the conch shell
fragile, like civilization
law and order - grants authority that everyone used to defer to
lord of the flies
jack’s offering to the beast
from the greek “beelzebub” - satan/the devil
symbolizes man’s inherent capacity for evil
desire to preserve civilization
contrasted with how Jack lives in a cave
for Ralph - civilization/rescue
for jack cooking meat
piggy’s glasses
man’s ability to think
jack smashes one of the lenses and uses the other for fire
symbol of evil - transforms Simon and the parachute guy into “beasts” (Fear)
face paint
maskes evil actions, evil people
common sense, law and order
democratic system of government (chief, election, etc)
ralph means “wolf counselor” - leader of the pack
irresponsible authority, animalistic, man of action/impulse
dictatorship governemnt
jack - from Jacob meaning the “usurper” (from the Bible - stole inheritance from his brother Esau)
ineffective intellectual - outsider
mystic - has insights into good and evil, but can’t relate them
Simon = simon Peter, a christ figure who dies trying to share truth and goodness
evil. Roger means spear (from German)
dead parachutist
symbolizes evil developing on the island; the outside world’s evil influence.
“imagined” evil, mortality