for Little Boots based on the small military uniform he wore in the soldiers camps when he was a child. This Emperor, after recovering from a grave sickness began himself a series of treason trials and had many people of senatorial rank killed. He is notorious for his close relationship with his sister, the idea that he tried to make his horse a senator, and the idea that he tried to wage war against Neptune by collecting seashells oh, and the idea that he thought he was a God. He and most of his family were assassinated by the praetorian guard.

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The first emperor of Rome, was spared by the praetorian guard when they assassinated caligula and his family. is famous for conquering Britain and making it a Roman province. Is believed to have been murdered by his last wife, a group of younger so that her son Nero could become emperor.

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One of the most notorious a, is said to have recited poetry during the Great Fire of Rome in 64 ad. He used Christians as a scapegoat and blame them for the great fire and had many of them prosecuted. Said to have killed his own mother. Built the golden house. Was eventually declared an enemy of the people / state by the Senate oh, and committed suicide, ending the julio claudian dynasty

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After a year of Civil War, he emerged as the ninth Emperor and the first in what will be called the flavian dynasty. He and his son titas are famous for putting down a Jewish Revolt in Jerusalem, destroying the Great temple of Herod , and using the booty captured from Jerusalem to bury Nero's golden house and build a flavian Amphitheater better known as the Colosseum

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The younger son of Vespasian in the last of the flavian rulers, he built up the economy in Rome and fought Wars in dacia with mixes success. Was not liked by the Senate as he wish to be addressed as Dominus et Deus. was eventually assassinated by some members of the praetorian guard and members of his own Court

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One of the most successful Roman emperors, called optmius by the Senate and was one of the five good Emperors. Was the first of the emperor's to originally hail from one of the provinces. In 117 ad expand enrollment borders to its greatest extent. Also known for his great buildings programs, which include the new Forum in a column celebrating his victories against dacia

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Is Famous for stabilizing the borders of the Roman Empire, best symbolized by the wall he built in Northern Britain. Also is said to have been responsible for several building projects, including the building of the pantheon into the Dome shaped structures that exist today. Was one of the first Emperor's to make Greek philosopher Foucault beard fashionable, loved Greek culture, and had a famous love affair with a young boy antinous. After Antonius has death, this Emperor started a cult for the boy and commission several famous statues that still exist today.

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Marcus Aurelius

The last of the five good Emperors, famous as a philosopher Emperor who wrote the meditations, had to deal with several Wars, especially in germanis , as well as a plague, probably smallpox, promoters and his son camotes as his successor comet asmodus has terrible rule is one of the causes that would lead to the crisis of the third century.

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The son of Septimus severus who emerged as emperor in The Civil Wars after camotes is death, was a cruel Emperor who killed his own brother, getta in front of their mother, he worse'n relationships with parthia after slaughtering of parthian wedding party, he was eventually assassinated by his own prairieton prefect was however responsible for a massive bath complex in Rome

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Queen of palmyra, wife of Odaenathuus who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire, and even brought Egypt into her severe, eventually however was defeated by aurelian and Lead as captive back to room

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One of the emperor's who originally hailed from Illyria and was in charge of the heavy Cavalry, was called resitutor orbis, or restore of the world for reuniting the eastern and western areas of the Roman empire under one ruler effectively ending the crisis of the third Century, defeated many different Barbarian tribes including the alamanni , goths, and Vandals, also built Aurelian walls around Rome and encouraged other Roman cities to build large defense walls which would keep them safe from marauding Barbarians

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One of the emperor's who originally hailed from Illyria and was a Cavalry commander, stabilized the Empire after the crisis of the third Century, formed the tetrarchy we're four Roman emperors would work together for the good of the Empire, to hire ranking Emperor's each with the title Augustus and two lower-ranking a but the title Caesar. Reorganized the province's. At the end of his reign though, under the influence of Galerius, there was a prosecution against Christians. Was one of the only Emperor's to voluntarily retire the emperorship

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Constantine the Great

Converted the Roman Empire to Christianity, supposedly saw a chiro in the sky and the message in hoc signo vinces before his victory over Maxentius at the Battle of the milvian Bridge, issued and edict of religious tolerantion and eventually oversaw the Council of Nicea, built a new capital city of Byzantium what she called New Rome but eventually would be named after him.

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Trojan priest who warned the Trojans against bringing the Trojan Horse into the City, featured in Virgil's Aeneid in his statement don't trust the horse, whatever it is, I fear the Greeks even bearing gifts. Was eventually killed by to sea serpents along with his son that were sent by Minerva, a famous sculpture of this can be seen in the vactican Museum

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Mythological character that was chained to a rock and meant to be sacrificed to the sea monster sent by Neptune, however she is saved by Perseus, the Slayer of Medusa, who eventually marries her, this story gives rise to the princess and dragon motif

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Is famous as a lyric poet, a contemporary of Julius Caesar, wrote a poem and dislike of Julius Caesar, most famous for his love poems dedicated to a woman, lesbia who historians believe to be Clodia, whose brother Clodius was a famous political enemy of Cicero

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