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Dawes Plan

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Dawes Plan

resulted in the reduction of Germanys War Debt

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Calvin Coolidge

lowered taxes and decreased government regulation of business

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In the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan did all of the following except

continue to thrive only in the south

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The Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 made this group the chief source of immigrant labor. This group was:


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As a result of the Scopes trial,

publishers eliminated references to Darwin's theories from science textbooks

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The twentieth-century president who best represented the "self-made" man was

Herbert Hoover

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In 1915, William Simmons, a white southerner was inspired by this film to resurrect the Ku Klux Klan. This film was

Birth of a nation

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Which of the following is a true statement about American workers in the 1920s?

Skilled workers received high wages, and enjoyed paid vacations, paid vacations, sick leave, and other benefits

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President Harding's father reputedly told him "Thank God you weren't born a gal," you can't

You cant say no

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To control flooding throughout the south, the Roosevelt Administration created


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During the 1920s,

Rural Americans showed distrust for urban ways

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All of the following was part of the new consumer lifestyle of the 1920s except

poverty was eliminated from society

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Sexual mores of the 1920s

Encouraged husbands and wives to enjoy recreational activities and physical intimacy together

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The organizer of the "Share the Wealth" societies was

Huey Long

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Under the New Deal, African Americans

continued to face discrimination and disfranchisement

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in the election of 1916

Woodrow Wilson's campaign slogan was "He kept us out of war."

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Probably the most formative experience in the life of Franklin Roosevelt was his

paralysis from polio

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The Red Scare

exemplified post war american fear of foreign ideas

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Eleanor Roosevelt was

An active political partner of her husband and a key proponent of New Deal liberalism

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The founder of Tuskegee Institute who emphasized that educational and economic opportunities were more important than civil rights was

booker t Washington

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All of the following are reasons why the Great Depression occurred except

there was too much gov spending for poor workers

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The Roosevelt proposal of 1937 that aroused tremendous public resistance was the

plan to increase the size of the Supreme Court

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The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

Restored tribal ownership of lands, recognized tribal constitutions and government, and provided loans for economic development.

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Women with ambition generally sought work as all of the following except

department store clerks

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The popular political personality known as the "radio priest" was

Father Coughlin

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In the Teapot Dome scandal,

Harding's Secretary of the Interior took bribes and awarded fraudulent leases to oil companies

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The government program that employed some two million young men planting trees and improving the environment in 1933 was the

civillian conservation corps

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In 1932, the so-called Bonus Army

petitioned Congress for early payment of their World War I veteran benefits.

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The black opera singer who sang on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 in a symbolic concert against racism was

Marian Anderson

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Charles A. Lindbergh became a celebrity in the 1920s when he

completed the first solo flight across the Atlantic

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Which of the following is true about the Palmer Raids and the Red Scare of 1919-1920?

it was an intense period of political intolerance

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the flapper

epitomized the change in standards of sexual behavior

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The Harlem Renaissance

describes the quest by writers like Langston hughes to write about the black experience

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Woody Guthrie was

popular folk singer of the 1930s

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Which of the following was associated with jazz music?

Duke Ellington

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Jack Dempsey

dubbed the "manassas Mauler" he was a cultural icon of the 1920s

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The initial U.S. policy regarding the European war was to

persue a policy of neutrality

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The peace treaty negotiated by the Allies

forced Germany to accept total responsibility for the war

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Most African American soldiers were

not allowed to fight

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At the beginning of World War I, the U.S. identified most strongly with

Great Britain

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The commanding military officer who ordered the attack the bonus marchers in Washington was

Douglas Mcarthur

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Marcus Garvey was

the founder of a black separatist organization

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Former President Theodore Roosevelt

Insisted that war with Germany was inevitable for the U.S.

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Progressive reformer Jane Addams

founded the Women's Peace Party and strongly opposed war.

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In the United States during World War I, a hamburger was renamed a

Salisbury steak

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The benefits of the dams that were constructed via New Deal policies

helped spur the growth of the Tennessee Valley Authority

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Americans were outraged by the "Zimmermann telegram" because it

Encouraged Mexico to side with Germany in case America entered the War

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One of the major demands of women reformers during the New Deal years was for

Protective Legislation

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Which of the following did not join the League of Nations?

United States

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Passed in 1917 and 1918, the Espionage, Sabotage, and Sedition Acts

Allowed citizen to be prosecuted for profaning the flag, constitution or the government

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