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open to new experiences
curious, exploratory, imaginative, creative, adventurous
responsible, determined, detailed, methodical, self-disciplined, organized
socially adaptable, socially aware, energized by others, seek attention form others, self confident, assertive
how well you get along with others, likability, cooperative, friendliness, emotional warmth, empathetic
anxious, moody, stressed out, worrisome, nervous
people describe what is happening in ambiguous pictures
pleasure principe
seeks pleasure
don’t care for rules
innate desires
immediate wants
no morals
reality principle
tries to balance both superego and ID
keeps desires realistic and under control
still getting what they want w/o hurting someone
moral conscious
represents social norms and values
morally follows rules
ideal (rules, laws, norms)
feels proud guilt
to push into the unconscious mind, bury painful thoughts/ memories
to revert back to childlike behavior’s
to not admit the real problem
intellectualization (emotional)
to completely turn off one’s emotions
attempting to justify or make up excuses
reaction formation (hypocrite)
feeling expressed as the opposite of ones true feelings
a persons real feelings or behaviors are projected to another person
express unacceptable impulses (thoughts/ desires) in acceptable ways
taking anger out in the wrong source/ redirecting anger at a safer source
humanistic theories
humanist believing that people are basically good, self actualization after basic needs
social cognitive theories
modeling —> learning something by watching others (environments)
reciprocal determinism
the way personality interacts with the environment
albert bandits and self efficiency
how competent you feel confident in your abilities
alfred binet
the idea of mental age identify children who needed extra help to do well in school
Lewis Terman
formula: mental age/ chronological age x 100 = ?
david weschsler
created test and scale to evaluate intelligence for different age groups
WAIS - adult scale
WISC - children scale
WPPSI - preschool, primary scale
charles spearman
G factor intelligence (one single general factor of intelligence)
robert sternberg
triachic intelligence : analytic, partial, creative intelligence
howard gardner
people show intelligence through different abilities and strength (strength and weakness)
daniel goldman
emotional intelligence is an important factor in life long success (emotional awareness, manage emotions/ empathy)
the flynn effect
increased in IQ scores of each generation have steadily increase in modern times
fluid intelligence
problem solving intelligence
crystallized intelligence
knowledge gained over time
multiple intelligences
self fulfilling prophecy
a prediction that causes itself to come true due to the belief in the prediction because it ends up influencing behaviors
the pygmalion effect
the expectations of others can influence a persons perception of themselves and their performance
stereotype threat
when a person feels threatened that they may exhibit the stereotypes about a group they belong to and therefore caused anxiety
achievement test
measured what you have learned or accomplished
speed test
how fast a person can solve problems
power test
measure difficulty level of problems a person can solve (increase difficulties as you get one right)
standardized tests
a test is first given to a similar population of people establish achievement norms (standardized sample)
consistency of results
measures what it’s supposed to measure
split-half reliability
measures the consistency of a test by splitting in half and compared results (high correlation = good reliability)
test re-test reliability
taking the same tests again to see improvement or consistency over time
content validity (range)
the degree to which an assessment accurately measured what it is supposed to be tested (units)
face validity (first glance)
how much a test appears to measure what it claims, based on a casual judgement