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Various representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from different parts of the world drafted the UDHR
United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the DECLARATION IN PARIS DECEMBER 10TH, 1948.
Translated into 500 languages and has 30 articles.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Maintains global peace and security
Developing welcoming relations between nations
Achieving worldwide cooperation
Playing a pivotal role in harmonizing the actions of nations
Key Aspects of the United Nations.
international peace and security
Human rights
Social and economic development
Humanitarian actions
International law
UN promotes peaceful dialogue instead of using conflict or was a solution
International peace and security
Human rights
Improves economic and social well- being of people
Social and economic development
Response to natural and man-made disasters that local government is unable to resolve
Humanitarian actions
Address international issues, including protecting the environment, regulating migrant labor, tackling drug traffiking, fighting terrorism
International law
Encourage and support colonized countries to enjoy their freedom
General assembly
Economic and Social Council
Trusteeship council
International court justice
International criminal court
International law and commission
UN peacekeeping force
UN Structure
The main body that embraced 193 member countries
General assembly
Central council discussing economic, social and environmental matters and preparing policy recommendation
Economic and Social Council
Managed 80 colonized countries, but became inactive in 1994
Trusteeship council
A body that handles legal disputes submitted by states, decisions are final and no appeal.
International court justice
Handles crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Power is limited, US, Russia and China did not participate
International criminal court
Promotes and proposes international laws
International law and commission
Lester Pearson, suggests peacemaking forces resolve conflicts between states.
UN peacekeeping force
Environmental degradation = population growth and extreme consumption patterns
Globalization impacts the earth also because of people’s global movements and interactions
Economic = high demand for market products increases waste because of their high consumption affecting the environment.
Steger, worldwide reductions of biodiversity is one of the main ecological problems
Global Environmental Issues.
Lack of jobs
Increase in population = decrease in job availability, forcing people to move to other cities or countries
Lack of housing
Increase migrants = housing shortage, force to live in crowded apartment causes environmental stress
An increase population = increased demands for public services, food, housing, and clothing, affecting the ecosystem.
climate activistism (BRIANNA)
For some people, climate change feel very static like something you watch from the news
Engagement of young people helps rebuild or reimagine a future because we are the future
Change will come whether you like it or not (GRETA)
Speeches on Climate Change by Brianna Fruean and Greta Thunberg (Watch the videos.)
Structured process of analysis to understand conflict and focus on core analatic
Core Conflict Analytical Elements.
Context that shapes conflict
History of the coflict
Political, economic social and evnironmetnal situations have shaped the conflict
Actors that influence conflict(local, national, regional, global)
Their interest, concerns, goals, hopes, fears, strategies and position
Capacity they have
Relationship among actors
Cause of conflict
Structure and proximate cause of conflict
Current conflits dynamics/trends
Factors of the conflict profile, actors and causes reinforce or undermine each other
Triggers conflict
Scenatios can be developed
Open conflict = very visible and deeprooted
Surface conflict = visible and shallow or with no roots
Laten conflict = below the surface with the potential to emerge
Types of Conflict.
seen from intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, international, regional, and local perspectives
draws on psychology, anthropology, politics, sociology, history, law, religion
occurs anywhere in the world
embraces systematic analysis and interpretation of statistics to bring social, political, and economic changes
Both analytic and normative
with an interplay between theory and practice
Between theoretical and practical
Roots = main causes of the conflict or the background of it
Trunks = the problem that all concerned parties face
Leaves = effects of conflict on people
Conflict tree
assertive and uncooperative, focus on winning, define ones stand, using ones power to gain something
unassertive and cooperative, neglect ones advantage for the sake of others, self- sacfrice, accepting other’s view
unasertive and uncooperative, putting things aside, postponing, removes oneself from the issue
assertive and cooperative, engage in teamwork to find solution, joins investigating the problem, considers other’s view to solve the problem
moderate in both assertiveness and cooperativeness, looks for solution that partially satisfies both parties, attends the problem rather than avoiding it, looking for a common ground
being well with oneself, also refers To unity with oneself, others and God. healthy people meet their basic needs (security, psychology, surrender, love, respect an self-esteem.
Personal dimension; Spirituality
forgiveness, reconciliation and ongoing dilagoue lead to peace
Social dimension; intercultural dialogue
ensures the needs of the without compramising the ability of the future generations to confront their own needs. A barries to the aspiration (environmental degration =threat to development) of a more just, united and ultimately peaceful world
Natural dimension; susatainability
Globalism = refers to ones interest and involvement in addressing global issues, interconnedtedness of people and the environment
Aristotles view = urge individuals too consider perspective beyond their immediate family and personal interests.
Environmental Perspectives on Global Challenges.
Individuals should evaluate their personal interests such as consumerism, and consier their impact on the environment
Global sustainability advocated for a shift toward collective responsibility
Environmental context
Effective leadership = lead with purpose, empathy and vision for sustainable future
Collaboration with social movements = engage in partnership focused on climate action and sustainability
Acknowledgement of threats to global citizenship = recognized the interconnectedness threats to humanity, and climate change and take collective action
Thompson - solutions of to overcome psychological challenges
inability to get various service and social rejection expose people to vulnerability.
Solutions; clien-focused services, research-based approach, and community involvement
develop different programs that address the needs of the vulnerable population and empower community members by allowing them to actively participate in decision makings and service provision.
Inequality and Vulnerability
failing to maintain international law led to continued challenges in huminatatian activities
Solutions; promote international law, involves community leaders and use new diplomacy
Erosion of international norms
accelerates disasters, causes dislocation, and pressure humanitarian systems, HO must modify their strategies to handle urgent crisis and prepare future climate-relted challenges
Solutions; develop mitigation strategy, sustainable support response, and climate justice
Climate crisis
local actors participate is vital, due to the increase for humanitarian assistant
Solutions; strengthening capacity, re-strategize funding approaches, work with local governments and build a strong coordination between the local gov nd humanitarian organizations
Localized assistance
became routine and powerful and challenging to manage
Solutions; strenghtening health sectors, global collaboration for health, and community health education
Infectious diseases
advancement of tech is increasing surpasing the ethical principles and regulaions, creating risk in privacy and abuse in huminatrian setting
Solutions; develop ethinal guidelines, inclusive innovation, and continues supervising
Ethnical tech and innovation
shared responsibility and innovation will lead to future victory in humanitarian work