The Horridness of Byzantine

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  • Located on the Bosporus strait.

  • Has 7 hills, water on 3 sides, and walls for protection.

  • The Bosporus strait controls the Black Sea, Strait of Marmara, and Aegean Sea for trade.

  • The Bosporus strait is the bridge from one continent to the next.

  • Byzantine covered most of Rome’s old territory

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Similarities to Rome

  • 7 Hills

  • Building palaces from Roman styles

  • Narrow streets, crowded apartments

  • Sporting events in oval arena

  • Political and social life from Rome

  • Army from Roman custom

UNLIKE Rome, always Christian City

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  • Moved capital to Constantinople, shifting the power to the east and giving rise to Byzantine

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Emperor that created Edict of Thessalonica. Made Christianity the official religion. (EDIT MORE)

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  • Greatest Byzantine emperor

  • Created the Justinian’s Code by creating a panel to compile, edit, and revise the old Roman laws.

    • Justinian Code lasted for over 900 years after his death

  • Built many buildings and construction projects, liked building churches the most

  • Rebuilt the Hagia Sophia

  • Conquered a lot of land for Byzantine and expanded the land a lot

  • Was hated by Procopius

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  • Wife Of Justinian, Empress of Byzantine

  • Convinced Justinian to stay and fight during the Nika Rebellion when he would’ve given up

  • Started programs to give young girls housing, money, food, and clothing

  • Early in life was an actress, before fleeing to the Monophysites, and converting to Christianity

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  • Justinian’s top general

  • Conquered a lot of land for Byzantine

  • Was hated by Procopius because Belisarius supported Justinian

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  • Head Person in creating the Justinian Code

  • Justinian Code was a single uniform code regarding all laws and legal matters

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Great Schism 1054 CE

  • The splitting of the Western and Eastern parts of the Christian Church

  • The Western part became the Roman Catholic Church while the Eastern part became the Eastern Orthodox Church

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Cyril and Methodius brothers

  • Two missionaries who tried to convert people to the Eastern Orthodox Christianity

  • Were sent in the 800s by Byzantine emperors to Central and Eastern Europe

  • Created the Cyrillic Alphabet (Cyril)

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  • Was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III

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Pope Leo III

  • The one who crowned Charlemagne the Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD

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  • Greatly praised Justinian in the book he published, Histories

  • Planned to later release Secret History denouncing Justinian’s actions because he secretly hated both Justinian and Belisarius

  • Died before he could release Secret History

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Religious images used by Western Christians. Roman Catholic supported icons so followers didn’t need to read. Eastern Orthodox was was against icons because patriarchs would lose power.

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Nika Rebellin

  • The two chariot gangs, Blue and Green, packed the Hippodrome and demanded Justinian be overthrown.

  • They were upset about the severity of the punishment previous rioters had gotten when they rioted.

  • Justianian considered fleeing, but Theodora convinced him to stay.

  • Justinian sent Belisarius to storm the Hippodrome and slaughter 30,000 rebels.

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Crusades - 1st and 4th

First Crusade (1096-1099)

  • Launched by Pope Urban II, who called European Christians to reclaim Holy Land from Muslim rule

  • Emperor Alexios I Komnenos gave Crusader leaders military support and supplies in exchange for their allegiance and return of any Byzantine territories they conquered

  • They were able to control many important cities, but it led to tensions between Byzantines and Crusaders

Fourth Crusade (1202-1204)

  • Originally was supposed to recapture Jerusalem, but turned into an attack on Constantinople

  • The reasons largely stem from political and economic tensions between Byzantine and the Crusaders

  • It was a devastating blow to Byzantine, which was looted and burned; Crusaders temporarily made a Latin empire

  • Marked the beginning of the decline of Byzantine Empire

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Downfall - Interior Problems

  • Lack of legal successors to throne

    • Murders, revolutions, and fights for the throne

  • Religious Differences

  • Empire economy was bad

    • Peasants were over taxed and rebelled

    • Warfare and trade is costly

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Downfall - Exterior Problems

  • Threats from Persians and early Muslims in 600s

  • Feuds with Christians in 800s (Franks and Russians)

  • Seljuk Turks threatened in late 1000s, gained Asia Minor Parts (Battle of Manzikent, 1071)

  • First Crusade starts after Alexios I seeks helps from Western Christians (1096-1099)

  • Christians in Western Europe attack Constantinople (Fourth Crusade 1202-1204)

  • Ottoman Turks invade and conquer Constantinople (1453)

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Iconoclastic Controversy

  • Pope Gregory excommunicated Emperor Leo III (731-741 AD)

  • Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor (800 AD)

  • More tension in West and East

  • Byzantine Emperors sent Cyril and Methodius to Central and Eastern Europe

  • Christian Church split into two when Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I Cerularius excommunicated each other.

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Differences In Churches

Roman Catholic

  • Practiced in the West

  • Approved of icons, so followers didn’t need to know how to read

  • The pope has authority over other bishops

  • Pope > Emperor

  • Priests can’t marry

  • Language was Latin

  • No divorcing

Eastern Orthodox

  • Practiced in East

  • Disapproved of icons because religious officials would lose power

  • The patriarch and other bishops head the Church as a group

  • Emperor > Patriarchs + Bishops

  • Priests can marry

  • Language was Greek

  • Divorcing is allowed

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Justinian’s Accomplishments

  • Made the Justinian Code, compilation of Roman laws

  • Conquered and reclaimed most of the Roman territory for Byzantine

  • Rebuilt Hagia Sophia

  • Built many buildings, primarily churches

  • Killed 30,000 people during Nika Rebellion

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Did Justinian revive the Roman empire or create a new empire?

  • Justinian created a new empire because Byzantine is greatly distinct from Rome

  • Byzantine’s laws may have been inspired from Rome, but they’re clearly different because Justinian intentionally made a panel to revise old Roman laws.

    • Justinian Code was based off of Roman laws, but it was changed enough so it can be distinct from the Roman laws themselves.

  • Justinian rebuilt the Hagia Sophia, a Christian Church.

    • If Justinian aimed to revive the Roman empire, he would not rebuild a church, a place of worship for Christians.

  • Justinian conquered only most of the old Roman lands.

    • Justinian was unable to conquer ALL of the Roman lands, which makes his territory not truely Roman.

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