sui juris
of his own right
sui generis
of his own kind (unique)
ipse dixit
he himself said
de mortuis nil nisi bonum
(say) nothing but good about the dead
dominus vobiscum
Lord (be) with you
pax vobiscum
peace (be) with you
dona nobis pacem
give us peace
laborare est orare
to work is to pray
alea iacta est
the die has been cast (Caesar quote)
veni, vidi, vici
I came, I saw, I conquered (Caesar quote)
veni, vidi, visa
I came, I saw, I bought
veni, vidi, vegi
I came, I saw, I ate a salad
sine qua non
without which not (indispensible)
a posteriori
from the latter (based on experience)
in situ
in that place (in its original place)
horribile dictu
horrible to say
mirabile dictu
amazing to say
quid pro quo
this for that (one thing in return for another)
quo jure
by what (legal) right
quo animo
with what intention
nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege
no crime without a law, no punishment without a law
ex tempore
out of the moment
habeas corpus
you may have the body
he has stated an oath
in loco parentis
in place of a parent
modus operandi
method of working
in flagrante delicto
in the burning crime (caught in the act)
pro bono
for the good (done without charge)
sic transit gloria mundi
thus passes away the glory of the world (fame is fleeting)
dies felix
lucky day
there is a lack