What is the gluteal region?
It is the anatomical area located posteriorly to the pelvic girdle, extending superiorly from the iliac crest to the gluteal fold inferiorly.
What indicates the lower border of the Gluteus Maximus?
The gluteal fold
What separates the two buttocks?
The natal (intergluteal groove)
What are the components of the gluteal region
There are seven components of the gluteal region:
The skin
The fasciae
There are two fasciae in the gluteal region, what are they?
The superficial fascia
The deep fascia
What does the superficial fascia of the gluteal region do?
It gives the characteristic convexity of the buttocks
It forms a thick cushion over the ischial tuberosity
Name the quadrants of the superficial fascia.
The upper medial quadrant
The upper lateral quadrant
The lower medial quadrant
The lower lateral quadrant
What arteries supply the fat and skin of the gluteal region?
The gluteal region is supplied by perforating branches of the inferior and superior gluteal arteries.
What lymphatic vessels does the gluteal region drain to?
The superficial Inguinal Lymph nodes
What is the deep fascia of the gluteal region?
The is the continuation of the fascia lata of the thigh.
What are the bones of the gluteal region?
The hip bone or coxal bone
The hip joint
The femur
How many ligaments are in the gluteal region?
There are two ligaments in the gluteal region
The sacrospinous ligament
The sacrospinous ligament connects the sacrum the the ischial spine.
The sacrotuberous ligament
It connects the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity
What do the ligaments of the gluteal region do?
The covert the greater and lesser sciatic notches into the greater and lesser sciatic foramina.
What are the functions of the ligaments
They stabilize the sacrum
They prevent the posterior rotation at the sacroiliac joint
What is the landmark at the center of the greater sciatic foramen?
The piriformis
What structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen above the piriformis?
The superior gluteal vessels and nerves
What structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen below the piriformis?
inferior gluteal vessels and nerves
The pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels
The sciatic nerve
The nerve to the obturator internus
The nerve to the quadratus femoris
The posterior cutaneous nerve
What structures pass through the lesser sciatic foramen?
The pudendal nerve and the internal pudendal vessels enter the foramen while the tendon to the obturator internus and the nerve to the obturator nerve exit the foramen.
The superficial extensor and abductor muscles are the large muscles of the gluteal region that abduct and extend the humerus. Name them:
The gluteus Maximus
The gluteus medius
The gluteus minimus
The tensor fascia lata
The deep lateral rotator muscles are the smaller muscles of the gluteal region that laterally rotate the femur. There are five of them, what are they?
The piriformis
The quadratus femoris
The Gemellus superior
The gemellus inferior
The obturator internus
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body and forms the prominence of the buttocks. What is its origin and insertion?
The gluteus Maximus originates from:
The outer surface of ilium behind the posterior gluteal line
The lumbar fascia
The posterior surface of the sacrum and the coccyx
The sacrotuberous ligament
The gluteus Maximus inserts into:
Three fourths of the muscle inserts into the iliotibial tract
Deep fibers insert into the gluteal tuberosity
What is the innervation of the gluteus Maximus?
The inferior gluteal nerve
The gluteus Maximus is the only superficial muscle that is a lateral rotator of the hip, what are its other actions?
It extends and laterally rotates the hip joint
It extends the knee joint
It stabilizes the hip and knee joint via the iliotibial tract
What is the insertion and the origin of the gluteus medius?
It originates from the outer surface of the ilium between the posterior and medial gluteal line. It inserts into the lateral surface of the greater trochanter.
What is the origin and insertion of the gluteus minimus?
It originates from the outer surface of the ilium and inserts into the anterior surface of the greater trochanter
What muscles are innervated by the superior gluteal artery and medially rotate and abduct the thigh?
The gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus
What is the origin of the tensor fascia lata?
It originates from the outer edge of the iliac crest, between the anterior superior iliac spine and the the iliac tubercle
What is the insertion of the tensor fascia lata?
The iliotibial tract
What is the innervation and action of the tensor fascia lata?
innervated by the superior gluteal nerve and maintains the knee in an extended position.